hsinnan75 / MapCaller

MapCaller – An efficient and versatile approach for short-read alignment and variant detection in high-throughput sequenced genomes
MIT License
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What is SVsim.cpp in main folder? #18

Closed tseemann closed 4 years ago

tseemann commented 4 years ago

SVsim.cpp is in the top folder - what is it?

hsinnan75 commented 4 years ago

This file is used to simulate sequence variations for a given genome. It outputs a mutant genome with simulated SNVs, indels, inversions and translocations as well as a VCF file. It is not a part of MapCaller. I just used this program to generate synthetic genomes. Then I used the program WGSIM to generate short reads with the mutant genomes.

tseemann commented 4 years ago

Maybe you should move it to src/SVsim then?

hsinnan75 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I've moved it to src/sv_simulator/.