hsosik / ifcb-analysis

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need to handle yet another erroneous ml_analyzed case #33

Closed hsosik closed 1 year ago

hsosik commented 2 years ago

Discovered that the current IFCB_volume_analyzed_fromADC does not detect the problem with this bin: https://ifcb-data.whoi.edu/bin?bin=D20190407T232107_IFCB127 where there is a bad value in the in inhibittime column of the last row of the adc file (https://ifcb-data.whoi.edu/NESLTER_transect/D20190407T232107_IFCB127.adc)

Apparently, the criteria to detect suspect values need to be updated.

hsosik commented 2 years ago

Here's another bizarre special case where the entire inhibit and runtime columns appear malformed, but the grab times look fine: https://ifcb-data.whoi.edu/NESLTER_transect/D20210203T214745_IFCB102.adc

hsosik commented 2 years ago

Here's another one with a similar problem as in the previous comment: 'https://ifcb-data.whoi.edu/NESLTER_transect/D20211113T194011_IFCB115.adc'

It looks like the inhibittime and runtime columns have a constant offset (first row runtime and adctime should be essentially equal). If there's a decent way to estimate the offset from the adctime, then corrected ml_analyzed should be easy to obtain.

hsosik commented 1 year ago

addressed in revised IFCB_volume_analyzed.m and IFCB_volume_analyzed_adc.m, https://github.com/hsosik/ifcb-analysis/commit/f4ba75db186c28799893b07f42bf7ccf75ec4406