[x] extract Phonon DOS & Bandstructure: 1 GPU node with 4 procs
VASP_CMD: srun -n 4 -c 32 --cpu_bind=cores -G 4 --gpu-bind=none vasp_std # this works for 1 GPU nodes & 4 procs to be used when performing STATIC calculation on a supercell with 1 1 1 KPOINTS, thus when using the GAMMA VASP mode
SHENGBTE_CMD: srun -n 4 -c 32 --cpu_bind=cores -G 4 --gpu-bind=none /global/homes/h/hrushi99/code/FourPhonon/ShengBTE 2>BTE.err >BTE.out
Completition flag
Configuration flag
VASP_CMD: srun -n 4 -c 32 --cpu_bind=cores -G 4 --gpu-bind=none vasp_std # this works for 1 GPU nodes & 4 procs to be used when performing STATIC calculation on a supercell with 1 1 1 KPOINTS, thus when using the GAMMA VASP mode SHENGBTE_CMD: srun -n 4 -c 32 --cpu_bind=cores -G 4 --gpu-bind=none /global/homes/h/hrushi99/code/FourPhonon/ShengBTE 2>BTE.err >BTE.out