hrbrmstr / ggalt

:earth_americas: Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations & Scales for 'ggplot2'
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geom_scdensity #46

Open hrbrmstr opened 6 years ago

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

Add a Geom/Stat for:

xvrdm commented 6 years ago

Hi Bob, I would be very interested to see how a contribution is made!! Thanks a lot for offering.

JoGall commented 6 years ago

I'd love to see behind the scenes of a ggplot2 geom / stat, thanks!

dmi3kno commented 6 years ago

I am in as well

kanishkamisra commented 6 years ago

Very much interested in knowing how to make a geom! Thanks a lot for this :)

timtrice commented 6 years ago

Interested, as well.

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

(just a quick note as I'm traveling a bit through Wed and internet is spotty for me)

Wow! You folks are amazing (not exaggerating).

I'd like to be able to accommodate everyone so lemme ponder a good format. Wld folks be up for both some static resources (e.g. vignette-ish tutorial) and a live (but also recorded) session or two (esp a Q&A session or two)?

timtrice commented 6 years ago

Personally I'd prefer a vignette-type document but I'm also willing to transcribe a video if it's easier for the community.

dmi3kno commented 6 years ago

I would also enjoy bite-size assignments: "take this code, modify function x to produce y". I would appreciate if you could outline your approach to starting new geom - what to do first, what to keep in mind, where should one start (I suspect there are many examples to copy). Very happy to do something on my own and have other people mock/comment on my code.

xvrdm commented 6 years ago

Very interested in a video+vignette approach! 2 things I find particularly intriguing : how do you test geom before submitting a pull request and what does a properly formatted/documented pull request look like?

LVG77 commented 6 years ago

Hi Bob, thank you for your offer! I am very much interested in learning more about the creation of ggplot2 geoms and the overall process of submitting a PR.

kanishkamisra commented 6 years ago

A vignette seems great to me, a live session would depend on timings but if I am free I will surely join!

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'd like to sign in as well. I built a package for my company that "creates" a geom but is actually just a wrapper for geom_point, and it's very clunky. I'd love to have a better understanding on how to properly build a geom. A vignette would be great.

MHenderson commented 6 years ago

I am also interested. Thanks.

bhive01 commented 6 years ago

I'd like to add to the pile. For as long as I've used ggplot2, I've rarely been able to understand its guts. This would be a good primer.

malcolmbarrett commented 6 years ago

What a great introduction. I would love to be involved.

sefabey commented 6 years ago

Interested, gotta shake up this imposter syndrome (though I know little).

ateucher commented 6 years ago

What they said ⬆️

cimentadaj commented 6 years ago

What they said ⬆️

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi Bob, I am interested in seeing how a contribution is made!! Thank you for the offer.

mvevans89 commented 6 years ago

I'd definitely be interested. Seems like with this amount of interest, a vignette may be easiest but anything would be :100:

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

Awesome folks.

Lemme try an incremental bookdown tutorial/splainer/vignette on this (chapter a topic). That way I can get something going right away and keep y'all interested & informed. And, there are a cpl more straightforward geoms that I can pull up that "need" implementing, so there's likely something for everyone, too.

robertmitchellv commented 6 years ago

Just saw your tweet Bob; I’m very keen to dive deeper into geoms! If you can squeeze me in that is.

smouksassi commented 6 years ago

looking forward to learn more and work on s stat quantile that can do ribbons using rqss

jthomasmock commented 6 years ago

Looking to contribute!

AndreaPi commented 6 years ago

I'm interested too! Video or vignette is the same, whatever works better for you. I would be happy to contribute, with my beginner-level skills (never loaded a package on CRAN before :-)

daranzolin commented 6 years ago

Sign me up!

sibusiso16 commented 6 years ago

I’m also interested, thank you!

afayyazuddin commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your offer! I am also interested.

xdoan commented 6 years ago

This sounds great! I would also love to contribute. Thanks so much for this great opportunity.

eringrand commented 6 years ago

I'm also interested!

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

Alright (phew) I'm done traveling this week will get something going by tomorrow for this.

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

And, the first part (which is more of a "please ensure you've done these things first") is up.

I'll be linking to each new chapter as I get through them (one more coming today at a minimum) and the bookdown source will eventually be exposed on GitHub but I'm writing this for y'all vs all the gitstalkers so I'd rather you see the content first before anyone else notices. Feel free to drop "what the heck?!"'s or other q's here or DM me on Twitter if q's in an open forum isn't your cup of tea (ages ago I used to be more than a bit hesitant to ask q's in an open forum, therefore I grok how others might be uncomfortable doing so as well).

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

And, as promised, here is the first "real" chapter: "Demystifying ggplot2" :

It covers the basic structure of a ggplot2 plot, how it goes from grammar of graphics to final visualized output and delves into the objects that are created along the way.

There are exercises at the end which will really help you later on down the road.

I'll give folks a cpl of days to work through it before posting another chapter.

EmilHvitfeldt commented 6 years ago

What they said ⬆️

jkaupp commented 6 years ago

What they all said ^

smouksassi commented 6 years ago

thanks following well so far great way to let us look at the ggplot2 internals. would be good to give us some examples that help us see how the internals change as depending of our use case we might not have exposure to certain ways on how ggplot2 can be used.

xvrdm commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for getting this started so quickly! Shall we submit pull request for typos? I am not sure if we can on private repos...

JoGall commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for doing this -- a perfect format for learning something I've been meaning to for ages!

jjchern commented 6 years ago

Hey Bob, thanks for your effort in creating a supportive atmosphere within the R community. I wanted to let you know I built my first ggplot2 extension thanks to your tutorial, especially the suggestion on keeping a local copy of ggplot2. The package is also on CRAN now (it's my first CRAN package).