hsuanyi-chou / shadcn-ui-expansions

More components built on top of shadcn-ui.
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[bug]: date-time picker closing works partially #99

Open MartinGbz opened 2 weeks ago

MartinGbz commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Somehow, we need to click 2 times outside of the calendar to make it closed. On my project, I got the issue every time, but on https://shadcnui-expansions.typeart.cc/docs/datetime-picker it happened only sometimes.

The double outside click issue happen only when you choose a different value, so if you open and then click outside (without picking a value), the calendar will close. But if you open it, choose a value, then you'll need to click 2 times to make it close.

I tried to dig into the problem, without success, so that's why I'm opening this issue.

Affected component/components


How to reproduce

Codesandbox/StackBlitz link

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Before submitting

hsuanyi-chou commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, I don't find the root cause.

Following is what I've tried.

The issue looks like that when you select a date, something blocks all activities.

I think that's related to react-aria and I am still digging it.