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Just getting started - cljc files? #18

Closed kristianmandrup closed 9 years ago

kristianmandrup commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm just getting started with Clojure and NuPIC via clortex and comportex.

I can't seem to figure out how to get editor support for the .cljc files. I'm using Lighttable. Any suggestions? Thanks :)

floybix commented 9 years ago


I think you can put this in your user.behaviors

[:files :lt.objs.files/file-types [{:exts [:cljc], :mime "text/x-clojure", :tags [:editor.clj :editor.clojure], :name "Cljc"}]]

On Thursday, May 28, 2015, Kristian Mandrup wrote:

Hi, I'm just getting started with Clojure and NuPIC via clortex and comportex.

I can't seem to figure out how to get editor support for the .cljc files. I'm using Lighttable. Any suggestions? Thanks :)

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Felix Andrews / 安福立

kristianmandrup commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot @floybix :)