hspec / hspec-wai

Helpers to test WAI applications with Hspec
MIT License
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How to use HSpec.Wai with hspec-discover? #75

Open mklinik opened 1 year ago

mklinik commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use hspec-discover with HSpec.Wai. The top-level spec items in my FooSpec.hs files are of type spec :: SpecWith (st, Application). I want to use my own Main module and driver, so I generate the test suite like this:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover -optF --module-name=APISpec -optF --no-main #-}

However, hspec-discover generates spec :: Spec in which it tries to run the (st, Application) specs from the test modules.

Is there a way to make hspec-discover generate a spec :: SpecWith (st, Application)? Or do I have to set up my tests differently?

sol commented 11 months ago

You probably want to use spec hooks: https://hspec.github.io/hspec-discover.html#spec-hooks

We probably want to add an example to the README. PRs welcome.