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Discord module linking user KO #258

Open rems25000 opened 1 year ago

rems25000 commented 1 year ago


If you check the box in the discord module, "Require on sign-up": image

When validating your account by email link. we come across a page "Page not found.": image

here is the link received by email:

[GIN] GET(/invites) => 200 [GIN] GET(/users) => 200 [GIN] GET(/users/announce) => 200 [GIN] POST(/newUser) => 401 [INFO] 10:03:11 y2nkkL6FnAcPjs4LdLk4ge: Sent user confirmation email to "" [GIN] GET(/invite/y2nkkL6FnAcPjs4LdLk4ge?key=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImRhdmlkcmVtaWxkYXBAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNjc4MTM4ODM2LCJpbnZpdGUiOiJ5Mm5ra0w2Rm5BY1BqczRMZExrNGdlIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiJBemVydHkxMjM0IiwidGVsZWdyYW1QSU4iOiIiLCJ0eXBlIjoiY29uZmlybWF0aW9uIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJyZW1pIiwidmFsaWQiOnRydWV9.WupQjJDY3QTFBx0V-q8WuBsudadn0jO7Nghc4Cb_fWQ) => 404 [INFO] 10:03:28 Config requested [GIN] GET(/config) => 200

Another problem: During the process of linking the discord account. the user is indeed assigned the role, special. But in the "Discord" column everything is empty. however, if I add manually. it works. image image


Version 0.4.0 trusty main On Debian x64

TataQueen commented 1 year ago

For me it doesn't start the bot, find roles or show the link discord button when creating an account