Open zhiyozhao opened 1 year ago
im facing the same issue, did you find any solution on this?
Same issue. cmp-nvim-lsp renders correctly (lua snippet is nicely rendered with syntax highlighting): nvim_lsp_signature_help doesn't (lua snippet not rendered):
same issue here as well:
even though hovering over doesn't run into the same issue:
@hrsh7th do you know why this might happen?
Something related can be improved. The markdown code directive is displayed as an empty line.
@pwang2 what's your formatting function look like for the above?
@aggonis, same cmp-nvim-lsp.
I also used lspsaga's hover render which is claimed rendered via treesitter. similar result.
By default, markdown conceal is automatically enabled which results too many empty lines. My 2 cents here is since it is a markdown renderer and we will not gona edit the file, using the rendered result could make sense.
Just chipping in as I went through the same issues here - so I'm assuming it's difficult to change because this plugin doesn't modify the documentation we send and it is adjusted in the main code?
Because I examined the floats that open and seems to me like the values passed are removed for the markdown
and Code Language
from the provided documentation string , so I'm assuming it is being stripped elsewhere?
For example - right before the source.complete callback is called adding a log shows
item: {
documentation = {
kind = "markdown",
value = "```go\nfunc NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) *s3.Client\n```"
filterText = " ",
insertText = "optFns",
label = "optFns ...func(*s3.Options)",
preselect = true,
word = ""
But examining the window content-
Window Content:
func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) *s3.Client
Whereas the floating window for hover (added backslash)
Window Content:
func s3.NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) *s3.Client
Let me know if I am doing anything wrong - but basically my main question would be @hrsh7th - if we add a source and provide values to the complete callback - (referencing the docs) - is it not determinnistic? I'm trying to figure out if the issue is in the code here or if it is because the nvim-cmp
plugin and cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
plugin is sharing some state.
Let me know, would appreciate it - thanks for the awesome plugins :)
Nevermind - this has nothing to do with cmp's implementation.
You can reference the code here and add in your init
To fix the issue of it showing as Text - you can add this to where it returns the label on Line 118
return {
label = label,
filterText = ' ',
insertText = self:_matchstr(label, [[\k\+]]),
word = '',
preselect = true,
documentation = self:_docs(signature, parameter_index),
kind = require('cmp').lsp.CompletionItemKind.Function, -- add this
As shown in the figure below:
This the the completion from nvim-cmp + cmp-nvim-lsp:
While this is the signatur help of the same function from nvim-cmp + cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help: