hrueger / AGLight

An intuitive software for controlling DMX lights.
MIT License
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An in-range update of babylonjs is breaking the build 🚨 #58

Closed greenkeeper[bot] closed 4 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

The dependency babylonjs was updated from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

babylonjs is a direct dependency of this project, and it is very likely causing it to break. If other packages depend on yours, this update is probably also breaking those in turn.

Status Details - βœ… **security/gitguardian:** GitGuardian did not find any leak. ([Details]( - ❌ **continuous-integration/travis-ci/push:** The Travis CI build failed ([Details]( - ❌ **Build on Linux:** There are 1 failures, 0 warnings, and 0 notices. - ❌ **Build on Windows:** There are 1 failures, 0 warnings, and 0 notices. - ❌ **Build on MacOS:** There are 1 failures, 0 warnings, and 0 notices. - βœ… **Lint:** null

Release Notes for 4.1.0

Major updates



  • Add two new clip planes (5 and 6) to get a clip cube (MickPastor)
  • Added support for dual shock gamepads (Deltakosh)
  • Support Vive Focus 3Dof controller (TrevorDev)
  • Planar positioning support for GizmoManager (Balupg)
  • ScaleGizmo and AxisScaleGizmo sensitivity factor (CedricGuillemet)
  • Individual gizmos can now be enabled/disabled (Balupg)
  • Unify preparation of instance attributes. Added MaterialHelper.PushAttributesForInstances (MarkusBillharz)
  • Added support for PBR irradiance map
  • Added ability to set render camera on utility layer instead of using the latest active camera (TrevorDev)
  • Move normalizeToUnitCube to transformNode instead of abstract mesh and add predicate to exclude sub objects when scaling (TrevorDev)
  • Method to check if device orientation is available (TrevorDev)
  • Added support for sound sprites Doc (Deltakosh)
  • Display Oculus Quest controller when using a Quest in WebVR (TrevorDev)
  • Added startAndReleaseDragOnPointerEvents property to pointerDragBehavior which can be set to false for custom drag triggering (TrevorDev)
  • Added optional picking predicate to pointerDragBehavior for filtering affected meshes (Exolun)
  • Added accessor functions for PointerDragBehavior._options (Popov72)
  • Effect renderer to render one or multiple shader effects to a texture (TrevorDev)
  • Added url parameters to web request modifiers (PierreLeBlond)
  • Added VRExperienceHelper.exitVROnDoubleTap (Deltakosh)
  • Added Scene.getTextureByUniqueID (aWeirdo)
  • Added support for 180 VR videos in VideoDome (RaananW)
  • Added optional parameter to use Euler angles in planeRotationGizmo (CedricGuillemet)
  • Added AnimationGroup.onAnimationGroupLoopObservable (Deltakosh)
  • Supports custom materials to generate glow through referenceMeshToUseItsOwnMaterial in the GlowLayer (sebavan)
  • Added RawTexture2DArray to enable use of WebGL2 2D array textures by custom shaders (atg)
  • Added multiview support for the shader material (and the line-mesh class) (RaananW)
  • Added various (interpolation) functions to Path3D, also alignTangentsWithPath, slice, getClosestPositionTo (Poolminer)
  • Allow setting of BABYLON.Basis.JSModuleURL and BABYLON.Basis.WasmModuleURL, for hosting the Basis transcoder locally (JasonAyre)
  • PNG support for browsers not supporting SVG (RaananW)
  • Device orientation event permissions for iOS 13+ (RaananW)
  • Added DirectionalLight.autoCalcShadowZBounds to automatically compute the shadowMinZ and shadowMaxZ values (Popov72)
  • Added CascadedShadowGenerator.autoCalcDepthBounds to improve the shadow quality rendering (Popov72)
  • Improved cascade blending in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
  • Speed optimization when cascade blending is not used in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
  • Added RenderTargetTexture.getCustomRenderList to overload the render list at rendering time (and possibly for each layer (2DArray) / face (Cube)) (Popov72)
  • Make sure all properties of CascadedShadowMap class are serialized/parsed (Popov72)
  • Added textures/opacity.png file to the Playground (Popov72)
  • Refactored the shadow generators code (Popov72)
  • Supports clip planes with shadows (sebavan)
  • Added Workbench color scheme for VSCode (drigax & Patrick Ryan)
  • Playground switch buttons are more intuitive (#7601) (RaananW)


  • Improved instanceMesh with user defined custom buffers Doc (Deltakosh)
  • Morph targets now can morph UV channel as well (Deltakosh)
  • Added MorphTarget support to the DepthRenderer, GeometryBufferRenderer and OutlineRenderer (MarkusBillharz)
  • Added preprocessors for shaders to improve how shaders are compiled for WebGL1/2 or WebGPU (Deltakosh)
  • Added enterPointerlock and exitPointerlock (Separated from enterFullscreen) (aWeirdo)
  • Added support for vertexSource and fragmentSource parameters to ShaderMaterial (Deltakosh)


  • Added support for Euler edition only for angles (can be turned off in the new inspector settings) (Deltakosh)
  • Added an option to ignore backfaces for picking (can be turned on and off in the new inspector settings) (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for ShadowGenerator (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for scene normalization (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for morph targets (Deltakosh)
  • Added context menu to add SSAORenderingPipeline and SSAO2RenderingPipeline (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for texture creation and assignments per material (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for occlusion properties (Deltakosh)
  • Texture channels are now displayed in grayscale (Deltakosh)
  • Ambiant and metallic maps are displayed correctly on PBR material even when using ORM packed texture (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for inspectable strings (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget (13djwright)
  • Added support for Material.depthFunction property (Popov72)
  • Added an optional config option initialTab (ycw)
  • Added support for ImportAnimations (noalak)
  • Added support for Cascaded Shadow Maps (Popov72)
  • Added context menu to add NodeMaterial (Deltakosh)
  • Added option to switch material per mesh (Deltakosh)


  • Added Tools.CreateScreenshotAsync and Tools.CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTargetAsync (mehmetoguzderin)
  • Added Color3.toHSV(), Color3.toHSVToRef() and Color3.HSVtoRGBToRef() (Deltakosh)
  • Added ShadowGenerator.onAfterShadowMapRenderObservable and ShadowGenerator.onAfterShadowMapMeshRenderObservable (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for side by side and top bottom images in the PhotoDome (Deltakosh)
  • Added playground ts-local (TypeScript support for local playground) (pjoe)
  • Added RGBD Texture tools Sebavan
  • Bumped Monaco Editor to 0.18.1 and improved TypeScript compilation pipeline in the playground (sailro)
  • Added support for clickable errors in the playground (sailro)
  • Added a color picker and previewer for BABYLON.ColorX invocations in the playground (sailro)
  • Added support for diffing snippets in the playground (sailro)
  • Added diff navigator in the playground (sailro)
  • Added custom filter to remove internals from the completion in the playground (sailro)
  • Added support for tagging deprecated members (both in editor and for completion) in the playground (sailro)
  • Added preview area pop up for NME (Kyle Belfort)
  • Added comments to frames in NME (Kyle Belfort)
  • Make frames resizable in NME (Kyle Belfort)
  • Implement NME Preview Area Redesign (Kyle Belfort)


  • Added TransformNode.instantiateHierarchy() which try to instantiate (or clone) a node and its entire hiearchy (Deltakosh)
  • Added new CreateTiledPlane and CreateTiledBox (JohnK)
  • Added absolute scaling and rotation getters (haroldma)
  • Added BILLBOARDMODE_USE_POSITION flag to billboards allowing use of camera positioning instead of orientation for mesh rotation (delaneyj)
  • Added accessor functions for SubMesh._materialDefines (Popov72)
  • Generator type used in TrailMesh constructor is now TransformNode instead of AbstrachMesh (Popov72)
  • Added the useVertexAlpha options to MeshBuilder.CreateDashedLines (Popov72)


  • Update Ammo.js library to support global collision contact callbacks (MackeyK24)
  • Update Ammo.js library to allow native capsule shape impostors (MackeyK24)
  • Update Ammo.js library to allow your own broadphase overlapping pair cache (MackeyK24)
  • Update Ammo.js library for custom impostor shapes. PhysicsImpostor.CustomImposter type and AmmoJSPlugin.OnCreateCustomShape factoty function (MackeyK24)
  • Update Ammo.js library and AmmoJS plugin to support ellipsoid (CedricGuillemet)
  • Physics update substeps (CedricGuillemet)


  • Added support for non-float accessors in animation data for glTF loader. (bghgary)
  • Support loading cube data in the .basis loader (TrevorDev)
  • Load glTF extras into BJS metadata (pjoe)
  • Added support for morph target names via mesh.extras.targetNames when loading a glTF (zeux)
  • Added support for using HTTP range requests when loading MSFT_lod extension from a glTF binary. (bghgary)
  • Added a flag to enable/disable creation of instances for glTF loader. (bghgary)
  • Added an order property to glTF loader extensions to support reordering. (bghgary)
  • Added support for GLTF clearcoat extension Sebavan
  • Added support for GLTF specular extension Sebavan
  • Added support for GLTF sheen extension Sebavan
  • Added support for GLTF mesh quantization extension (zeux)
  • Added support for 8 bone influences to glTF loader (zeux)
  • Added support for animations import from separate files (noalak)
  • Use web workers to validate glTF to avoid blocking the main thread. (bghgary)
  • Update glTF validator to 2.0.0-dev.3.1. (bghgary)
  • Fix an issue with disposing materials and textures too aggressively in MSFT_lod loader extension. (bghgary)
  • Added experimental support for loading KTX2 files and KHR_texture_basisu glTF extension. (bghgary)


  • Added ShaderMaterial.setColor4Array (JonathanTron)
  • Added ShaderMaterial.setArray4 (JonathanTron)
  • Added get/set accessors for ShaderMaterial._shaderPath (Popov72)
  • Added scene.environmentIntensity to control the IBL strength overall in a scene (Sebavan)
  • Added support of image processing for WaterMaterial (julien-moreau)
  • Added pbrBRDFConfiguration.useSpecularGlossinessInputEnergyConservation to allow Specular-Workflow energy conservation to be turned off (ColorDigital-PS).
  • Added support for the freeze / unfreeze functions in ShaderMaterial (Popov72)
  • Added depthFunction new property to Material base class (Popov72)
  • Added setCompressedTextureExclusions method to Engine to allow for skipping compressed textures on certain files (abogartz)


  • Added interface for argument size of screenshot methods (Dok11)
  • Implementation usage of precision in combination height and width params (Dok11)
  • Added a parameter to CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget to render sprites (Popov72)


  • Added ISoundOptions.skipCodecCheck to make Sound more flexible with URLs (nbduke)
  • Added Scene.audioListenerPositionProvider property, to enable setting custom position of audio listener (Foxhoundn)


  • SpritePackedManager extends SpriteManager so that a sprite sheet with different size sprites can be used (JohnK)
  • MultiPickSprite and multiPickSpriteWithRay added to sprites (JohnK)
  • SpritePackedManager support for JSON Objects that where not stringified, of with the frames parameter accepting Objects and Arrays (Pryme8)
  • Added SpriteMap for creation of grid-based dynamically animated sprite atlas rendering (Beta) (Pryme8)
  • Add SpriteManager.disableDepthWrite property (Popov72)

WebXR / WebVR

  • WebXR webVR parity helpers (Vive, WMR, Oculus Rift) (TrevorDev)
  • Compliance with the mozilla WebXR emulator for chrome and firefox (RaananW)
  • Use the same icon as in VR (RaananW)
  • Gamepad object is now exposed in the WebXRController class (RaananW)
  • If canvas does not have WebXR support the scene will still render (mainly Firefox) (RaananW)
  • Added support for foveated rendering in Oculus Quest (Deltakosh)
  • Added option to configure the output canvas (RaananW)
  • Supporting multisampled multiview rendering using the oculus multiview extension (RaananW)
  • Preparing to deprecate supportsSession in favor of isSupportedSession (RaananW)
  • Added onControllerModelLoaded observable for WebXR (RaananW)
  • UI Button has options to set different session mode and reference type (RaananW)
  • Added option to change the teleportation duration in the VRExperienceHelper class (
  • Added support to teleport the camera at constant speed in the VRExperienceHelper class (
  • VRExperienceHelper has now an XR fallback to force XR usage (beta) (RaananW)
  • Added option to change the teleportation easing function in the VRExperienceHelper class (
  • Windows motion controller mapping corrected to XR (xr-standard) (RaananW)
  • Pointer-Event simulation for screen target ray mode (RaananW)
  • New observable that triggers when a session was initialized (RaananW)
  • WebXR teleportation can now be disabled after initialized or before created (RaananW)
  • New Features Manager for WebXR features (RaananW)
  • New features - Plane detection, Hit test, Background remover (RaananW)
  • XR Camera's API is Babylon-conform (position, rotationQuaternion, world matrix, direction etc') (#7239) (RaananW)
  • XR Input now using standard profiles and completely separated from the gamepad class (#7348) (RaananW)
  • Teleportation and controller selection are now WebXR features. (#7290) (RaananW)
  • Teleportation allows selecting direction before teleporting when using thumbstick / touchpad. (#7290) (RaananW)
  • It is now possible to force a certain profile type for the controllers (#7348) (RaananW)
  • WebXR camera is initialized on the first frame, including copying transformation from native camera (except for in AR) (#7389) (RaananW)
  • Selection has gaze mode (which can be forced) and touch-screen support (#7395) (RaananW)
  • Laser pointers can be excluded from lighting influence so that they are always visible in WebXR / WebVR (#7323) (RaananW)
  • Full support for the online motion controller repository (#7323) (RaananW)
  • New XR feature - XR Controller physics impostor for motion controllers / XR Input sources (RaananW)
  • Teleportation between different ground levels in WebXR is enabled (RaananW)
  • Utility Meshes for XR (teleportation ring, selection rays) can now be rendered using a utility layer (#7563) (RaananW)
  • Teleportation supports snap-to (anchor) points (#7441) (RaananW)


  • Added Ray.intersectsAxis to translate screen to axis coordinates without checking collisions (horusscope)


  • Added xmlLoader to load GUI layouts from XML (null0924)
  • Added disableMobilePrompt option to InputText for OculusQuest(and other android base VR devices) (shinyoshiaki)
  • Added Button.delegatePickingToChildren to let buttons delegate hit testing to embedded controls (Deltakosh)
  • Added Container.maxLayoutCycle and Container.logLayoutCycleErrors to get more control over layout cycles (Deltakosh)
  • Added StackPanel.ignoreLayoutWarnings to disable console warnings when controls with percentage size are added to a StackPanel (Deltakosh)
  • Added _getSVGAttribs functionality for loading multiple svg icons from an external svg file via icon id. Fixed bug for Chrome. Strip icon id from image url for firefox. (lockphase)
  • Scroll Viewer extended to include the use of images in the scroll bars(JohnK)
  • Added ScrollViewer.freezeControls property to speed up rendering (Popov72)
  • Added ImageScrollBar.num90RotationInVerticalMode property to let the user rotate the pictures when in vertical mode (Popov72)
  • Modified isPointerBlocker to block mouse wheel scroll events. ScrollViewer mouse scroll no longer dependent on scene. (lockphase)


  • Added particleSystem.isLocal for CPU particles to let the particles live in emitter local space. Doc (Deltakosh)
  • Added the feature expandable to the Solid Particle System (jerome)
  • Added the feature removeParticles() to the Solid Particle System (jerome)
  • Added the feature "storable particles" and insertParticlesFromArray() to the Solid Particle System (jerome)
  • Added the support for MultiMaterials to the Solid Particle System (jerome)
  • Added support for CustomParticleEmitter. Doc (Deltakosh)
  • Added support for MeshParticleEmitter. Doc (Deltakosh)

Navigation Mesh

Node Material

  • Added Light intensity output to LightInformationBlock (Drigax)


  • Added support for AnimationGroup serialization (Drigax)
  • Expanded animation group serialization to include all targeted TransformNodes (Drigax)

Texture Packer

  • Added TexturePacker Class (Pryme8)
  • Added TexturePackerLoader Class (Pryme8)


  • Added a note on shallow bounding of getBoundingInfo (tibotiber)
  • Added a typo fix to the ArcRotateCamera setPosition method description (schm-dt)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Textblock line spacing evaluation when linespacing > 0 (Deltakosh)
  • Fixed Xbox One gamepad controller button schemes (MackeyK24)
  • Removing assetContainer from scene will also remove gui layers (TrevorDev)
  • A scene's input manager not adding key listeners when the canvas is already focused (Poolminer)
  • Runtime animation goToFrame when going back in time now correctly triggers future events when reached (zakhenry)
  • Fixed bug in Ray.intersectsTriangle where the barycentric coordinates bu and bv being returned is actually bv and bw. (bghgary)
  • Do not call onError when creating a texture when falling back to another loader (TrevorDev)
  • Context loss should not cause PBR materials to render black or instances to stop rendering (TrevorDev)
  • Only cast pointer ray input when pointer is locked in WebVR (TrevorDev)
  • Fix Right Hand coordinates with directional lights and shadows, hemispheric lights and spot lights (CedricGuillemet)
  • Avoid using default utility layer in gizmo manager to support multiple scenes (TrevorDev)
  • Fix bug when adding and removing observers in quick succession (sable)
  • Cannon and Ammo forceUpdate will no longer cause an unexpected exception (TrevorDev)
  • Loading the same multi-material twice and disposing one should not impact the other (TrevorDev)
  • GLTF exporter should no longer duplicate exported texture data (Drigax)
  • Avoid exception when disposing of Ammo cloth physics (TrevorDev)
  • Make planeDragGizmo usable on its own (TrevorDev)
  • Fix useObjectOrienationForDragging for pointerDragBehavior when using a single axis drag (TrevorDev)
  • Fix VR button not positioning correctly in canvas (haroldma)
  • Fix check for material needing alpha blending in OutlineRenderer (mkmc)
  • Fixed: scene's input manager's detachControl doesn't remove a wheel event listener (RamilKadyrov)
  • Fixed Solid Particle System particle's idx and idxInShape initialization (RamilKadyrov)
  • Added in ArcRotateCamera.storeState to save targetScreenOffset, in restoreState to restore it (RamilKadyrov)
  • Fixed CubeTexture to keep custom filesList when serializing/parsing (julien-moreau)
  • Fixed StandardRenderingPipeline to properly dispose post-processes from attached cameras (julien-moreau)
  • Fixed VolumetricLightScattering post-process to use a custom vertex shader instead of the depth vertex shader. (julien-moreau)
  • Fixed missing check in sceneTreeItemComponent resulting in gizmo to not end drag (CedricGuillemet)
  • Added missing callback triggers within texture loaders (PierreLeBlond)
  • Fixed TextureLinkLineComponent to no longer invert inspector-loaded textures (Drigax)
  • Fixed a single frame drop after leaving webxr on some devices (RaananW)
  • Fixed bug where vignette aspect ratio would be wrong when rendering direct to canvas
  • Fixed Path2 length computation (Poolminer)
  • Cloning of ShaderMaterial also clone shaderPath and options properties (Popov72)
  • Prevent an infinite loop when calling engine.dispose() in a scene with multiple SoundTracks defined (kirbysayshi)
  • Fixed missing properties in serialization / parsing of coneParticleEmitter (Popov72)
  • Fix a bug with exit VR and Edge (RaananW)
  • Fixed an issue with size of texture in multiview (RaananW)
  • Fixed Path3D (bi)normals computation for specific edge cases (Poolminer)
  • WebXR UI BUtton will only change to "In XR" after XR Session started (RaananW)
  • Fix bug when we call Mesh.render twice and the material is still not ready on the second call (barroij)
  • Fixed an issue with pose input in webxr (RaananW)
  • Fixed bug when parsing animation group without 'to' value (noalak)
  • isRightCamera and isLeftCamera were not set in WebXR (RaananW)
  • Sandbox will now load assets relatively path-ed to same folder (Kyle Belfort)
  • Playground will now render the returned scene from createScene() when there are multiple scenes added to engine (Kyle Belfort)
  • Fixed bug so Playground will now download .env texture files to ./textures in .zip (Kyle Belfort)
  • It was not possible to change the gaze and laser color in VR (#7323) (RaananW)
  • Fixed issue where textures exported using Safari web browser are Y mirrored. (#7352) (Drigax)
  • Fix a bug when resizing a MRT (Popov72)
  • Fixed an infinite clone recursion bug in InstancedMesh due to DeepCopier.DeepCopy cloning parent (Poolminer)
  • Fixed an issue with multiview textures (RaananW)
  • Screenshot height and width is now forced to be integers to prevent mismatch with openGL context (jekelija)
  • Fix shadow bound calculation in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
  • Disposing of the depthReducer used in CSM (Popov72)
  • Fixed an issue with teleportation detach and attach (#7419) (RaananW)
  • Physics compound calculations were incorrect (#7407) (RaananW)
  • Fix bug NME bug where preview area crashes on pop up when NME is opened from playground (Kyle Belfort)
  • Fixed an issue with isSessionSupported return value being ignored (#7501) (RaananW)
  • Added isRigCamera to rig cameras so they can be detected. Used to fix a bug with utility layer and WebXR (#7517) (RaananW)
  • Fixed bug in the ScrollViewer GUI class when setting a idealWidth or idealHeight on the ADT (Popov72)
  • Fixed bug in the Image GUI class where some properties were lost after a rotation by n x 90Β° (Popov72)
  • Fixed bug in the Image GUI class when rotating a SVG picture (Popov72)
  • Fix for bug where NME would crash if frames did not have comments (Kyle Belfort)
  • Fix wrong import of _TimeToken (Sebavan
  • Fix shadows not rendered correctly when using point lights (Popov72)
  • Prevent depth buffer clear in shadow maps (Sebavan
  • Fix for bug where the light gizmo causes lights to flip orientation (#7603) (drigax)
  • Fix for bug where directional lights are inverted when using a right handed scene coordinate system. (drigax)
  • Fix subSurface parameters not copied in the PBR clone methods (Popov72)
  • Fix for bug where round-tripped glTF imported scenes are encapsulated in a second root node (#6349)(drigax & noalak)
  • Fix HDRCubeTexture construction, generateHarmonics was not properly taken into account (Popov72)
  • VideoTexture poster respects invertY (Sebavan
  • Fix for bug where round-tripped glTF imported scenes have incorrect light orientation, and duplicated parent nodes (#7377)(drigax)
  • Fix bug in PBR sheen where the sheen effect could be a little darker than expected when using direct lighting (Popov72
  • Fix bug in PBR shader when reflectionTexture.linearSpecularLOD is true (Popov72)
  • Fix for bug where resizing the bottom of a frame at times will not work for any frame in the graph (#7377)(Kyle Belfort)
  • Fix bug in PBR sheen when used with clear coat and no env texture provided (Popov72)
  • Fix for bug where Preview Area pop up does not change background color across windows (#7377)(Kyle Belfort)
  • Fix for bug where comments would break out of frames and break resizing of frames (Kyle Belfort)
  • Fix for bug where frames without comments would display undefined at the bottom right corner (Kyle Belfort)

Breaking changes

  • Setting mesh.scaling to a new vector will no longer automatically call forceUpdate (this should be done manually when needed) (TrevorDev)
  • Tools.ExtractMinAndMaxIndexed and Tools.ExtractMinAndMax are now ambiant functions (available on BABYLON.extractMinAndMaxIndexed and BABYLON.extractMinAndMax) (Deltakosh)
  • Tools.QueueNewFrame was removed in favor of Engine.QueueNewFrame (Deltakosh)
  • Removed external data from Engine (addExternalData, getExternalData, getOrAddExternalDataWithFactory, removeExternalData) (Deltakosh)
  • The glTF loader extensions that map to glTF 2.0 extensions will now be disabled if the extension is not present in extensionsUsed. (bghgary)
  • The STL loader does not create light or camera automatically, please use scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(); in your code Sebavan
  • The glTF2 exporter extension no longer ignores childless empty nodes.(drigax)
  • Default culling strategy changed to CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY (Deltakosh)
  • MaterialHelper.BindLight and MaterialHelper.BindLights do not need the usePhysicalLight anymore (Sebavan)
  • Mesh.bakeTransformIntoVertices now preserves child world-space transforms(drigax)
  • Removed setTexturesToUse and setCompressedTextureExclusions from Engine. (bghgary)
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Your Greenkeeper Bot :palm_tree:

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

After pinning to 4.0.3 your tests are passing again. Downgrade this dependency πŸ“Œ.