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Add "sorting by date" mode to "contributed music to groups" box #309

Open towerofnix opened 10 months ago

towerofnix commented 10 months ago

Not sure if this should display individual contiguous ranges (of years) or not.

For example, some of Erik Scheele's groups, showing just the range from earliest to latest:

And the same data, but individual contiguous ranges:

It's important to consider this feature in the context of #308. Detailed chronology breakdowns per-group will be available by filtering, making the details here somewhat extraneous. However, this mode may also be used as a way to decide which groups you're interested in filtering by at the moment - in which case the extra details are useful, and directly reflected in the data you choose to filter.

Unlike "Sorting by duration", this does apply for artwork contributions as well as music. Client-side JS may need refactoring to support more than one of these sorts of controls being present on a single page (haven't investigated yet).

towerofnix commented 10 months ago

Another option is to display multiple items for each group - one for each continuous range of years:

But it's honestly kind of obtuse. Dividing by more discrete chunks of time is what the rest of the list is for, after all, and the details are clear once you've chosen what to filter by.

Worth keeping in mind, but probably not preferable above the two above.

towerofnix commented 4 months ago

Alright, thanks to Tangle in #hsmusic-chat, we've got a pretty fleshed-out design for this feautre now.

Concerns with the current group contributions info:

  1. Sorting by duration or by count is not an especially useful default view.
    • Duration and count are both atemporal ranking kinds of placement: they provide information that simply isn't relevant if you don't care about comparing an artist's amoutn of work for one group to that of another. There is a casual use for that information, besides "for fun" — it can give a sense of what works an artwork might be especially known for, or prominent in the creation of — but this is mainly its only use. Details except for the very top can quickly turn into visual noise, decreasing the emotional value of the element as a whole (and encouraging you to just skip past all of it, all the time).
    • The element is not unreasonably huge, but it's still something that most people probably skip over when viewing an artist info page. If they aren't using, they have to skip over it, because it's always at the top of the tracks/artworks lists.
    • (Note: tracks and artworks do share the same default—both sort by count—so this isn't something a "sorting by date" would improve further on.)
  2. Sorting by duration or by count isn't very good as a filtering control.
    • Not to say it's not good at all, but it tends to be poor for quickly accessing a select group you have in mind. Sure, Desynced is near the top of Rainy's list, but look for UMSPAF and SAHCon and the only cues you're getting for free are the group colors. Generally, since the lower end of the list is inherently more random, you have to do some searching. If you aren't aware of roughly how much the artist has contributed to the group in mind, sorting is absolutely random.
    • Sorting is moreover random per artist — each artist has contributed different amounts to different groups, so the list is always entirely personalized to them. At best you can usually find Fandom or Beyond closer to the top (since they include the totals of most quantities in individual other groups), but that's all you get. The most important groups for filtering (official / fandom / beyond) are at best semi-predictable across artists; the rest you can't build any sense across artists.
  3. Presenting groups as completely discrete units, when there is almost always some degree of overlap, can be confusing to parse and understand.
    • This is a concern brought up by Makin in #issuefication-zone—thanks! Also what sparked Tangle's review and brainstorming.
    • The worst case is when an artist's contributed to a single fandom-oriented group, as is common for recent contributors to UMSPAF, for example: the list displays Contributed music to groups: Fandom (5 tracks), UMSPAF (5 tracks), giving the impression that the artist's contributed ten tracks total, when in fact they've only five!
    • But this can be broadly confusing anyway, ex. Rainy's top three are Fandom (74 tracks), Desynced (44 tracks), Deconreconstruction (21 tracks)—you can guess that 44 + 21 comes somewhere sort of around 74, but on closer inspection there are 11 tracks not accounted for. You have to parse the rest of the list to figure out what's what—UMSPAF (6 tracks), Stuck at Home Con (3 tracks) gets you all the way to 74—and there's no visual cue to assist. The numbers work out neatly for Rainy, reinforcing the apparent breakdown; but that's rare, as many artists have contributed tracks to albums that aren't (yet) categorized into specific groups besides Fandom.
    • The quantity-sorting modes are predominantly useful because they treat groups as discrete things, i.e. they don't regard overlap at all... but this is confusing at first glance, especially if you're parsing the list for any purpose besides getting detailed comparison data.

Tangle's proposal is to address all these concerns at once by using a spin on the "sorting by date" proposed here. Best to review the full discussion for details (#hsmusic-chat), but here's a summary of the takeaways:

We'd like to introduce this feature at the same time as filtering (#308) — we (obviously) think they go well together. See https://github.com/hsmusic/hsmusic-wiki/issues/308#issuecomment-2067822462 for details.