hsakoh / switchbot-mqtt

SwitchBot MQTT Home Assistant add-on
MIT License
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Invalid list for option 'EnforceDeviceTypes' in SwitchBot-Mqtt #9

Closed jgassens closed 6 months ago

jgassens commented 6 months ago

Having followed the installation instructions, it won't let me save the configuration file. I get the following error:

Failed to save add-on configuration, Invalid list for option 'EnforceDeviceTypes' in SwitchBot-Mqtt (cafb8c58_switchbot_mqtt). Got {'Mqtt': {'AutoConfig': True, 'Host': '', 'Port': 1883, 'Id': '', 'Pw': '', 'Tls': False}, 'SwitchBot': {'ApiKey': '', 'ApiSecret': ''}, 'EnforceDeviceTypes': None, 'WebhookService': {'UseWebhook': False, 'UseNgrok': True, 'NgrokAuthToken': '2ZuUp6tg5C4ECGztQa9GQdzco7u_cSNkL1fqN8kV6WrcR3eN', 'HostUrl': ''}, 'AutoStartServices': False, 'LogLevel': 'Trace'

From the install instructions, it looks like this can be left blank. I have pretty much the default config file (removed API specific info below). But it won't let me save!

Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 1 03 20 PM
hsakoh commented 6 months ago

Please try entering it on the YAML input screen in the following format. EnforceDeviceTypes: [] image


jgassens commented 6 months ago

perfect. thanks.