hrydgard / ppsspp

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Right Analog Stick and 4 Button Layout Presets for Android Portrait #16960

Closed soundsnow closed 1 year ago

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Move Video Screen to Top, Below Status Bar Buttons Above Navigation Bar Dual Analog Controller Add this new preset image42

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

4 Button Presets

PSVita: Dual Analog Pad (PSP Toggle) PSP (PSVita Toggle)

Single Analog Pad (Digital Pad Toggle) Digital Pad (Single Analog Toggle)


yasabaka commented 1 year ago

and now we wait for that one guy who will send "psp doesn't have a second stick so we wont support it" message

also who and why are using "digital pad" and "single analog pad" profiles?

I'm closing my eyes on vertical orientation

hrydgard commented 1 year ago

Not sure what you're saying with your comment @yasabaka . 2nd stick is supported for use with remasters and plugins, and won't go away.

Howver, I'm guessing this is all a feature request for presets that are also swappable. It's easy to come up with screenshots how it could look like, but that's the trivial part, the hard part is figuring out what the UI configuring this should look like, and that without breaking any previous functionality and also not making things harder to understand - and at the same time, use a minimum of UI strings.

It's of course doable but definitely not trivial.

iota97 commented 1 year ago

Truth to be told I think #15406 could be enough for this.

Not sure if is worth to have default presets as not many people play vertically I think. We could possibly separate the config for vertical and horizontal, but would it really be worth the extra complexity?

I don't really get the need to have a preset when one could just customize the control (in such a specific use case at least), could just be me tho' :)