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PGZ last segment has an incorrect address [v3.6.12] #14

Closed ProxyPlayerHD closed 1 year ago

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

while reworking parts of my SBC's BIOS ROM i somehow broke my C environment and now i'm not sure how to fix it again...

basically when compiling some code the last segment of the PGZ file (which denotes the address where execution should jump to) does not seem to line up with where it should point to. for the sake of testing i'm compiling a C file containing just an empty main function and nothing else, and cstartup.s only contains the required labels and a single instruction to jump to my ROM's Termination Vector.

compiling the C file generates a correct and functional PGZ file here the Serial output of my SBC:

020000    <--- Address of the Data Segment
00000A    <--- Size of the Data Segment
0A 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 00    <--- Loaded Data

02000C    <--- Address of the Code Segment
00009F    <--- Size of the Code Segment
DC F0 FF 00 00 00 A9 00 00 6B 00 00 00 00 A9    <--- Loaded Data
00 00 6B A9 00 00 6B A9 FF FF A2 FF FF 6B 5A
A0 00 00 C9 01 00 F0 0B A9 09 00 8F 0A 00 02
98 3A 80 26 A6 04 F0 21 AF 00 00 01 89 40 00
D0 F7 E2 20 A7 00 8F 01 00 01 C2 20 E6 00 98
1A A8 8A 3A 83 01 A3 01 AA 80 DD 98 7A 6B 5A
AA A9 00 00 83 01 E0 01 00 F0 0C A9 09 00 8F
0A 00 02 A9 FF FF 80 2C A6 04 A3 01 E8 CA F0
22 AF FF FF 00 30 FA E2 20 AF 01 00 01 87 00
C2 20 E6 00 A3 01 1A A8 8A 3A 83 01 A3 01 AA
98 83 01 80 DA A3 01 7A 6B

02000C    <--- Address to jump to

the DC F0 FF is the Indirect Jump to the BIOS ROM, and as you can see it's located at the start of the Code Segment at address 0x02000C which is also where execution jumps to acording to the last segment. and it does indeed work and return successfully.

but watch what happens when i add just a single NOP instruction to cstartup.s:

0A 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 00

A9 00 00 6B 00 00 00 00 A9 00 00 6B A9 00 00
6B EA DC F0 FF A9 FF FF A2 FF FF 6B 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 5A A0 00 00 C9 01 00 F0 0B A9 09
00 8F 0A 00 02 98 3A 80 26 A6 04 F0 21 AF 00
00 01 89 40 00 D0 F7 E2 20 A7 00 8F 01 00 01
C2 20 E6 00 98 1A A8 8A 3A 83 01 A3 01 AA 80
DD 98 7A 6B 5A AA A9 00 00 83 01 E0 01 00 F0
0C A9 09 00 8F 0A 00 02 A9 FF FF 80 2C A6 04
A3 01 E8 CA F0 22 AF FF FF 00 30 FA E2 20 AF
01 00 01 87 00 C2 20 E6 00 A3 01 1A A8 8A 3A
83 01 A3 01 AA 98 83 01 80 DA A3 01 7A 6B


suddendly the DC F0 FF is further into the code segment. the A9 00 00 6B seems to be from the C file as that's just the LDA ##0 and RTL instructions of the empty main function. after that you have the EA DC F0 FF which form the NOP and JMP [] instructions. doing the math manually, from the start of the code segment at 0x02000C to the NOP instruction is a total of 16 Bytes, so the last segment should point to address 0x02001C... but it doesn't, it points to 0x020018 instead. so it's off by 4 bytes, but why?

that's where i hope you can help me out with this. i know it's not a problem with the ROM or loader as a purely assembly written program using ca65 works perfectly no matter how large or small the segments are.


so here all the info i can give: the commands used to compile, assemble, and link everything:

AS65816 -l --code-model large --data-model large -o cstartup.o cstartup.s
CC65816 --64bit-doubles --code-model large --data-model large -I Include -O2 --list-file Output\test.lst -o Temp\test.o test.c
LN65816 --hosted --cross-reference --rtattr cstartup=SBCv1 --verbose --output-format pgz -o test.pgz Config\SBC_816.scm Config\cstartup.o Config\stdio_functions.o Temp\test.o clib-lc-ld-double64.a

the SBC_816.scm file looks like this:

(define memories'(
    (memory DirectPage  (address (#x000000 . #x0000FF))
        (section (registers ztiny)))
    (memory LoRAM   (address (#x000100 . #x00FBFF))
        (section stack))
    (memory IO      (address (#x010000 . #x0100FF)))
    (memory LoROM   (address (#x00FF00 . #x00FFFF)))
    (memory HiROM   (address (#x010100 . #x013FFF)))
    (memory HiRAM   (address (#x020000 . #x0FFFFF)) (type ANY)
        (section heap znear))
    (memory HiDB    (address (#x020000 . #x02FFFF)))
    (memory VRAM    (address (#xFF0000 . #xFFFFFF)))
    (block stack    (size #x002000))
    (block heap     (size #x008000))
    (base-address _DirectPageStart DirectPage 0)
    (base-address _NearBaseAddress HiDB 0)


    .rtmodel cstartup,"SBCv1"
    .rtmodel version, "1"
    .rtmodel core, "*"
    .section cstack
    .section stack
    .section heap
    .section data_init_table

    .extern _NearBaseAddress

#include "macros.h"

    .section farcode, noreorder
    .pubweak __program_root_section
    .pubweak __program_start
    JMP [0xFFF0]

    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
    .pubweak __data_initialization_needed
    .extern __initialize_sections
    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
    .pubweak __call_initialize_global_streams
    .extern __initialize_global_streams
    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
    .pubweak __call_heap_initialize
    .extern __heap_initialize, __default_heap
    .section farcode, root, noreorder
    .section libcode
    .pubweak __low_level_init

test.c is literally just:

int main(){
    return 0;

the stdio_functions.c file is likely from the src folder of Calypsi C itself and i only have it included because i usually use it for printf. it shouldn't matter that it's present.

#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stubs.h>

#define _CTRL           0x010000
#define _SERIAL         0x010001
#define _BIT_TXE        0b01000000
#define _BIT_RXF        0b10000000

#define mread8(addr)            *((uint8_t*)addr)
#define mwrite8(addr, val)      *((uint8_t*)addr) = val

size_t _Stub_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count){
    const char *p = buf;
    size_t n = 0;

    switch (fd){
        case 1:
            while (count){
                while ((mread8(_CTRL) & _BIT_TXE)){};
                mwrite8(_SERIAL, *p);
            return (size_t) -1;
    return n;

size_t _Stub_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count){
    char *p = buf;
    size_t n = 0;

    switch (fd){
        case 1:
            while (count){
                while ((mread8(_CTRL) & _BIT_RXF)){};
                *p = mread8(_SERIAL);
            return (size_t) -1;
    return n;

long _Stub_lseek(int fd, long offset, int whence) {
  return -1;

int _Stub_open(const char *path, int oflag, ...) {
  return 0;

int _Stub_close(int fd) {
  return 0;

i hope that is everything needed to hopefully recreate this issue, or tell me if anything sticks out as obviously wrong....

hth313 commented 1 year ago

Can you add --list-file=image.lst --cross-reference to the linker line and inspect the generated list file image.lst?

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

it already had the --cross-reference option, but besides that here the generated .lst file:

#                                                                             #
# Calypsi linker for 65816                                     version 3.6.12 #
#                                                       02/Apr/2023  20:59:30 #
# Command line: --hosted --list-file Output\test.lst --cross-reference        #
#               --rtattr cstartup=SBCv1 --verbose --output-format pgz -o      #
#               test.pgz Config\SBC_816.scm Include\FixedMath.a               #
#               Include\BasicGraphics.a Config\cstartup.o                     #
#               Config\stdio_functions.o Temp\test.o clib-lc-ld-double64.a    #
#                                                                             #

#                  #
# Memories summary #
#                  #

Name                    Range         Size    Used    Checksum  Largest unallocated
DirectPage              000000-0000ff 000100    7.8%  none      0000ec
LoRAM                   000100-00fbff 00fb00   12.7%  none      00db00
LoROM                   00ff00-00ffff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
IO                      010000-0100ff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
HiROM                   010100-013fff 003f00    0.0%  none      003f00
HiDB                    020000-02ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
  > HiRAM-02-far-cbits  020000-020009 00000a  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-far-nobits 02000a-02000b 000002  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-farcode    02000c-0200a4 000099  100.0%  none      00ff5b
HiRAM-02                020000-02ffff 010000   50.3%  none      007f5b
HiRAM-03                030000-03ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-04                040000-04ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-05                050000-05ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-06                060000-06ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-07                070000-07ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-08                080000-08ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-09                090000-09ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0a                0a0000-0affff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0b                0b0000-0bffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0c                0c0000-0cffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0d                0d0000-0dffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0e                0e0000-0effff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0f                0f0000-0fffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
VRAM                    ff0000-ffffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000

#                  #
# Sections summary #
#                  #

Name            Range          Size    Memory              Fragments
registers       000000-000013  000014  DirectPage          1
stack           000100-0020ff  002000  LoRAM               1
data_init_table 020000-020009  00000a  HiRAM-02-far-cbits  1
zfar            02000a-02000b  000002  HiRAM-02-far-nobits 1
farcode         02000c-0200a4  000099  HiRAM-02-farcode    9
heap            0200a5-0280a4  008000  HiRAM-02            1

#              #
# Object files #
#              #

Unit Filename                 Archive
  2  Config\cstartup.o        -
          # picked based on cstartup=SBCv1
          >  farcode 000004
  3  Config\stdio_functions.o -
          >  farcode 000091
  4  Temp\test.o              -
          >  farcode 000004
  8  pseudoRegisters.o        clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  registers 000014
  9  errno.o                  clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  zfar 000002

#                 #
# Cross reference #
#                 #

_Dp in section 'registers'  placed at address 000000-000013 of size 000014
(pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 8 section index 2)
        _Vfp = 000010
        _Dp = 000000
    Referenced from:
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)

Section 'heap'  placed at address 0200a5-0280a4 of size 008000
(linker generated)

Section 'data_init_table'  placed at address 020000-020009 of size 00000a
(linker generated)

errno in section 'zfar'  placed at address 02000a-02000b of size 000002
(errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)
        errno = 02000a
    Referenced from:
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)

_Stub_open in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02000c-02000f of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 5)
        _Stub_open = 02000c

__low_level_init in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02000c of size 000000
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 6)
        __low_level_init = 02000c

_Stub_close in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020010-020013 of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 6)
        _Stub_close = 020010

main in section 'farcode'  placed at address 020014-020017 of size 000004
(Temp\test.o unit 4 section index 2)
        main = 020014

__program_start in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020018-02001b of size 000004
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 2)
        __program_start = 020018
        __program_root_section = 020018

_Stub_lseek in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02001c-020022 of size 000007
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 4)
        _Stub_lseek = 02001c

__data_initialization_needed in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02001c of size 000000
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 3)
        __data_initialization_needed = 02001c

_Stub_write in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020023-02005e of size 00003c
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_write = 020023
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 8 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)

_Stub_read in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02005f-0200a4 of size 000046
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)
        _Stub_read = 02005f
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 8 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)

Section 'stack'  placed at address 000100-0020ff of size 002000
(linker generated)

#                        #
# Memory sizes (decimal) #
#                        #

Executable       (Text):   163 bytes
Data                   :     2 bytes
Non-initialized        : 40980 bytes
hth313 commented 1 year ago

This is due to a bug when it lays out the memory bits. The culprit is the section with __low_level_init which is empty. I have fixed it in my upcoming version. In the mean time you should be able to work around the problem by inserting an instruction in that section or remove it since it is not used.

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

but __low_level_init has always been empty in my setup (containing just a single RTS/RTL instruction), so why would it just break all the sudden? and even when i add a NOP instruction in __low_level_init or remove it entirely it doesn't change anything... the issue still persists.

here the current cstartup.s .lst file and the linker's .lst file:

#                                                                             #
# Calypsi assembler for 65816                                  version 3.6.12 #
#                                                       03/Apr/2023  09:59:10 #
# Command line: -l --code-model large --data-model large -o cstartup.o        #
#               cstartup.s                                                    #
#                                                                             #

0001                  ;;; Startup variant, change attribute value if you make your own
0002                    .rtmodel cstartup,"SBCv1"
0004                    .rtmodel version, "1"
0005                    .rtmodel core, "*"
0007                    .section cstack
0008                    .section stack
0009                    .section heap
0010                    .section data_init_table
0012                    .extern main
0013                    .extern _Dp, _Vfp
0014                    .extern _DirectPageStart
0016                  #ifndef __CALYPSI_DATA_MODEL_SMALL__
0017                    .extern _NearBaseAddress
0018                  #endif
0020                  #include "macros.h"
0023                  ;;; ***************************************************************************
0024                  ;;;
0025                  ;;; __program_start - actual start point of the program
0026                  ;;;
0027                  ;;; Set up CPU stack, initialize sections and call main().
0028                  ;;; You can override this with your own routine, or tailor it as needed.
0029                  ;;; The easiest way to make custom initialization is to provide your own
0030                  ;;; __low_level_init which gets called after stacks have been initialized.
0031                  ;;;
0032                  ;;; ***************************************************************************
0034                    .section farcode, noreorder
0035                    .pubweak __program_root_section
0036                  __program_root_section:
0037                    .pubweak __program_start
0038                  __program_start:
0039                    ai16                        ; 16-bit registers
    \ 000000 c230                 rep     #48
0040  000002 a2....     LDX ##.sectionEnd stack
0041  000005 9a         TXS                         ; set stack
0042  000006 a9....     LDA ##_DirectPageStart
0043  000009 5b         TCD                         ; set direct page
0044                  #ifdef __CALYPSI_DATA_MODEL_SMALL__
0045                    LDA ##0
0046                  #else
0047  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 _NearBaseAddress
0048                  #endif
0049  00000d 64..       STZ dp:.tiny(_Vfp+2)
0050  00000f eb         XBA                         ; A upper half = data bank
0051  000010 48         PHA
0052  000011 ab         PLB                         ; pop 8 dummy
0053  000012 ab         PLB                         ; set data bank
0054                  ; call __low_level_init
0056                  ;;;; **** Initialize data sections if needed.
0057                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0058                    .pubweak __data_initialization_needed
0059                    .extern __initialize_sections
0060                  __data_initialization_needed:
0061  000000 a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionEnd data_init_table)
0062  000003 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+6)
0063  000005 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionEnd data_init_table)
0064  000008 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+4)
0065  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionStart data_init_table)
0066  00000d 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+2)
0067  00000f a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionStart data_init_table)
0068  000012 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+0)
0069                    call __initialize_sections
    \ 000014 22......             jsl     long:__initialize_sections
0071                  ;;;; **** Initialize streams if needed.
0072                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0073                    .pubweak __call_initialize_global_streams
0074                    .extern __initialize_global_streams
0075                  __call_initialize_global_streams:
0076                    call __initialize_global_streams
    \ 000000 22......             jsl     long:__initialize_global_streams
0078                  ;;;; **** Initialize heap if needed.
0079                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0080                    .pubweak __call_heap_initialize
0081                    .extern __heap_initialize, __default_heap
0082                  __call_heap_initialize:
0083  000000 a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionStart heap)
0084  000003 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+6)
0085  000005 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionStart heap)
0086  000008 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+4)
0087  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 __default_heap
0088  00000d 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+2)
0089  00000f a9....     LDA ##.word0 __default_heap
0090  000012 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+0)
0091  000014 a2....     LDX ##.word2 (.sectionSize heap)
0092  000017 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionSize heap)
0093                    call __heap_initialize
    \ 00001a 22......             jsl     long:__heap_initialize
0095                    .section farcode, root, noreorder
0096  000000 a90000     LDA ##0
0097                    call main       ; Jump to Main
    \ 000003 22......             jsl     long:main
0098  000007 dcf0ff     JMP [0xFFF0]    ; Once Returned, jump to the Termination Vector
0101                  ;;;; ***************************************************************************
0102                  ;;;;
0103                  ;;;; __low_level_init - custom low level initialization
0104                  ;;;;
0105                  ;;;; This default routine just returns doing nothing. You can provide your own
0106                  ;;;; routine, either in C or assembly for doing custom low leve initialization.
0107                  ;;;;
0108                  ;;;; ***************************************************************************
0110                  ; .section libcode
0111                  ; .pubweak __low_level_init
0112                  ;__low_level_init:
0113                  ; NOP
0114                  ; return

#                        #
# Memory sizes (decimal) #
#                        #

Executable  (Text): 87 bytes
#                                                                             #
# Calypsi linker for 65816                                     version 3.6.12 #
#                                                       03/Apr/2023  10:01:17 #
# Command line: --hosted --list-file Output\test.lst --cross-reference        #
#               --rtattr cstartup=SBCv1 --verbose --output-format pgz -o      #
#               test.pgz Config\SBC_816.scm Include\FixedMath.a               #
#               Include\BasicGraphics.a Config\cstartup.o                     #
#               Config\stdio_functions.o Temp\test.o clib-lc-ld-double64.a    #
#                                                                             #

#                  #
# Memories summary #
#                  #

Name                    Range         Size    Used    Checksum  Largest unallocated
DirectPage              000000-0000ff 000100    7.8%  none      0000ec
LoRAM                   000100-00fbff 00fb00   12.7%  none      00db00
LoROM                   00ff00-00ffff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
IO                      010000-0100ff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
HiROM                   010100-013fff 003f00    0.0%  none      003f00
HiDB                    020000-02ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
  > HiRAM-02-far-cbits  020000-020009 00000a  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-far-nobits 02000a-02000b 000002  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-farcode    02000c-0201f0 0001e5  100.0%  none      00fe0f
HiRAM-02                020000-02ffff 010000   50.8%  none      007e0f
HiRAM-03                030000-03ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-04                040000-04ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-05                050000-05ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-06                060000-06ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-07                070000-07ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-08                080000-08ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-09                090000-09ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0a                0a0000-0affff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0b                0b0000-0bffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0c                0c0000-0cffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0d                0d0000-0dffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0e                0e0000-0effff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0f                0f0000-0fffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
VRAM                    ff0000-ffffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000

#                  #
# Sections summary #
#                  #

Name            Range          Size    Memory              Fragments
registers       000000-000013  000014  DirectPage          1
stack           000100-0020ff  002000  LoRAM               1
data_init_table 020000-020009  00000a  HiRAM-02-far-cbits  1
zfar            02000a-02000b  000002  HiRAM-02-far-nobits 1
farcode         02000c-0201f0  0001e5  HiRAM-02-farcode    12
heap            0201f1-0281f0  008000  HiRAM-02            1

#              #
# Object files #
#              #

Unit Filename                 Archive
  2  Config\cstartup.o        -
          # picked based on cstartup=SBCv1
          >  farcode 000035
  3  Config\stdio_functions.o -
          >  farcode 000091
  4  Temp\test.o              -
          >  farcode 000004
  7  pseudoRegisters.o        clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  registers 000014
  9  errno.o                  clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  zfar 000002
 14  initialize.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 000083
 15  lib_memset.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 000049
 16  lib_memcpy.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 00004f

#                 #
# Cross reference #
#                 #

_Dp in section 'registers'  placed at address 000000-000013 of size 000014
(pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        _Vfp = 000010
        _Dp = 000000
    Referenced from:
        __program_root_section (Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 2)
        __data_initialization_needed (Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 3)
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)
        memset (lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 15 section index 2)
        memcpy (lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 16 section index 2)

Section 'heap'  placed at address 0201f1-0281f0 of size 008000
(linker generated)

Section 'data_init_table'  placed at address 020000-020009 of size 00000a
(linker generated)

errno in section 'zfar'  placed at address 02000a-02000b of size 000002
(errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)
        errno = 02000a
    Referenced from:
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)

_Stub_open in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02000c-02000f of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 5)
        _Stub_open = 02000c

_Stub_close in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020010-020013 of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 6)
        _Stub_close = 020010

main in section 'farcode'  placed at address 020014-020017 of size 000004
(Temp\test.o unit 4 section index 2)
        main = 020014
    Referenced from:
        (Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 6)

_Stub_lseek in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020018-02001e of size 000007
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 4)
        _Stub_lseek = 020018

__program_start in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02001f-020031 of size 000013
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 2)
        __program_start = 02001f
        __program_root_section = 02001f
        _Vfp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)

__data_initialization_needed in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020032-020049 of size 000018
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 3)
        __data_initialization_needed = 020032
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        __initialize_sections in (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)

Section 'farcode'  placed at address 02004a-020053 of size 00000a
(Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 6)
        main in (Temp\test.o unit 4 section index 2)

_Stub_write in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020054-02008f of size 00003c
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 2)
        _Stub_write = 020054
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)

_Stub_read in section 'farcode'  placed at address 020090-0200d5 of size 000046
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 3 section index 3)
        _Stub_read = 020090
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 9 section index 2)

memset in section 'farcode'  placed at address 0200d6-02011e of size 000049
(lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 15 section index 2)
        memset = 0200d6
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)

memcpy in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02011f-02016d of size 00004f
(lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 16 section index 2)
        memcpy = 02011f
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)

__initialize_sections in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02016e-0201f0 of size 000083
(initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)
        __initialize_sections = 02016e
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        memcpy in (lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 16 section index 2)
        memset in (lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 15 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __data_initialization_needed (Config\cstartup.o unit 2 section index 3)

Section 'stack'  placed at address 000100-0020ff of size 002000
(linker generated)

#                        #
# Memory sizes (decimal) #
#                        #

Executable       (Text):   495 bytes
Data                   :     2 bytes
Non-initialized        : 40980 bytes
hth313 commented 1 year ago

Hmmm... that should have worked, I will take another look at it when I can find time,

hth313 commented 1 year ago

but __low_level_init has always been empty in my setup (containing just a single RTS/RTL instruction), so why would it just break all the sudden?

I took a look at and removed the section lines at the bottom here:

        .section farcode, noreorder
        .pubweak __program_root_section
        .pubweak __program_start
        JMP [0xFFF0]

        .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
        .pubweak __data_initialization_needed
        .extern __initialize_sections
        .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
        .pubweak __call_initialize_global_streams
        .extern __initialize_global_streams
        .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
        .pubweak __call_heap_initialize
        .extern __heap_initialize, __default_heap
;        .section farcode, root, noreorder
;        .section farcode
;        .pubweak __low_level_init

This gets rid of the problem on the previous example you sent.

What happens is that it wants to place the memory bits in the memory block to be written out. It sorts the sections that belongs to the memory on their start addresses. Then it traverses the sections knowing the current address.

As there is an empty section it has the same address as another one with bits. The sort function can place them in either order, so depending on the sort order it ends up with, it will either work fine or it will insert incorrect padding (of the same length as the section at the same address as the empty one).

In more detail, when it gets wrong it has placed the section with actual bits first, then it get to the empty one and realizes that it is not in sync (which is fine as there can be padding), so it attempts to pad it. As it actually behind as it already placed a section at the same address, so it gets a huge number and it wraps and becomes negative. It ends up with the size of the section at the same address negated, -4 in this case. The pad function actually will not pad negative numbers, so no padding occurs. Then it corrects the current address, which means it steps it back four steps and loops around. Now the addresses match up so it is good. No bytes are inserted as the section is empty. However, as it (incorrectly) stepped the address back. the following section is seen as 4 bytes ahead and it needs to pad by 4 to reach that section start so it inserts 0,0,0,0 in the output.

I have debugged this carefully and this is a problem that caused it to incorrectly insert 0,0,0,0 in the output. Please go back and try it. I have observed the behavior and work around in my setup. I also fixed it for the next release (filtering out empty sections at this point) and then the work around is no needed.

There may be something more going on here, so it may need additional work, but I want you to carefully check the first example first, removal of that empty section should have the desired effect of getting rid of those bogus four 00.

In the output when it goes wrong I have:

00000010:  000c 0002 a900 00a9 0000 6b00 0000 00a9
                                      ^^ ^^^^ ^^
ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

i was able to replicate your work around for the first example i showed. i also found out that the second cstartup.s file i showed also works but only when i remove the Config\stdio_functions.o part of the Linker command. so there's still something off...

hth313 commented 1 year ago

I released a version 4.1 yesterday which contains a fix to the first issue. Can you provide a complete example to show the new issue?

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

alright i updated to 4.1. here the list file for cstartup.s:

#                                                                             #
# Calypsi assembler for 65816                                     version 4.1 #
#                                                       09/Apr/2023  22:02:28 #
# Command line: -l --code-model large --data-model large -o cstartup.o        #
#               cstartup.s                                                    #
#                                                                             #

0001                  ;;; Startup variant, change attribute value if you make your own
0002                    .rtmodel cstartup,"SBCv1"
0004                    .rtmodel version, "1"
0005                    .rtmodel core, "*"
0007                    .section cstack
0008                    .section stack
0009                    .section heap
0010                    .section data_init_table
0012                    .extern main
0013                    .extern _Dp, _Vfp
0014                    .extern _DirectPageStart
0016                  #ifndef __CALYPSI_DATA_MODEL_SMALL__
0017                    .extern _NearBaseAddress
0018                  #endif
0020                  #include "macros.h"
0023                  ;;; ***************************************************************************
0024                  ;;;
0025                  ;;; __program_start - actual start point of the program
0026                  ;;;
0027                  ;;; Set up CPU stack, initialize sections and call main().
0028                  ;;; You can override this with your own routine, or tailor it as needed.
0029                  ;;; The easiest way to make custom initialization is to provide your own
0030                  ;;; __low_level_init which gets called after stacks have been initialized.
0031                  ;;;
0032                  ;;; ***************************************************************************
0034                    .section farcode, noreorder
0035                    .pubweak __program_root_section
0036                  __program_root_section:
0037                    .pubweak __program_start
0038                  __program_start:
0039                    ai16                        ; 16-bit registers
    \ 000000 c230                 rep     #48
0040  000002 a2....     LDX ##.sectionEnd stack
0041  000005 9a         TXS                         ; set stack
0042  000006 a9....     LDA ##_DirectPageStart
0043  000009 5b         TCD                         ; set direct page
0044                  #ifdef __CALYPSI_DATA_MODEL_SMALL__
0045                    LDA ##0
0046                  #else
0047  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 _NearBaseAddress
0048                  #endif
0049  00000d 64..       STZ dp:.tiny(_Vfp+2)
0050  00000f eb         XBA                         ; A upper half = data bank
0051  000010 48         PHA
0052  000011 ab         PLB                         ; pop 8 dummy
0053  000012 ab         PLB                         ; set data bank
0054                    ;call __low_level_init
0056                  ;;;; **** Initialize data sections if needed.
0057                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0058                    .pubweak __data_initialization_needed
0059                    .extern __initialize_sections
0060                  __data_initialization_needed:
0061  000000 a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionEnd data_init_table)
0062  000003 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+6)
0063  000005 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionEnd data_init_table)
0064  000008 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+4)
0065  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionStart data_init_table)
0066  00000d 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+2)
0067  00000f a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionStart data_init_table)
0068  000012 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+0)
0069                    call __initialize_sections
    \ 000014 22......             jsl     long:__initialize_sections
0071                  ;;;; **** Initialize streams if needed.
0072                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0073                    .pubweak __call_initialize_global_streams
0074                    .extern __initialize_global_streams
0075                  __call_initialize_global_streams:
0076                    call __initialize_global_streams
    \ 000000 22......             jsl     long:__initialize_global_streams
0078                  ;;;; **** Initialize heap if needed.
0079                    .section farcode, noroot, noreorder
0080                    .pubweak __call_heap_initialize
0081                    .extern __heap_initialize, __default_heap
0082                  __call_heap_initialize:
0083  000000 a9....     LDA ##.word2 (.sectionStart heap)
0084  000003 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+6)
0085  000005 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionStart heap)
0086  000008 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+4)
0087  00000a a9....     LDA ##.word2 __default_heap
0088  00000d 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+2)
0089  00000f a9....     LDA ##.word0 __default_heap
0090  000012 85..       STA dp:.tiny(_Dp+0)
0091  000014 a2....     LDX ##.word2 (.sectionSize heap)
0092  000017 a9....     LDA ##.word0 (.sectionSize heap)
0093                    call __heap_initialize
    \ 00001a 22......             jsl     long:__heap_initialize
0095                    .section farcode, root, noreorder
0096  000000 a90000     LDA ##0
0097                    call main       ; Jump to Main
    \ 000003 22......             jsl     long:main
0098  000007 dcf0ff     JMP [0xFFF0]    ; Once Returned, jump to the Termination Vector
0101                  ;;;; ***************************************************************************
0102                  ;;;;
0103                  ;;;; __low_level_init - custom low level initialization
0104                  ;;;;
0105                  ;;;; This default routine just returns doing nothing. You can provide your own
0106                  ;;;; routine, either in C or assembly for doing custom low leve initialization.
0107                  ;;;;
0108                  ;;;; ***************************************************************************
0110                  ; .section libcode
0111                  ; .pubweak __low_level_init
0112                  ;__low_level_init:
0113                  ; return

#                        #
# Memory sizes (decimal) #
#                        #

Executable  (Text): 87 bytes

and the list file for the linker:

#                                                                             #
# Calypsi linker for 65816                                        version 4.1 #
#                                                       09/Apr/2023  22:03:27 #
# Command line: --hosted --list-file Output\blank_lnk.lst --cross-reference   #
#               --rtattr cstartup=SBCv1 --verbose --output-format pgz -o      #
#               blank.pgz Config\SBC_816.scm Config\cstartup.o                #
#               Config\stdio_functions.o Temp\blank.o clib-lc-ld-double64.a   #
#                                                                             #

#                  #
# Memories summary #
#                  #

Name                    Range         Size    Used    Checksum  Largest unallocated
DirectPage              000000-0000ff 000100    7.8%  none      0000ec
LoRAM                   000100-00fbff 00fb00   12.7%  none      00db00
LoROM                   00ff00-00ffff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
IO                      010000-0100ff 000100    0.0%  none      000100
HiROM                   010100-013fff 003f00    0.0%  none      003f00
HiDB                    020000-02ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-02                020000-02ffff 010000   50.8%  none      007e0f
  > HiRAM-02-far-cbits  020000-020009 00000a  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-far-nobits 02000a-02000b 000002  100.0%  none      none
  > HiRAM-02-farcode    02000c-0201f0 0001e5  100.0%  none      00fe0f
HiRAM-03                030000-03ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-04                040000-04ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-05                050000-05ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-06                060000-06ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-07                070000-07ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-08                080000-08ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-09                090000-09ffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0a                0a0000-0affff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0b                0b0000-0bffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0c                0c0000-0cffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0d                0d0000-0dffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0e                0e0000-0effff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
HiRAM-0f                0f0000-0fffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000
VRAM                    ff0000-ffffff 010000    0.0%  none      010000

#                  #
# Sections summary #
#                  #

Name            Range          Size    Memory              Fragments
registers       000000-000013  000014  DirectPage          1
stack           000100-0020ff  002000  LoRAM               1
data_init_table 020000-020009  00000a  HiRAM-02-far-cbits  1
zfar            02000a-02000b  000002  HiRAM-02-far-nobits 1
farcode         02000c-0201f0  0001e5  HiRAM-02-farcode    12
heap            0201f1-0281f0  008000  HiRAM-02            1

#              #
# Object files #
#              #

Unit Filename                 Archive
  0  Config\cstartup.o        -
          # picked based on cstartup=SBCv1
          >  farcode 000035
  1  Config\stdio_functions.o -
          >  farcode 000091
  2  Temp\blank.o             -
          >  farcode 000004
  5  pseudoRegisters.o        clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  registers 000014
  7  errno.o                  clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  zfar 000002
 12  initialize.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 000083
 13  lib_memset.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 000049
 14  lib_memcpy.o             clib-lc-ld-double64.a
          >  farcode 00004f

#                 #
# Cross reference #
#                 #

_Dp in section 'registers'  placed at address 000000-000013 of size 000014
(pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
        _Vfp = 000010
        _Dp = 000000
    Referenced from:
        __program_root_section (Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 2)
        __data_initialization_needed (Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 3)
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 3)
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 12 section index 2)
        memset (lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 13 section index 2)
        memcpy (lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)

Section 'heap'  placed at address 0201f1-0281f0 of size 008000
(linker generated)

Section 'data_init_table'  placed at address 020000-020009 of size 00000a
(linker generated)

errno in section 'zfar'  placed at address 02000a-02000b of size 000002
(errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)
        errno = 02000a
    Referenced from:
        _Stub_write (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 2)
        _Stub_read (Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 3)

_Stub_open in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02000c-02000f of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 5)
        _Stub_open = 02000c

_Stub_close in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020010-020013 of size 000004
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 6)
        _Stub_close = 020010

main in section 'farcode'  placed at address 020014-020017 of size 000004
(Temp\blank.o unit 2 section index 2)
        main = 020014
    Referenced from:
        (Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 6)

_Stub_lseek in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020018-02001e of size 000007
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 4)
        _Stub_lseek = 020018

__program_start in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02001f-020031 of size 000013
(Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 2)
        __program_start = 02001f
        __program_root_section = 02001f
        _Vfp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)

__data_initialization_needed in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020032-020049 of size 000018
(Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 3)
        __data_initialization_needed = 020032
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
        __initialize_sections in (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 12 section index 2)

Section 'farcode'  placed at address 02004a-020053 of size 00000a
(Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 6)
        main in (Temp\blank.o unit 2 section index 2)

_Stub_write in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 020054-02008f of size 00003c
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 2)
        _Stub_write = 020054
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)

_Stub_read in section 'farcode'  placed at address 020090-0200d5 of size 000046
(Config\stdio_functions.o unit 1 section index 3)
        _Stub_read = 020090
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
        errno in (errno.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 7 section index 2)

memset in section 'farcode'  placed at address 0200d6-02011e of size 000049
(lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 13 section index 2)
        memset = 0200d6
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 12 section index 2)

memcpy in section 'farcode'  placed at address 02011f-02016d of size 00004f
(lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)
        memcpy = 02011f
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __initialize_sections (initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 12 section index 2)

__initialize_sections in section 'farcode'
 placed at address 02016e-0201f0 of size 000083
(initialize.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 12 section index 2)
        __initialize_sections = 02016e
        _Dp in (pseudoRegisters.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 5 section index 2)
        memcpy in (lib_memcpy.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 14 section index 2)
        memset in (lib_memset.o (from clib-lc-ld-double64.a) unit 13 section index 2)
    Referenced from:
        __data_initialization_needed (Config\cstartup.o unit 0 section index 3)

Section 'stack'  placed at address 000100-0020ff of size 002000
(linker generated)

#                        #
# Memory sizes (decimal) #
#                        #

Executable       (Text):   495 bytes
Data                   :     2 bytes
Non-initialized        : 40980 bytes

and for good measure the output of my SBC:

0A 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 02 00

A9 00 00 6B A9 00 00 6B A9 00 00 6B A9 FF FF
A2 FF FF 6B C2 30 A2 FF 20 9A A9 00 00 5B A9
02 00 64 12 EB 48 AB AB A9 02 00 85 06 A9 09
00 85 04 A9 02 00 85 02 A9 00 00 85 00 22 6E
01 02 A9 00 00 22 14 00 02 DC F0 FF 5A A0 00
00 C9 01 00 F0 0B A9 09 00 8F 0A 00 02 98 3A
80 26 A6 04 F0 21 AF 00 00 01 89 40 00 D0 F7
E2 20 A7 00 8F 01 00 01 C2 20 E6 00 98 1A A8
8A 3A 83 01 A3 01 AA 80 DD 98 7A 6B 5A AA A9
00 00 83 01 E0 01 00 F0 0C A9 09 00 8F 0A 00
02 A9 FF FF 80 2C A6 04 A3 01 E8 CA F0 22 AF
FF FF 00 30 FA E2 20 AF 01 00 01 87 00 C2 20
E6 00 A3 01 1A A8 8A 3A 83 01 A3 01 AA 98 83
01 80 DA A3 01 7A 6B D4 08 D4 0A 5A 5A 5A 83
01 A5 00 85 08 A5 02 85 0A A5 04 83 05 A3 05
83 03 A3 05 3A 83 05 A9 00 00 C3 03 B0 16 A5
08 85 04 A5 0A 85 06 E6 08 E2 20 A3 01 87 04
C2 20 A3 05 80 DA A6 02 A5 00 7A 7A 7A 7A 84
0A 7A 84 08 6B D4 08 D4 0A D4 0C D4 0E 5A 83
01 A5 00 85 08 A5 02 85 0A A3 01 A3 01 A8 3A
AA 64 0C A5 0C 84 0C C5 0C B0 19 A5 08 85 0C
A5 0A 85 0E E6 08 A7 04 E6 04 E2 20 87 0C C2
20 8A 83 01 80 D8 A6 02 A5 00 7A 7A 84 0E 7A
84 0C 7A 84 0A 7A 84 08 6B D4 08 D4 0A D4 0C
D4 0E A5 04 85 08 A5 06 85 0A A5 00 85 0C A5
02 85 0E A5 0C 85 00 A5 0E 85 02 A5 00 C5 08
A5 02 E5 0A B0 4C A0 04 00 B7 0C C8 C8 17 0C
F0 1F B7 0C 85 06 88 88 B7 0C 85 04 88 88 B7
0C 85 02 A7 0C 85 00 A0 08 00 B7 0C 22 1F 01
02 80 18 C8 C8 B7 0C 85 04 A0 02 00 B7 0C 85
02 A7 0C 85 00 A9 00 00 22 D6 00 02 18 A5 0C
69 0A 00 85 0C 80 A2 7A 84 0E 7A 84 0C 7A 84
0A 7A 84 08 6B


everything else is as before.

hth313 commented 1 year ago

What is the problem you observe? The start address is 02001f, which is where the cross reference says it is. If I count into the hex output that appears to be pointing to c2 30 which corresponds to the rep #48 which is the first instruction in the C startup. That looks reasonable?

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

well my SBC crashes once it jumps to the program, which it didn't do when i excluded the stdio_functions.o file (which never gets called so it shouldn't effect anything anyways).

i have a debug print macro that just prints a single ASCII character directly to Serial it will always print something, which helps when debugging assembly.

putting one of those at the very start of cstartup.s that prints a single !, it never appears when i include stdio_functions.o in the linker. meaning that it never actually reaches the start of the program... for some reason. i know my SBC jumps to the correct address, otherwise it wouldn't load any program... so why would this one crash?

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

actually nvm. i'm able to recreate the crash using an assembly program as well by just having a lot of data in it.

so i did actually break something in my BIOS that casues it to crash when a program is too large... i'll have to look into that more later, but that implies that the issue is actually resolved. as we both saw that the address it should jump to is correct.

ProxyPlayerHD commented 1 year ago

alright i fixed the issue in my BIOS code and now it's all working fine again. so i guess we both fixed something, thanks!