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Event-calendar: have a way for more info for specific events #72

Open reinhrst opened 1 year ago

reinhrst commented 1 year ago

DoomHammer — Today at 11:03 AM yeah, I also had thoughts about those recurring events cause picnics are more or less the same however others may differ slightly from one occurence to next different agenda, different main topic, different whatever like: usually Idea Squash is all the same, but the next one is gonna have a special topic then the one after that is back to normal again


Claude — Today at 11:10 AM I think it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I think we'd be able to make a content/pl/wydarzenia/idea-squash/2023-06-07.md file or something, that Hugo checks for, and if present, it somehow includes (still have to think about the exact format and visuals) It means it will not clutter up the front-matter If we have a lot of these Can be synced automatically to ics files Could also be used for meeting notes / homework assignments / etc if we want