hrzndhrn / recode

A linter with autocorrection and a refactoring tool.
MIT License
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Possible race condition #80

Closed axelson closed 6 months ago

axelson commented 6 months ago

I'm testing recode and running into a FunctionClauseError. It appears to happen more often on Elixir 1.15.7 and happens more often when not all of the tasks are included. To reproduce download and ensure that you're running with the versions of elixir/erlang in the .tool-versions file.

In that project about 1/3 to 1/2 the time when I run mix recode --dry I get a FunctionClauseError:

> mix recode --dry
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in anonymous fn/2 in!/3

    The following arguments were given to anonymous fn/2 in!/3:

        # 1
        {:exit, {:badarg, [{:ets, :new, [:recode_formatter_plugin, [:set, :public, :named_table]], [error_info: %{cause: :already_exists, module: :erl_stdlib_errors}]}, {Recode.FormatterPlugin, :init, 1, [file: ~c"lib/recode/formatter_plugin.ex", line: 77]}, {Recode.FormatterPlugin, :features, 1, [file: ~c"lib/recode/formatter_plugin.ex", line: 50]}, {Mix.Tasks.Format, :find_sigils_from_plugins, 2, [file: ~c"lib/mix/tasks/format.ex", line: 618]}, {Mix.Tasks.Format, :"-load_plugins/1-fun-2-", 3, [file: ~c"lib/mix/tasks/format.ex", line: 275]}, {Enum, :"-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-", 3, [file: ~c"lib/enum.ex", line: 2510]}, {Mix.Tasks.Format, :load_plugins, 1, [file: ~c"lib/mix/tasks/format.ex", line: 274]}, {Mix.Tasks.Format, :formatter_for_file, 2, [file: ~c"lib/mix/tasks/format.ex", line: 310]}]}}

        # 2
        %{"mix.exs" => %Rewrite.Source{from: :file, path: "mix.exs", content: "defmodule Fmt.MixProject do\n  use Mix.Project\n\n  def project do\n    [\n      app: :fmt,\n      version: \"0.1.0\",\n      elixir: \"~> 1.14\",\n      start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,\n      deps: deps(),\n    ]\n  end\n\n  # Run \"mix help\" to learn about applications.\n  def application do\n    [\n      extra_applications: [:logger],\n    ]\n  end\n\n  # Run \"mix help deps\" to learn about dependencies.\n  defp deps do\n    [\n      {:freedom_formatter, \">= 2.0.0\", only: :dev},\n      {:recode, \"~> 0.6\", only: :dev},\n      # {:dep_from_hexpm, \"~> 0.3.0\"},\n      # {:dep_from_git, git: \"\", tag: \"0.1.0\"}\n    ]\n  end\nend\n", hash: <<110, 19, 26, 1, 129, 12, 212, 207, 127, 142, 86, 167, 75, 136, 132, 165>>, owner: Rewrite, filetype: %Rewrite.Source.Ex{quoted: {:defmodule, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], do: [line: 1, column: 26], end: [line: 30, column: 1], line: 1, column: 1], [{:__aliases__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], last: [line: 1, column: 15], line: 1, column: 11], [:Fmt, :MixProject]}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 1, column: 26], [:do]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: []], [{:use, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], end_of_expression: [newlines: 2, line: 2, column: 18], line: 2, column: 3], [{:__aliases__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], last: [line: 2, column: 11], line: 2, column: 7], [:Mix, :Project]}]}, {:def, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], end_of_expression: [newlines: 1, line: 12, column: 6], do: [line: 4, column: 15], end: [line: 12, column: 3], line: 4, column: 3], [{:project, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 4, column: 7], nil}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 4, column: 15], [:do]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], newlines: 1, closing: [line: 11, column: 5], line: 5, column: 5], [[{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 6, column: 7], [:app]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 6, column: 12], [:fmt]}}, {{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 7, column: 7], [:version]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], delimiter: "\"", line: 7, column: 16], ["0.1.0"]}}, {{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 8, column: 7], [:elixir]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], delimiter: "\"", line: 8, column: 15], ["~> 1.14"]}}, {{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 9, column: 7], [:start_permanent]}, {:==, [trailing_comments: [], line: 9, column: 34], [{{:., [trailing_comments: [], line: 9, column: 27], [{:__aliases__, [...], ...}, :env]}, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], closing: [line: 9, column: 32], line: 9, column: 28], []}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 9, column: 37], [:prod]}]}}, {{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 10, column: 7], [:deps]}, {:deps, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], closing: [line: 10, column: 18], line: 10, column: 13], []}}]]}}]]}, {:def, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [%{line: 14, text: "# Run \"mix help\" to learn about applications.", column: 3, next_eol_count: 1, previous_eol_count: 2}], end_of_expression: [newlines: 1, line: 19, column: 6], do: [line: 15, column: 19], end: [line: 19, column: 3], line: 15, column: 3], [{:application, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 15, column: 7], nil}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 15, column: 19], [:do]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], newlines: 1, closing: [line: 18, column: 5], line: 16, column: 5], [[{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 17, column: 7], [:extra_applications]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], closing: [line: 17, column: 35], line: 17, column: 27], [[{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 17, column: 28], [:logger]}]]}}]]}}]]}, {:defp, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [%{line: 21, text: "# Run \"mix help deps\" to learn about dependencies.", column: 3, next_eol_count: 1, previous_eol_count: 2}], do: [line: 22, column: 13], end: [line: 29, column: 3], line: 22, column: 3], [{:deps, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 22, column: 8], nil}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 22, column: 13], [:do]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [%{line: 26, text: "# {:dep_from_hexpm, \"~> 0.3.0\"},", column: 7, next_eol_count: 1, previous_eol_count: 1}, %{line: 27, text: "# {:dep_from_git, git: \"\", tag: \"0.1.0\"}", column: 7, next_eol_count: 1, previous_eol_count: 2}], leading_comments: [], newlines: 1, closing: [line: 28, column: 5], line: 23, column: 5], [[{:{}, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], closing: [line: 24, column: 50], line: 24, column: 7], [{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 24, column: 8], [:freedom_formatter]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], delimiter: "\"", line: 24, column: 28], [">= 2.0.0"]}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, line: 24, ...], [:only]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 24, ...], [:dev]}}]]}, {:{}, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], closing: [line: 25, column: 37], line: 25, column: 7], [{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], line: 25, column: 8], [:recode]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], delimiter: "\"", line: 25, column: 17], ["~> 0.6"]}, [{{:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], format: :keyword, ...], [:only]}, {:__block__, [trailing_comments: [], leading_comments: [], ...], [:dev]}}]]}]]}}]]}]}}]]}, formatter: #Function<2.24640748/2 in Rewrite.Source.Ex.formatter/2>, opts: [exclude_plugins: [Recode.FormatterPlugin]]}, history: [], issues: [], private: %{}}}

    (rewrite 0.10.0) anonymous fn/2 in!/3
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:4387: anonymous fn/3 in Enum.reduce/3
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/task/supervised.ex:386: Task.Supervised.stream_deliver/7
    (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:4387: Enum.reduce/3
    (rewrite 0.10.0) lib/rewrite.ex:96:!/3
    (recode 0.6.5) lib/recode/runner/impl.ex:31: Recode.Runner.Impl.do_run/2
    (recode 0.6.5) lib/mix/tasks/recode.ex:86:
    (mix 1.15.7) lib/mix/task.ex:455: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/5

In other projects I get it closer to 100% of the time.

NickNeck commented 6 months ago

Thank you for reporting this. I will take a look.

NickNeck commented 6 months ago

Hello @axelson I have released version 0.7.0, that should fix the race condition.

axelson commented 6 months ago

Thank you! That issue is fixed now! :tada: