hstaudacher / osgi-jax-rs-connector

An OSGi - JAX-RS 2.0 Connector, software repository available on the link below
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Jersey Servlet Container registration is lost when reconfiguring Felix HTTP Service #65

Closed stefanseifert closed 9 years ago

stefanseifert commented 9 years ago

i use the osgi-jax-rs-connector/publisher in a felix-based OSGi environment, with felix HTTP service. all works well, my services with @Path annotations work as expected.

but when i reconfigure the felix http service the jersey servlet container registration at /services vanishes from the http service registrations (i can see this in the web console at http://localhost:8080/system/console/status-httpservice). when i restart the bundle "com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.publisher" all is well again.

is this a known problem? i started a bit debugging with the publisher sources, it seems that the HttpTracker.addingService method is called on each configuration update, but HttpTracker.removedService is not called. if HttpTracker.addingService is callled the second time after starting the "com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.publisher" bundle the registration is no longer present.

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

I'm not yet sure how to fix it. Need to think more about it...

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

@stefanseifert I have the suspicion that this issue relates to the one discussed in #67. Can you test the 4.2.0 RC2 build to see if it still fails? See here #68

stefanseifert commented 9 years ago

i've tested it again the current snapshots from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/eclipsesource/jaxrs/ unfortunately the problem is still the same.

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

hmm, would have been to good to be true ;). Need to create the setup with my IDE to reproduce the error. Can take a while...

stefanseifert commented 9 years ago

i think i found the source of the problem - please see #73

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

Cool, will take a look at it soon, Thanks!