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Persona 3 Portable 5th block crash *fixed* #2846

Closed CrymsonZX closed 10 years ago

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

When I try to access the 5th block of Tartarus the game crashes with no explanation, I can still get to it via the 4th block but when I exit a battle 9 times out of 10 it'll crash as well, I'm using the default emulator settings and the game has been going smoothly till this point so I am really confused as to why this is happening. If anyone knows how to fix this, I'd be really glad to try it. Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Works with Hardware Transforming disabled, tested on version 0.8.1-648-g88685b0 Special thanks to @solarmystic and @vsub

EDIT 2: first of all, sorry for no updates, been trying to reach 5th block on my 2nd playthrough, but now that I'm there I can say that @sum2012 's build works with Hardware Transform ON, I can play perfectly without any crashes, but, I don't see a difference in speed as @solarmystic said, but that may be just me. In conclusion, this is closed for good, I'll just keep using this build until an actual official fixed version is released by the developers. Thank you @sum2012 for the build and @solarmystic for the trace that led to the build. And again, sorry for no updates in a while.

EDIT 3: Oops, guess I said that too soon... Tried to close the menu while in the block and it crashed on me... I'm gonna need to re-open this thread...

EDIT 4: Works without crashes on the newest version with default settings.

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


We need a lot more details from you in order to help you out:-

  1. Emulator version used
  2. Device Specifications
  3. Platform used (Windows/Android/iOS etc)
  4. Logfile from the build used, taken right before the crash. (If on Windows, double click on Log.bat in the ppsspp folder, and then play the game until it crashes. Then head to the User\Logs subfolder, and upload the ppsspp.log file to reliable filehoster. Or just cut and paste the contents into pastebin. Whichever is more convenient)
  5. A save file of your game so that we can reproduce the issue.

Thanks for your cooperation.

yoryo commented 11 years ago

looks like its a common issue... on endgame....

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago


  1. I use the latest version 0.8.1
  2. Sorry I don't understand what you mean with that...
  3. Windows (7)
  4. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: PPSSPPWindows64.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 51cb4746 Fault Module Name: ig4icd64.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4fabd0be Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000000000003790 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2070 Additional Information 1: 1057 Additional Information 2: 10577fbb18fc453671600a3d68e0a119 Additional Information 3: 58ee Additional Information 4: 58ee8ea3b77af70a9edba138b371ff3a

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  1. I use all of the save slots so I guess you want the latest one? I'll check which one it is.


@yoryo Yeah seems so... But I still don't get why it happens... :\

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic I've got the right one now, just need some way to send it to you.

vsub commented 11 years ago

I'm using 0.8.1-589 and with and without buffered rendering the game work fine. I going directly to block 5(floor 171)and also from block 4(floor 160)to play till block 5 and the game didn't crash. I also played couple of battles in block 4 and 5 but again,no problems

Could it be possible that the problem exist only on the x64 version of ppsspp?

Windows XP x86 and I have the USA version of the game

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


Just version 0.8.1 isn't descriptive enough. What's the precise revision?

E.g. 0.8.1-2 or 0.8.1-534 for example.


What I meant by Q2 was, if you're on Windows, what are your specs? (CPU, GPU, RAM etc)

Also, a crash caused by ig4icd64.dll seems to indicate your graphics card's drivers are to blame in this case.


Which means you're using PPSSPP on an Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics card.

And yes, please upload the latest save that is closest to point of the crash. Thanks again.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub 0.8.1-589? That's not my version I don't think, and also it's not by the teleporter, it's resuming from the lowest floor of the 5th block. @solarmystic


Is this what you mean? And, also, I still need a way to send you the save file if it's still needed.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

By the way, my computer is a laptop (a really powerful one), just letting you know.

vsub commented 11 years ago


Not using that version(my version)could also mean that the problem don't exist on it. Post your save...the folder that have name starting with ULUS10512 in memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub How do I post it? As I said, I need a way to give you guys the save file.

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


Your laptop may have a very decent CPU (an i3-2xxx Sandy bridge CPU is nothing to scoff at) but the Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics is the real handicap, especially for emulating PSP games using PPSSPP.

You can use to upload the savefile. Upload it using mediafire and share the link here.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

Ah, okay, here it is:

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub How do I get that version anyway? I'm pretty sure I'm using the latest one...

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


The absolutely newest dev builds can be obtained here:-

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

Thanks @solarmystic I'll test it out and tell you in a minute.

vsub commented 11 years ago

That's weird,the stairs are gone. Did you used cheats on the game...I also saw some messages that look strange to see then at this point of the game

Oh and btw...I may be wrong but at certain point of the game(at least on the PS2 version)you are not able to go higher until you reach certain point in the story...probably this is the problem

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub Nope, no cheats at all. @solarmystic In the latest one, 0.8.1-648-g88685b0, the crash still happens...

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


I played your savefile up to the 164F and had no crashes whatsoever.

There isn't a way to progress either, was there supposed to be stairs heading upwards from the 164F and beyond?

I can't see any stairs.

vsub commented 11 years ago

The game don't crash here,I just can't go up...the stairs are missing at floor 164 That's story are at the top of Tartarus at this point of the game.

Just continue with the one point the game will tell you that you can go up

solarmystic commented 11 years ago

This is what it looks like, no crashes at all:-


CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic @vsub Oh... the date is wrong... I sent you the wrong one... oops, I'll send you the right one now then... I hope... It should be November 14th... That should be it, sorry...

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

BTW @solarmystic thanks for the screencap, couldn't have noticed without it. ^_^

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


Got it. It crashes for me as well. Right after the 4th battle on the 166th floor using 0.8.1-648

Will do a stack trace to figure out what exactly is the root cause. Thanks for the correct savefile.

F.y.i I'm using an AMD graphics card, so it does seem to be independant of your type of graphics card used. Interesting.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

No problem, after all, I should be thanking you for going through all this trouble to help me. ^_^

vsub commented 11 years ago

No problems here...I beat at least 20 enemys including the boss at floor 171 and played till 173 but no problems at all.

Just to mention,Buffered Rendering is disabled because I get a lot more speed on that game if it's disable and also fixes a graphical bug

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub hmmm... what about the resuming from the farthest floor crash? Try to go to the entrance and resume from the highest one, it always crashes there for me...

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


You're welcome. I intend on finishing up this game using PPSSPP myself one day, so I have a vested interest in getting this fixed too, heh. (Just started the game on the emulator.)

To other devs/interested parties who can comprehend stacktraces, this is the stacktrace for this issue using the latest Orphis build when it crashes, debugging in MSVC 2010 (0.8.1-648):-


Settings are default (BR ON, HW Transform ON, Mipmapping ON etc.), using a fresh build that I compiled from the latest master for debugging purposes.

Now all we can do, is hope that a dev with some know how can rectify this issue, this is as detailed as you can get with debugging crashes for the emulator. Gotta have some patience :D

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

Great, thanks, I myself don't understand that so I suppose we'll just leave it here? Hope some devs can come and see this, and, hopefully, tell us what we need to do to fix it. BTW this game is amazing, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I am, truly awesome story and gameplay, it is, without a doubt, one of the best games I have ever played. So yeah, thanks for your help, I guess I'll just wait till we have a solution, haha...

vsub commented 11 years ago

@CrymsonZX Yes I continued the game from the entrance(farthest floor)...even tried to continue the game,load the save,then continue again(couple of times) I didn't use the teleport at all

I also was constantly switching between unlimited and normal speed to make it faster(which will increase the chances to encounter a problem)but again,the game work fine.

Try disabling Buffered Rendering and try Try the x86 version too

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub Alright, I'll try, thanks, get back to you when I'm done.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub Nope... Still crashes, even with Buffered Rendering off... Here is the crash log just in case it's different: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: PPSSPPWindows64.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 51e95d84 Fault Module Name: ig4icd64.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4fabd0be Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000000000003790 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2070 Additional Information 1: 1057 Additional Information 2: 10577fbb18fc453671600a3d68e0a119 Additional Information 3: 5e24 Additional Information 4: 5e2478505e78b8091a08b43f94ea42e1

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Though I doubt it IS actually different... BTW can you read that stacktrace at all from @solarmystic ? Because that could help a LOT. Thanks in advance.

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


Hmm... from my extremely limited knowledge of programming (zilch), I think the issue stems from the Transform Pipeline of the rendering engine. (Just a wild guess here, I only have this program to compile PPSSPP builds for my own use lol)

Have you tried running the game without Hardware Transform to see whether or not it crashes at that block?

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic Hmm... Really haven't tried... I guess I will now, still hoping that @vsub can read that and tell us the exact problem (assuming it's not what you said), get back to you in a minute.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic k... resuming is fine, gonna test out some battles now.

vsub commented 11 years ago

You really should try the x86 version of ppsspp. I also tried 0.8.1 just now...loaded the save and continued the game(block 5 was loaded without problems). I did that reloading and reetering at least 4 times

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub I am using that version --, anyway, what @solarmystic said seems to be correct, it was the Hardware Transform, just cleared a whole floor with no crashes. ^^ Thanks @solarmystic , you, sir, are a genius!

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

Only issue I seem to be having are sound effects are REALLY low compared to music...

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

And that includes voices during battles too (summoning a persona, at least)...

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

Apart from that it's perfect... No crashes yet, gonna try until the first boss of this block, if I get no crashes until then, we're good on this subject.

vsub commented 11 years ago

According to your logs,you are using the x64 version PPSSPPWindows64.exe

PS.I'm using Hardware's not disabled

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub Well, it's not like it matters now, it's working right for now... But if it crashes again, I'll try that, thanks.

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


You should update the title of your issue report with a few more pertinent details, now that we know that it doesn't happen when Hardware transform is off.

Also, I'm glad to know that turning off Hardware Transform solved the issue for you. Thanks for the feedback.

vsub commented 11 years ago

But it doesn't crash here if HT is on

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic Yeah, thanks for reminding me, but this may be just luck, we don't know, so, until I clear this first boss without crashes, I'm not updating... Just in case...

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

BTW, anyone else get glitchy health bars when targeting enemies? Wanna know if there's any way to fix that too or if it's the actual game.

solarmystic commented 11 years ago


For you. I have experienced this issue and so has @CrymsonZX .

We should put all our cards on the table.

I'm using an AMD Radeon 4670 card and I get the issue, @CrymsonZX is using an Intel Integrated Card and still gets the issue. We are both also using Windows 7 64bit.

The stack trace I posted proves that the crash is indeed happening, and it is traceable also via a debugger.

I suspect that you, @vsub are using a NVIDIA card, I also recall that you're on Windows XP.

I'm I right?


Turn off Buffered Rendering to fix the glitchy health bars I think.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub Don't know... Your computer must be different than ours (probable), but if it's working fine right now with HT off, that's enough for me.

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@solarmystic great point. My specs are all posted and so are yours, so @vsub should post his as well, just to check.

vsub commented 11 years ago

My PC is really old Pentium 4 2,8ghz,6600GT and 1gb ram

And I just beat the boss again and I'm at floor 172 by using 0.8.1

CrymsonZX commented 11 years ago

@vsub huh... only 1gig of ram? Interesting... Anyway, @solarmystic you're the spec genius here, what about his other stuff?