hrydgard / ppsspp

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yugioh ppsspp stuck (corrupt save) #7914

Open lordemort opened 8 years ago

lordemort commented 8 years ago

hi guys i'm new here and i'm using ppsspp v1.0.1 now i'm playing this yugioh gx tag force 1 everything is fine, the duel,the card,the field.. but there is 1 thing that bothers me, i can't save my game when i've been this far. Everytime i save the game, it always stuck in checking memory card and it won't proccess any further, and it does feel uncomfortable if i use "save state" option to save the game please help me to solve this problem and recover my save Thanks

ppmeis commented 8 years ago

@lordemort which version? Official or latest svn? device? Platform?

lordemort commented 8 years ago

@ppmeis i'm using ppsspp for windows ver 1.0.1 its Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force 1

when i save the game via the map it stuck in "checking memory card..." others,like sound,animation, is still working normally, only the checking memory card screen just stuck there,also when i want to change my deck name it didn't show the alphabet keyboard on gray-background,so i just press change deck name and nothing happened

and also here is the log, if i save via map,it stopped in "...wrong dialog type" -->save via map -->deck name

lordemort commented 8 years ago

anyone ?

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Try newest version

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Sorry lend this issue, @unknownbrackets Does our (ppsspp) code already do this ?

unknownbrackets commented 8 years ago

Yes, unloading a module unmaps it's exports.


sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@unknownbrackets I see

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

Hello sir sum2012 save dialog error still having in yugioh tag force

in ppsspp v1.0.1 i got this error HLE\sceUtility.cpp:123 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09c0c0f0): wrong dialog type in yugioh tagforce 4.

now i tried the latest revision ppsspp v1.0.1-2668-g253ed9f found another problem HLE\sceUtility.cpp:129 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09c0c0f0): wrong dialog type still not continuing save dialog in yugioh tagforce. please help us thank you

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@stealth62 Did you use save status or cwcheat ?

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

i didnt use cwcheat ,yes i use save status i only use save state because im afraid to lose the progress because i tried normal saving the save dialog stuck up.

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

like lordemort said im not comfortable also in save state. but if not possible due to mismatch checksum made by save state ,corruption etc., Only save state available i'll understand sir.

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

What OS are you using ? (Windows XP,Windows vista,windows 7,etc )

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

windows8.1 running in full administrator previleges

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Back up savedata then delete it. run ppsspp load the game Then load status try in-game save

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

hello sir still having a problem in dialog HLE\sceUtility.cpp:129 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(09c0c0f0): wrong dialog type

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Can you zip the whole "SAVEDATA" folder and "PPSSPP_STATE" folder into ? Thanks

edit:copy bad save to my google drive

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

ok sir.

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

sir thank you very much for your help.

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

here sir sorry for late upload

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@stealth62 I have hacked the ppsspp 's code to make save file. Can you test the save data is fixed ? Thanks

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

ok sir ty.

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

its working but thats not the save file i used i remember i have 19000 dp not 14000k dp in yugioh game

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

in normal save file i have 14k dp yugioh, in save state thats the latest save state i have 19k dp . When i load save state and save through game the save dialog stuck in yugioh screen.

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

here sir my screenshot step by step how i load state.

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Sorry,I upload wrong game save Can you test again ? Thanks

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

sir sum2012 now working. thank you very much for your help .more power to come godbless

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

You can close this issue. Anyway ,can you tell me how to reproduce bad save ? eg:in-game->game save->duel->save status->load status->duel finish->cannot game save

unknownbrackets commented 8 years ago

So is this not an issue anymore? I'm not completely following the above...


sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Yes ,there is no issue anymore,but I still no idea that how to reproduce bad save

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

I get report from baidu forum of this issue again,he said that only use save status,don't use game save. After use game save,same issue as here.

I try again with my fixed save,not sure why that it is 14k dp rather than 19k dp in the newest git version. In the real psp,it show 19k dp edit:I will open another issue

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

oop,I just forget to make some setting wrong

hrydgard commented 8 years ago

What setting?

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

Put the save data to E:\PPSSPP\ppsspp-v1.1.1-906-g4a38a41-windows-amd64\ppsspp\memstick\SAVEDATA should be E:\PPSSPP\ppsspp-v1.1.1-906-g4a38a41-windows-amd64\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA

unknownbrackets commented 8 years ago

This is most likely caused by this code:

    } else if (status == SCE_UTILITY_STATUS_RUNNING && (request.netAction == NETCONF_CONNECT_ADHOC || request.netAction == NETCONF_CREATE_ADHOC || request.netAction == NETCONF_JOIN_ADHOC)) {
        if (request.NetconfData != NULL) {
            if (sceNetAdhocctlCreate(request.NetconfData->groupName) == 0) {
                status = SCE_UTILITY_STATUS_FINISHED;
                return 0;
            return -1;

Since it calls Shutdown() directly, which is unlikely to be correct, the currentDialogType is not updated. There are other problems, but this probably caused saving to be broken.


sum2012 commented 8 years ago

I see

unknownbrackets commented 8 years ago

I think this would happen if wlan / network was disabled in settings. I'm not sure, but I really think simply removing Shutdown(true); would work fine here. It should be doing finished.

The error case (when sceNetAdhocctlCreate() doesn't return 0) should probably also set finished, though. And update the request.common.result or something... probably.


stealth62 commented 8 years ago

hello guys :) sir sum2012 its a random bad save problem cant produce bad save.

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@stealth62 Do you remember that you played adhoc ?

stealth62 commented 8 years ago

no sir.

DChenn commented 8 years ago

@sum2012 i've encounter this problem now sir. How to fix this? :( And yes if i'm not wrong i pressed on adhoc because of my curiosity

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@DChenn Please zip the save folder , then upload to

DChenn commented 8 years ago

@sum2012 Here sir Thank you so much for the help :)

sum2012 commented 8 years ago

@DChenn I have fixed the save,please check.

DChenn commented 8 years ago

@sum2012 Thank you sir :) Now it works normal. Have a nice day :+1:

Sempius7 commented 7 years ago

hi! i'm having this exact same problem with my game; i'm using ppsspp v 1.2.2 and the troublesome game is Yu Gi Oh! GX Tag Force (1). should i upload my save state to drive aswell or has another solution been discovered?

sum2012 commented 7 years ago

@Sempius7 Yes,zip your save state and bad game save. Then upload to

Sempius7 commented 7 years ago all done!

sum2012 commented 7 years ago

Which save status do you need to help ? 1

Sempius7 commented 7 years ago

all of them are the same, just seconds away :P