hsimpson / vscode-glsllint

VSCode extension to lint GLSL shading language files
MIT License
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Improve the "glslangValidator" external dependency #26

Open hsimpson opened 3 years ago

hsimpson commented 3 years ago

At the moment the user have to download the "glslangValidator" manually and set the glslangValidatorPath option to get the extension to work, this is bad UX. Find a better way so the extension works out of the box.

Possible idea would be to package the "glslangValidator" within the extension and be and make glslangValidatorPath optional to to use another version.

hsimpson commented 3 years ago

Another idea would be to use a WASM JS Lib: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang#building-a-standalone-jswasm-library-for-the-web-and-node

homerjam commented 3 years ago

ref: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@webgpu/glslang