hsbijarniya / image_editor_plus

Flutter Image Editor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using Paints, Text, Filters, Emoji and Sticker like stories.
MIT License
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Possible to disable the landscape mode in the ImageCropper? #79

Open gd08xxx opened 2 months ago

gd08xxx commented 2 months ago

I am trying to force the user to crop the Image to 16:9 with the following code

                    final Uint8List? croppedImage =
                        await Navigator.push<Uint8List?>(
                        builder: (_) => ImageCropper(
                          image: _image,
                          availableRatios: const <options.AspectRatio>[
                            options.AspectRatio(title: '16:9', ratio: 16 / 9),
                    if (croppedImage == null) return;
                    if (!context.mounted) return;
                    final Uint8List? editedImage =
                        await Navigator.push<Uint8List?>(
                        builder: (_) => ImageEditor(
                          image: croppedImage,
                          cropOption: null,
                          rotateOption: null,
Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 02 18 16

However the is a landscape button that the user can press to change the image to 9:16 (circled in red). Is there a way to disable it?