hstaudacher / osgi-jax-rs-connector

An OSGi - JAX-RS 2.0 Connector, software repository available on the link below
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Unused package imports in com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.consumer #51

Closed vroldanbet closed 10 years ago

vroldanbet commented 10 years ago

According to Eclipse's dependency analysis, the following packages are imported in jaxrs.consumer bundle, but not used:

com.google.common.collect javax.annotation javax.inject org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator org.glassfish.hk2.utilities org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.cache org.glassfish.jersey.process org.jvnet.hk2.external.generator

hstaudacher commented 10 years ago

I removed the dependencies but I have to test if everything still works before the next release. The unit tests are green and also the integration tests. But I need to do some manual testing as well.

Usually I do not add unnecessary dependencies. Maybe I added them back in the days I have used Karaf.

vroldanbet commented 10 years ago


thanks for taking a look at this. By looking at the code, you can see those aren't being used. It may be the case that in some scenarios those bundles should be in the OSGi container (for instance, because they make certain services available). Even if that the case, I can't see why this bundle should be declaring a dependency. They are most likely a development leftover.

Thanks for your time!