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"Tracks - in Flashes & Games (by Album)" could show tracks that haven't been included in any flashes, dimmed #221

Open towerofnix opened 11 months ago

towerofnix commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Makin!

This would obviously only apply for albums which have at least one track featured in a flash. We might want to check against an arbitrary/hard-coded ratio or static greater number of tracks, since it's not terribly useful to see albums which just so happened to include one or two tracks but are majority "not comic albums". (See: The Felt, Prospit & Derse.)

towerofnix commented 11 months ago

Also commentary from Makin:

since it's not terribly useful to see albums which just so happened to include one or two tracks but are majority "not comic albums". (See: The Felt, Prospit & Derse.)

you just explained why it's useful though, it lets you see which albums are not comic albums