Closed chyuaner closed 9 years ago
There are multiple issues here. I'll look into it, but it may be an issue with character encoding.
Hello, I've the same issue here.
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Value '1022iny Tiny RSS: New Releases� 00:00:00�0001000�2014-12-01 13:37:420000000�0�' can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetRow.getTimestampFast(
at com.mysql.jdbc.BufferRow.getTimestampFast(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getTimestampInternal(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getTimestamp(
at it.sineo.ttrssMySQL2PGSQL.Sync.main(
Did you found how to fix it ?
The source code for the exception is this one:
case Types.TIMESTAMP: {
Timestamp _ts = rs.getTimestamp(i);
That means that the MySQL driver is trying to read the "i-th" column as a Timestamp (having looked at the column metadata earlier) but then fails and reads too much data (the entire row '1022iny Tiny RSS: New Releases� 00:00:00�0001000�2014-12-01 13:37:420000000�0�'). What MySQL database and JDBC driver are you (both) using?
For MySQL:
$ mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.44, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.2
For Postgresql:
$ psql -version
psql (9.1.18)
Source: mysql-connector-java
Version: 5.1.16-2
Why are you using a MySQL connector older than the one I pushed in the dist/ directory? Anyway, I just pushed updated jars, MySQL 5.1.36 and PGSQL 9.4. Give them a try (Java 1.7+) and report, as I guess it should be an issue w/ MySQL.
Still the same issue. Using java version "1.7.0_79".
Just out of curiosity... could you please perform a mysqlcheck and/or mysqlrepair on the schema, to check if everything is in order?
$ mysqlcheck -c ttrss -u ttrss -p
Enter password:
ttrss.ttrss_access_keys OK
ttrss.ttrss_archived_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_cat_counters_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_counters_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_enclosures OK
ttrss.ttrss_entries OK
ttrss.ttrss_entry_comments OK
ttrss.ttrss_error_log OK
ttrss.ttrss_feed_categories OK
ttrss.ttrss_feedbrowser_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_filter_actions OK
ttrss.ttrss_filter_types OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2_actions OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2_rules OK
ttrss.ttrss_labels2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_linked_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_linked_instances OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_categories OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_references OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_wordfreqs OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_storage OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs_sections OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs_types OK
ttrss.ttrss_sessions OK
ttrss.ttrss_settings_profiles OK
ttrss.ttrss_tags OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_entries OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_labels2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_prefs OK
ttrss.ttrss_users OK
ttrss.ttrss_version OK
$ mysqlrepair -c ttrss -u ttrss -p
Enter password:
ttrss.ttrss_access_keys OK
ttrss.ttrss_archived_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_cat_counters_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_counters_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_enclosures OK
ttrss.ttrss_entries OK
ttrss.ttrss_entry_comments OK
ttrss.ttrss_error_log OK
ttrss.ttrss_feed_categories OK
ttrss.ttrss_feedbrowser_cache OK
ttrss.ttrss_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_filter_actions OK
ttrss.ttrss_filter_types OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2_actions OK
ttrss.ttrss_filters2_rules OK
ttrss.ttrss_labels2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_linked_feeds OK
ttrss.ttrss_linked_instances OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_categories OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_references OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_af_sort_bayes_wordfreqs OK
ttrss.ttrss_plugin_storage OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs_sections OK
ttrss.ttrss_prefs_types OK
ttrss.ttrss_sessions OK
ttrss.ttrss_settings_profiles OK
ttrss.ttrss_tags OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_entries OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_labels2 OK
ttrss.ttrss_user_prefs OK
ttrss.ttrss_users OK
ttrss.ttrss_version OK
I'm clueless. Let's do something different. Delete that feed (since it's long gone upstream and you won't need it) and try again. Is the DB open to the outside world (i.e.: can I connect to it?)
I have the same issue with the tt-rss forum feed. I've deleted it too.
I still have some error:
ERROR: L'élément du batch 37 INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, cat_id, feed_url, icon_url, update_interval, purge_interval, last_updated, last_error, site_url, auth_login, auth_pass, parent_feed, private, rtl_content, hidden, include_in_digest, cache_images, cache_content, auth_pass_encrypted, last_viewed, last_update_started, always_display_enclosures, update_method, order_id, mark_unread_on_update, update_on_checksum_change, strip_images, pubsub_state, favicon_last_checked, hide_images, view_settings, favicon_avg_color, feed_language) VALUES (113, 3, 'Korben', 16, '', '', 0, 90, '2013-08-15 08:02:17.000000 +02:00:00', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '2013-07-16 07:18:53.000000 +02:00:00', '2015-04-04 14:00:12.000000 +02:00:00', '0', 0, 0, '0', '0', '0', 0, '2013-08-14 23:02:34.000000 +02:00:00', '0', '', '#996666', '') a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
[ttrss_feeds] setting sequence to 307
INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: L'élément du batch 38 INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) VALUES (103, 3, 'Tiny Tiny RSS: Forum', '', '') a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
[ttrss_archived_feeds] 386 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: L'élément du batch 4 INSERT INTO ttrss_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (115, 3, 56, '2013-08-15 08:02:17.000000 +02:00:00') a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
[ttrss_counters_cache] 99 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_cat_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: L'élément du batch 2 INSERT INTO ttrss_cat_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (16, 3, 2771, '2013-08-15 08:02:17.000000 +02:00:00') a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
But the script still running for now. And no there is no outside world access to my DB.
I'll keep you in touch when the script end.
Script done, but a lot's of data is missing. For example, in ttrss_feeds I have 123 feeds in MySQL but none in PgSQL.
[ttrss_filters2_actions] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (70434, 1, 'non classé', 31693) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (252374, 1, 'document', 104615) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (469951, 4, 'événements', 136058) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (634695, 1, 'ecigarette', 167736) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (739176, 1, 'msi', 176493) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (813685, 1, 'vidéo', 179561) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (856649, 1, 'goûter', 181438) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (869958, 1, 'pc', 182513) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (886021, 1, 'streamers', 183466) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (895125, 1, 'contact', 184003) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (898215, 1, 'omega vape', 184329) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (898715, 1, 'somebody should build a full size hyrule castle and i will come visit/squat', 184556) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (899215, 1, 'film', 184751) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (899715, 1, 'wishing you hadnt restaurant', 184945) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (900215, 1, 'film', 185207) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
ERROR: L'élément du batch 0 INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (900715, 1, 'blu-ray', 185470) a été annulé. Appeler getNextException pour en connaître la cause.
You can find the whole logs here:
Are you sure you're running the version I uploaded some days ago? That output looks like the old one, since it still doesn't show the "getNextException" output. Oh, and please, when you run the new version, try setting "usebatch=false" just in case.
Strange, i've done a git pull before. To be sure, I restart from scratch with a git clone after removing all the datas. Seems better, but still have some error:
[ttrss_users] setting sequence to 4
INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories(id, owner_uid, title, collapsed, order_id, parent_cat, view_settings) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
Détail : Key (owner_uid)=(1) is not present in table "ttrss_users".
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_feed_categories" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_feed_categories_owner_uid_fkey"
I'll post the full logs when done.
The full logs are here:
Ok, perfect. The log is very clear: the first lines show an error due to the schemas not being equal. MySQL has a "theme_id" column in the table ttrss_users which doesn't exist on PGSQL. And since the users table can't be populated, all the tables depending on it fail too. You need to have both schemas at the same version in order to use the tool.
In tt-rss/schema/mysql/83.sql you can see that the column was dropped. You're trying to port the data from a schema (at the very least) older than 83 into a new schema. The current schema version is 129. You can manually upgrade your mysql schema by running all the scripts in tt-rss/schema/versions/mysql/ After you upgrade it, run again the tool. :-)
Ok, I'll try this. But current schema version in MySQL is 129. I think some upgrades wasn't complete.
I've force to run all mysql script then I lost access to my tt-rss. I'll try this again tomorrow.
Thank you for your help !
Check if the version is still 129, maybe just limit to column adding/dropping statements... good luck :)
Hello, So, I've only removed the theme_id column in ttrss_users. I also removed the contraint:
ttrss_user_prefs_pref_name_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pref_name) REFERENCES ttrss_prefs(pref_name) ON DELETE CASCADE
Then import working fine:
$ more log.txt
INSERT INTO ttrss_users(id, login, pwd_hash, last_login, access_level, email, full_name, email_digest, last_digest_sent, salt, created, twitter_oauth, otp_enabled, resetpass_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_users] 214 ms.
[ttrss_users] setting sequence to 4
INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories(id, owner_uid, title, collapsed, order_id, parent_cat, view_settings) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feed_categories] 252 ms.
[ttrss_feed_categories] setting sequence to 27
INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, cat_id, feed_url, icon_url, update_interval, purge_interval, last_updated, last_error, site_url, auth_login, auth_pass, parent_feed, private, rtl_content, hid
den, include_in_digest, cache_images, cache_content, auth_pass_encrypted, last_viewed, last_update_started, always_display_enclosures, update_method, order_id, mark_unread_on_update, update_on_checksum_ch
ange, strip_images, pubsub_state, favicon_last_checked, hide_images, view_settings, favicon_avg_color, feed_language) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feeds] 1508 ms.
[ttrss_feeds] setting sequence to 307
INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_archived_feeds] 2016 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_counters_cache] 1390 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_cat_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_cat_counters_cache] 216 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_entries(id, title, guid, link, updated, content, content_hash, cached_content, no_orig_date, date_entered, date_updated, num_comments, plugin_data, comments, author, lang) VALUES (?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_entries] 232319 ms.
[ttrss_entries] setting sequence to 186648
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries(int_id, ref_id, uuid, feed_id, orig_feed_id, owner_uid, marked, published, tag_cache, label_cache, last_read, score, note, unread, last_marked, last_published) VALUES (?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_user_entries] 228617 ms.
[ttrss_user_entries] setting sequence to 187181
INSERT INTO ttrss_entry_comments(id, ref_id, owner_uid, private, date_entered) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_entry_comments] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2(id, owner_uid, match_any_rule, enabled, inverse, order_id, title) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_rules(id, filter_id, reg_exp, filter_type, feed_id, cat_id, cat_filter, inverse) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2_rules] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_actions(id, filter_id, action_id, action_param) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2_actions] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_tags] 105914 ms.
[ttrss_tags] setting sequence to 904690
INSERT INTO ttrss_enclosures(id, content_url, content_type, post_id, title, duration, width, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_enclosures] 49840 ms.
[ttrss_enclosures] setting sequence to 80088
INSERT INTO ttrss_settings_profiles(id, title, owner_uid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_settings_profiles] 10 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs(owner_uid, pref_name, value, profile) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_user_prefs] 1331 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_feedbrowser_cache(feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feedbrowser_cache] 1132 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_labels2(id, owner_uid, caption, fg_color, bg_color) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_labels2] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_labels2(label_id, article_id) VALUES (?, ?)
[ttrss_user_labels2] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_access_keys(id, access_key, feed_id, is_cat, owner_uid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_access_keys] 129 ms.
[ttrss_access_keys] setting sequence to 17
INSERT INTO ttrss_linked_instances(id, last_connected, last_status_in, last_status_out, access_key, access_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_linked_instances] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_linked_feeds(feed_url, site_url, title, created, updated, instance_id, subscribers) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_linked_feeds] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_plugin_storage(id, name, owner_uid, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_plugin_storage] 70 ms.
[ttrss_plugin_storage] setting sequence to 8
INSERT INTO ttrss_error_log(id, owner_uid, errno, errstr, filename, lineno, context, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_error_log] 691 ms.
[ttrss_error_log] setting sequence to 92
Now I think I have ane issue with tt-rss himself, I'm not able to login. In apache logs I found this:
[Tue Sep 01 14:52:39 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: pg_fetch_result(): Unable to jump to row 0 on PostgreSQL result index 37 in ttrss/classes/db/pgsql.php on line 61
This last issue is better suited for the general forum :) I'd think about closing this issue as solved w/ the update of the MySQL JDBC driver...
My mistake, every time I only empty the table in PSQL. I've just drop all tables then import the default schema and then run your script. It work fine now ! I'm able to login with default password.
Thank you again for your help !!
Just in case, here are the latest logs:
$ java -jar tt-rss-mysql2pgsql.jar | tee log.txt
INSERT INTO ttrss_users(id, login, pwd_hash, last_login, access_level, email, full_name, email_digest, last_digest_sent, salt, created, twitter_oauth, otp_enabled, resetpass_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ttrss_users_pkey"
Détail : Key (id)=(1) already exists.
[ttrss_users] 139 ms.
[ttrss_users] setting sequence to 4
INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories(id, owner_uid, title, collapsed, order_id, parent_cat, view_settings) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feed_categories] 788 ms.
[ttrss_feed_categories] setting sequence to 27
INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, cat_id, feed_url, icon_url, update_interval, purge_interval, last_updated, last_error, site_url, auth_login, auth_pass, parent_feed, private, rtl_content, hidden, include_in_digest, cache_images, cache_content, auth_pass_encrypted, last_viewed, last_update_started, always_display_enclosures, update_method, order_id, mark_unread_on_update, update_on_checksum_change, strip_images, pubsub_state, favicon_last_checked, hide_images, view_settings, favicon_avg_color, feed_language) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feeds] 3655 ms.
[ttrss_feeds] setting sequence to 307
INSERT INTO ttrss_archived_feeds(id, owner_uid, title, feed_url, site_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_archived_feeds] 3147 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_counters_cache] 1632 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_cat_counters_cache(feed_id, owner_uid, value, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_cat_counters_cache] 290 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_entries(id, title, guid, link, updated, content, content_hash, cached_content, no_orig_date, date_entered, date_updated, num_comments, plugin_data, comments, author, lang) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_entries] 340852 ms.
[ttrss_entries] setting sequence to 186663
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries(int_id, ref_id, uuid, feed_id, orig_feed_id, owner_uid, marked, published, tag_cache, label_cache, last_read, score, note, unread, last_marked, last_published) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_user_entries" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_user_entries_ref_id_fkey"
Détail : Key (ref_id)=(186664) is not present in table "ttrss_entries".
[ttrss_user_entries] 317768 ms.
[ttrss_user_entries] setting sequence to 187197
INSERT INTO ttrss_entry_comments(id, ref_id, owner_uid, private, date_entered) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_entry_comments] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2(id, owner_uid, match_any_rule, enabled, inverse, order_id, title) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_rules(id, filter_id, reg_exp, filter_type, feed_id, cat_id, cat_filter, inverse) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2_rules] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_actions(id, filter_id, action_id, action_param) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_filters2_actions] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_tags(id, owner_uid, tag_name, post_int_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_tags" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_tags_post_int_id_fkey"
Détail : Key (post_int_id)=(187197) is not present in table "ttrss_user_entries".
[ttrss_tags] 138852 ms.
[ttrss_tags] setting sequence to 904723
INSERT INTO ttrss_enclosures(id, content_url, content_type, post_id, title, duration, width, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: ERROR: insert or update on table "ttrss_enclosures" violates foreign key constraint "ttrss_enclosures_post_id_fkey"
Détail : Key (post_id)=(186664) is not present in table "ttrss_entries".
[ttrss_enclosures] 64236 ms.
[ttrss_enclosures] setting sequence to 80091
INSERT INTO ttrss_settings_profiles(id, title, owner_uid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_settings_profiles] 12 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_prefs(owner_uid, pref_name, value, profile) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_user_prefs] 1612 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_feedbrowser_cache(feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_feedbrowser_cache] 1241 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_labels2(id, owner_uid, caption, fg_color, bg_color) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_labels2] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_user_labels2(label_id, article_id) VALUES (?, ?)
[ttrss_user_labels2] 1 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_access_keys(id, access_key, feed_id, is_cat, owner_uid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_access_keys] 171 ms.
[ttrss_access_keys] setting sequence to 17
INSERT INTO ttrss_linked_instances(id, last_connected, last_status_in, last_status_out, access_key, access_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_linked_instances] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_linked_feeds(feed_url, site_url, title, created, updated, instance_id, subscribers) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_linked_feeds] 2 ms.
INSERT INTO ttrss_plugin_storage(id, name, owner_uid, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_plugin_storage] 117 ms.
[ttrss_plugin_storage] setting sequence to 8
INSERT INTO ttrss_error_log(id, owner_uid, errno, errstr, filename, lineno, context, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ttrss_error_log] 717 ms.
[ttrss_error_log] setting sequence to 93
Fixed with 672bb12
I use your tool. But failed in "can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp".