hrldcpr / hungarian

Hungarian / Munkres' algorithm for the linear assignment problem, in Python
MIT License
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for rectangular matrix matching question #15

Open HenryBao91 opened 3 years ago

HenryBao91 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your code.It's amazing, I ran this code with a big data which size is 35003500. It cost lease than 1 second. But I have an question about the input data. The code only supports square matrix, such as 33 , 66 or 5050. But It doesn't support rectangular matrix, such as 34 , 58 , or 50*80. I wonder my way to solve it is right or not. When I have an rectangular matrix, for example:

    b = np.array(

This is an rectangular matrix :4 * 6, so I fill it with an big number,:

    f = 100
    b2 = np.array(

And then, I can run the code ,is it right ? And given a matrix of positive weights, the code finds the minimum weight bipartite matching between to arrays. If I want to find the max, I only need to use the max element of the matrix minus every element. So, if someone element unmatched rows in the case of unbalanced entries,what index will return ? -1 ? or ?