hsdk123 / Light.vn

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Word wrapping? #5

Open dineko opened 7 years ago

dineko commented 7 years ago

Hello, sorry for using English but my japanese is a little messy. I was wondering if it was possible to add word wrapping for english text in this engine.

hsdk123 commented 7 years ago

No problem, English is fine. If you look through the [コマンド目録] in the editor, you'll see there's a [文字ワードラップ] command that you just need to flip to 'true'.

文字ワードラップ true

--Update-- There's been an update to text rendering in the past couple of months that seems to have broken the function. I'll get back to this in the next update.

P.S. Would you happen to know if there might be other english speaking communities that might be interested in using the engine?

dineko commented 7 years ago

The thing with the OEVN (original English visual novel) community is that many users will just not use a engine unless it supports English. I think Light.vn will become more popular since it's GUI based. The closest thing I can compare it to is "Tyranobuilder" which honestly is a very shallow engine.

hsdk123 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for letting me know - if in the event I (or anyone else interested in doing so) creates an English patch for the engine, would you happen to know of any particular sites or communities that might be interested in using Light.vn or give feedback?

I guess my main concern is that even if an english patch were to exist, that the engine receives zero attention and time just passes by...

dineko commented 7 years ago

Sure, the best vn community you can find is probably the Lemmasoft forums. Various developers and content creators can be found there and it's also a good place to showcase your work


You can also try the VNdevs subreddit.

dineko commented 7 years ago

One last thing. If you are going to make a post about the engine make sure that you post about all of the engines capabilities and features (specially the editor, a really special feature) and why not make a thread asking if people want it in English?

hsdk123 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the info and recommendation - I'll definitely look into making a thread 👍

On a side note, I'll keep this thread open though until I actually fix the issue. If you've noticed anything else that needs fixing, improving, etc., or just have any more questions, feel free to just open up another issues thread.