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Swiss Online Import Costs Calculator
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Swiss Post custom fees calculation change #5

Open phoeniks-sk opened 3 weeks ago

phoeniks-sk commented 3 weeks ago

Firstly, thank you for the tool!

Secondly, Swiss Post seems to have changed their custom clearance fees and the way they are calculated. According to this it's now:

Also, I cannot seem to find any evidence that these fees are not levied when the VAT is lower than 5 CHF, as the calculator seems to suggest. Do you remember what that part of the calculation was based on? Because I'm not sure if it hasn't changed too.

href commented 3 weeks ago

I think this was on the website before, but I'm not sure. I can still find references to it online though, it's called the "Abgabenfreigrenze" as explained here:

I think this still applies, but I'm far from an expert (and I look at this very infrequently, so I'm not up to date). I guess the update to 13/16 might make sense though - though I don't know if the 1.50 they give you for paying online are relevant (maybe they just deduct that in the end?).

In any case, I'm happy to accept pull requests if you can manage it. It might take me a while to get to this otherwise :)