hsitz / VimOrganizer

VimOrganizer is partly a clone of Emacs' Org-mode, and partly a front end to Org-mode itself. Do Org in Vim.
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Opening the capture buffer overwrites the default cut register #65

Open mezzarobba opened 10 years ago

mezzarobba commented 10 years ago

Possible fix:

    --- a/autoload/org.vim
    +++ b/autoload/org.vim
    @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ function! org#CaptureBuffer()
         command! -buffer W :call <SID>ProcessCapture()
         " below is the basic template
         " a first level head with date timestamp
    -    normal ggVGd
    +    normal ggVG"_d
         normal i* 
         silent exec "normal o:<".org#Timestamp().">"
         normal gg