hslavich / OneloginSamlBundle

OneLogin SAML Bundle for Symfony
MIT License
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Configuring security.yaml #209

Open cjedmond-interfaces opened 7 months ago

cjedmond-interfaces commented 7 months ago

Good morning,

I encountered quite a few problems with the plugin's operation. Particularly at the provider configuration level. I go through google as idp. Once the user enters their credentials, they are identified but are not connected.

Instead of entering this: providers: saml_provider:

Basic provider instantiates a user with default roles

             user_class: 'AppBundle\Entity\User'
             default_roles: ['ROLE_USER']

I had to put instead: providers: saml_provider: entity: class: App\Entity\User property: email

So I was able to be authenticated and connected to my application (ip)