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Use a more consistent look for "view additional files" shortcut #490

Closed towerofnix closed 1 month ago

towerofnix commented 1 month ago

And more consistent code, too!

This gets rid of the preview of the inline list of Additional Files names' entries. So where before we had:

View additional files: Album Booklet

Now we have:

View additional files.

This makes it line up with other text in the UI better.

View additional files. View gallery page or commentary page!

Download sheet music files. Download MIDI/project files. Read artist commentary.

It reduces unpredictability, since some pages have a lot of files (or long names) and some only have one or two.

And, it reduces clutter and makes name content more versatile, since they only show up as proper title elements (e.g. of a section within a list), rather than also being inline text.