hstaudacher / osgi-jax-rs-connector

An OSGi - JAX-RS 2.0 Connector, software repository available on the link below
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SSE bundle requires servlet spec 3.0 -> this is not OSGi R4 #70

Closed kaikreuzer closed 9 years ago

kaikreuzer commented 9 years ago

I just noticed that the SSE bunde has a javax.servlet 2.6 (= servlet 3.0 spec) import package, see https://github.com/hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector/blob/master/bundles/com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.provider.sse/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

In general, Jersey seems to only require javax.servlet 2.3, which is OSGi R4 compatible. Is there any reason for this version constraint for SSE support?

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

Yes there is a reason. Jerseys Server Sent events require servlet 3.x API. This is why I have created an optional provider for SSE.

Please correct me if I'm wrong ;)

hstaudacher commented 9 years ago

btw I'm working on the README.md right now. I added this fact to the requirements