hsjoberg / blixt-wallet

Bitcoin Lightning Wallet with focus on usability and user experience
MIT License
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Crawl website for icon when using lnurl-pay and lnurl-withdraw #217

Open hsjoberg opened 3 years ago

hsjoberg commented 3 years ago

When paying with lnurl-pay or withdrawing with lnurl-withdraw, we should make a GET request to the domain site, parse the HTML and look for a favicon, apple-touch-icon or a manifest.json for showing an icon in the transaction list. For normal lightning payments, we could also crawl if paying through the WebLN browser.

We need to store the image somehow, there are a couple of libs available. We probably need to do this manually as we need to be careful regarding with the Tor integration. https://github.com/tradle/react-native-image-store https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs

Parsing HTML https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-html-parser https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-html-parser

sesam commented 3 years ago

This could be a security issue. Images as foot-in-door towards fully compromising the user's device is reoccurring every year.

hsjoberg commented 3 years ago

@sesam That is a very good point.

hsjoberg commented 2 years ago
