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Randomized carousel slots #500

Open towerofnix opened 1 month ago

towerofnix commented 1 month ago

Brought up by Jebb (#hsmusic-chat) and this particular idea pitched and detailed by FF (#hsmusic-chat).

Related to #501, but this is a distinct idea.

Our thoughts are to periodically (i.e. once a week), and maybe globally (i.e. everyone shares the same timestamp-based random seed), dynamically replace certain slots in a group's carousel with a randomly picked album from a manual selection for that slot. Essentially, randomized carousel slots are a list of albums, a periodically random one of which will always be shown in that slot's position. All the albums should (or could) represent the same "idea", and any of the albums may be shown to that effect. This lets there be more variety and diversity in the carousels while still keeping a coherent theme/layout. (A period is used, rather than randomizing on every load, to avoid needlessly frequent distractions, and to give a chance to come back and explore a new selection later.)

Implementation notes:

towerofnix commented 1 month ago

Suggested randomized slots from FF (#hsmusic-chat):

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