hrsh7th / nvim-cmp

A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
MIT License
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How to change the cmp source #1789

Closed Sologala closed 5 months ago

Sologala commented 6 months ago

I wang to alias Property source type to Prop. Where I should config to achive it. image

Things already tried: I found the following configuration in other's dotfile. But source_names segments not work.

source_names = {
                    nvim_lsp = "(LSP)",
                    treesitter = "(TS)",
ghost commented 5 months ago

@Sologala that is called a kind items, not a sources. You can customize the kind items name with text or icon in formatting options like these example:

local kind_items = {
  Text = "Text",
  Method = "Method",
  Function = "Func",
  Constructor = "Constructor",
  Field = "Field",
  Variable = "Var",
  Class = "Class",
  Interface = "Interface",
  Module = "Module",
  Property = "Prop",
  Unit = "Unit",
  Value = "Val",
  Enum = "Enum",
  Keyword = "Keyword",
  Snippet = "Snippet",
  Color = "Color",
  File = "File",
  Reference = "Ref",
  Folder = "Folder",
  EnumMember = "EnumMember",
  Constant = "Const",
  Struct = "Struct",
  Event = "Event",
  Operator = "Operator",
  TypeParameter = "TypeParameter"

  formatting = {
    format = function (entry, vim_item)
      -- Kind items
      vim_item.kind = string.format("%s", kind_items[vim_item.kind])

      -- Source = ({
        nvim_lsp = "[LSP]",
        luasnip = "[LuaSnip]",
        buffer = "[Buffer]"

      return vim_item

Take a look the detail in Menu Appearance wiki.

And I think what source_names option you provide it should be sources for the completion item like these example I have completion for LSP, LuaSnip, and buffer:

sources = {
  { name = "nvim_lsp" },
  { name = "luasnip", option = { show_autosnippets = true } },
  { name = "buffer" }

For all list of sources name, look in List of sources wiki.

Sologala commented 5 months ago

THX, I got it work like i wish by your instrcutions.