hsaturn / TinyMqtt

ESP 8266 / 32 / WROOM Small footprint Mqtt Broker and Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Platformio update #58

Closed Marf97 closed 1 year ago

Marf97 commented 1 year ago


I'm using platformio for my esp32/8266 projects and I would like to use your library for a school project :) But I would like to make use of wildcards and the version of your library on platformio is 0.8.0 (2 years old). Could you update it please? Thank you :)


Marf97 commented 1 year ago

Temporary resolved the issue by using lib_deps = https://github.com/hsaturn/TinyMqtt.git but it's a pitty that your library is not updated there too :/

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Hello thanks for the report.

I've checked today. And you're right. I'm gonna take care about that once the Time Out current issue is solved.

Best regards

Marf97 commented 1 year ago

What Time Out issue is happening right now?

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Not sure but it seems that when in local mode, local clients are disconnected after the timeout. I'm on it this week end

Marf97 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I've been experiencing some type of timeout. I have 3 devices right now, one device creating the WiFi network, being broker and having client for listening to all messages and other two devices are just clients in the network sending their data. I haven't measured it but after some period of time, those 2 devices say they are not connected to broker. The first device managing broker, wifi network and client are working for a few days now

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Yes I have to fix that. But with a unit test so this fix will last forever.

Marf97 commented 1 year ago

@hsaturn Hello, is there any update on the issue? I could try to help out and take a look.

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Hello, sorry for late answer, I worked on memory leak issue. About the timeout issue, I made some unsuccessful tests. I'm working now on a auto-reconnect feature which may leads me to this issue. So I've closed timeout issues and re-opened a new one and am making automatic test all the day https://github.com/hsaturn/TinyMqtt/issues/62

About platform IO, I'm not using it because I want to be in same situation as 'basic' users. But I've installed platform IO to have a look.

Best regards

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Ouch !!! 0.8.0, same as yours.

I'll try to see why platform io does not update the version this evening (have to go to work now :-))

Marf97 commented 1 year ago

I guess since you opened new issue about timeout/client life, I will transfer to that one if I have any finding. I'm also working so in spare time I could take a look at it. Platformio update could be somehow automated but no experience with this yet. I think this command should be related to the version update: https://docs.platformio.org/en/stable/core/userguide/pkg/cmd_update.html#cmd-pkg-update

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

The funny thing is that the Changelog of platformio show the 0.9..9 release ...

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

I've re-added a json file as it seems to be important for platformio. We have to wait for platformio to parse this file now. The 0.8.0 release had such a file and I decided to remove it. But it seem that was a bad idea. We will see tomorrow I hope !

hsaturn commented 1 year ago

Problem solved