Open rajneshkis13 opened 5 years ago
you can change the default date color by pushing the days to daysConfig and passing dayConfig: { marked: true} and then you can change the color with .marked class css and also you can pass with the 'cssClass' key
daysConfig.push({ date: new Date(item), marked: true });
DayConfig { date: Date; marked?: boolean; disable?: boolean; title?: string; subTitle?: string; cssClass?: string; }
here's the interface of daysConfig
Hi, I'm having this issue too. I pass a custom CSS class to days config, but it does nothing.
For example: in my I created the following class:
.marked{ color:#f53d3d; //Red Color }
Then in my calendarview.ts file I configure the days as:
cssClass: "marked",
date: new Date(2019,7,27),
subTitle: "2",
marked: true
however, the marked highlight color is still the default. I can't get the marked color to change... The days config is working because I'm able to highlight the day as well as set a subtitle.
@bigcountry350 try writing the scss at the global level i.e in style.scss file it might work and also use diffrent cssClass name for it
Hello, i've been having this problem also, it's been solved by applying to the background-color `property on the global css the !important modifier
.selectedDay{ background-color: yellow !important; }
hi i want to display default date with different background color i was pass "defaultDates" in "CalendarModalOptions" to display default date
const options: CalendarModalOptions = { pickMode: 'multi', title: '', monthFormat:'MMMM yyyy', weekStart:1, defaultDates:["2019-04-18", "2019-04-19","2019-04-20", "2019-04-21"], };
i want 2019-04-18 background color green i want 2019-04-19 background color red i want 2019-04-18 background color red i want 2019-04-19 background color green
check attachment screen shots i want same design of calendar is it possible to make ? let me know