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Product Monographs WebForms
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Work Status Update??? #51

Closed MartinBernard closed 8 years ago

MartinBernard commented 8 years ago

Status Update on #39 , #40 , #45 , #48

Most important is the upload of your code to GIT.

MartinBernard commented 8 years ago

@maadarani - sorry to pester you with all these updates but last week you mentioned that all of the above would be completed in relative short order. I would like an update please as soon as possible.

maadarani commented 8 years ago

@MartinBernard Sorry Martin. I should have the ToDo issues completed this weekend (except the web report, since you asked to hold on for this one)

MartinBernard commented 8 years ago

thx Mike.