hrsh7th / nvim-cmp

A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
MIT License
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PmenuSbar and PmenuThumb highlights are not customisable! #1775

Open HacksPloiter opened 6 months ago

HacksPloiter commented 6 months ago



Minimal reproducible full config

  135     window = {
  136     completion = {
  137       winhighlight = "Normal:Pmenu,PmenuSbar:expera,PmenuThumb:experb,FloatBorder:Pmenu,Search:None",
  138       col_offset = -3,
  139       side_padding = 0,
  140     },
  141     documentation = {
  142       winhighlight = "Normal:Pmenu,PmenuSbar:experc,PmenuThumb:experd,FloatBorder:Pmenu,Search:None",
  143       col_offset = -3,
  144       side_padding = 0,
  145     },
  146   },

and colours are:

  172 vim.cmd([[
  173   highlight! expera guibg=red guifg=#00ff00"
  174   highlight! experb guibg=red guifg=#00ff00"
  175   highlight! experc guibg=red guifg=#00ff00"
  176   highlight! experd guibg=red guifg=#00ff00"
  177   ]])


The highlights are not taking effect for popup window scroll bar. Did several experiments with configurations and colours but couldn't achieve the same!

Steps to reproduce

Configure the scrollbar highlights as per the snippet shared.

Expected behavior

Colours should change.

Actual behavior

Colours are not changing.

Additional context

No response

Shougo commented 6 months ago


The highlight does not support.

Shougo commented 6 months ago

I have read the source code.

cmp-config.window.completion.winhighlight only works for main completion window. The scrollbar is another window. So your config does not work.

Please see the code.

local window = {}

window.bordered = function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  return {
    border = opts.border or 'rounded',
    winhighlight = opts.winhighlight or 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:Visual,Search:None',
    zindex = opts.zindex or 1001,
    scrolloff = opts.scrolloff or 0,
    col_offset = opts.col_offset or 0,
    side_padding = opts.side_padding or 1,
    scrollbar = opts.scrollbar == nil and true or opts.scrollbar,

return window
    -- Draw the scrollbar thumb
    local thumb_height = math.floor(info.inner_height * (info.inner_height / self:get_content_height()) + 0.5)
    local thumb_offset = math.floor(info.inner_height * (vim.fn.getwininfo([1].topline / self:get_content_height()))

    local style = {
      relative = 'editor',
      style = 'minimal',
      width = 1,
      height = math.max(1, thumb_height),
      row = info.row + thumb_offset + (info.border_info.visible and or 0),
      col = info.col + info.width - 1, -- info.col was already added scrollbar offset.
      zindex = ( and ( + 2) or 2),
    if self.thumb_win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.thumb_win) then
      vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(self.thumb_win, style)
      style.noautocmd = true
      self.thumb_win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buffer.ensure( .. 'thumb_buf'), false, style)
      opt.win_set_option(self.thumb_win, 'winhighlight', 'EndOfBuffer:PmenuThumb,NormalFloat:PmenuThumb')

cmp-config.window.scrollbar.winhighlight is needed for the feature.

HacksPloiter commented 6 months ago

I have read the source code.

cmp-config.window.completion.winhighlight only works for main completion window. The scrollbar is another window. So your config does not work.

Please see the code.

local window = {}

window.bordered = function(opts)
  opts = opts or {}
  return {
    border = opts.border or 'rounded',
    winhighlight = opts.winhighlight or 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:Visual,Search:None',
    zindex = opts.zindex or 1001,
    scrolloff = opts.scrolloff or 0,
    col_offset = opts.col_offset or 0,
    side_padding = opts.side_padding or 1,
    scrollbar = opts.scrollbar == nil and true or opts.scrollbar,

return window
    -- Draw the scrollbar thumb
    local thumb_height = math.floor(info.inner_height * (info.inner_height / self:get_content_height()) + 0.5)
    local thumb_offset = math.floor(info.inner_height * (vim.fn.getwininfo([1].topline / self:get_content_height()))

    local style = {
      relative = 'editor',
      style = 'minimal',
      width = 1,
      height = math.max(1, thumb_height),
      row = info.row + thumb_offset + (info.border_info.visible and or 0),
      col = info.col + info.width - 1, -- info.col was already added scrollbar offset.
      zindex = ( and ( + 2) or 2),
    if self.thumb_win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.thumb_win) then
      vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(self.thumb_win, style)
      style.noautocmd = true
      self.thumb_win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buffer.ensure( .. 'thumb_buf'), false, style)
      opt.win_set_option(self.thumb_win, 'winhighlight', 'EndOfBuffer:PmenuThumb,NormalFloat:PmenuThumb')

cmp-config.window.scrollbar.winhighlight is needed for the feature.

Thanks for the response. I tried with the scrollbar config you shared cmp-config.window.scrollbar, in below fashion. It still didn't work. Interestingly other components such as border colour are taking effect.

      window = {
        documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered({
          winhighlight = "Normal:None,FloatBorder:CmpDocFloatBorder,Search:None",
        completion = cmp.config.window.bordered({
          winhighlight = "Normal:None,"..
        scrollbar = {
          winhighlight = "PmenuSbar:CmpSbPmenuSbar,"..

      -- LSP settings (for overriding per client)
      experimental = {
        ghost_text = false,
        native_menu = false,

    -- Customise pop-up window colours
    highlight! CmpDocFloatBorder guibg=None guifg=#00ff00"
    highlight! CmpComFloatBorder guibg=None guifg=#00ff00"
    highlight! CmpSbPmenuSbar guibg=blue guifg=red"
    highlight! CmpSbScrollbar guibg=blue guifg=#00ff00"
    highlight! CmpSbPmenuThumb guibg=yellow guifg=#00ff00"]])

also I had this doubt, I found below from the :h cmp-config.window.completion.scrollbar

    Whether the scrollbar should be enabled if there are more items that fit

but didn't find any scrollbar highlight related thing here.

Can you please share the config snippet if you meant something different (or if I didn't get it correctly)? Thanks @Shougo

Shougo commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the response. I tried with the scrollbar config you shared cmp-config.window.scrollbar, in below fashion. It still didn't work. Interestingly other components such as border colour are taking effect.

Sorry. cmp-config.window.scrollbar.winhighlight is not implemented. So it does not work unfortunately. You can implement the feature. Because it is open source.

HacksPloiter commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the response. I tried with the scrollbar config you shared cmp-config.window.scrollbar, in below fashion. It still didn't work. Interestingly other components such as border colour are taking effect.

Sorry. cmp-config.window.scrollbar.winhighlight i is not implemented. So it does not work unfortunately. You can implement the feature. Because it is open source.

Hi @Shougo, Thanks for your response. Sure, I'll find time and raise a pull request adding this feature. Amazing plugin, I must admit, thanks to all the contributors and the author.

bew commented 4 months ago

note: related PR #1741 (not exactly the solution that was mentioned though)