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select cells consistently, esp. when beginning sequences #34

Closed floybix closed 8 years ago

floybix commented 8 years ago

When beginning a sequence (or after a sequence reset/break), there is no distal input, so no basis for choosing a winner/learning cell in each column. Cells are then chosen at random.

That random selection is a problem because when the same sequence is presented several times (in isolation) they will begin on different cells; and will consequently not reinforce previous learning, but will have partial learning spread across several cells. This can be seen in repeated sequence demos, where the whole sequence is learned but it keeps bursting.

Proposal - I think it would be better to start on the same cell consistently. The first cell.

Perhaps more generally the choice of winner/learning cell (when there are no predictive cells in a column) should not be completely random but should be a deterministic function of the set of previously-active cells. And it should be a robust function, so that similar activity consistently selects the same cells.

Proposal - Select cell number as (mod depth) of each distal input bit, and take the mode of that. Offset by the current column number (mod depth again), otherwise all cells would be synchronised and we lose combinatorial capacity (see #31).

Needs testing.

robjfr commented 8 years ago

When beginning a sequence (or after a sequence reset/break), there is no distal input, so no basis for choosing a winner/learning cell in each column. Cells are then chosen at random.

That random selection is a problem because when the same sequence is presented several times (in isolation) they will begin on different cells; and will consequently not reinforce previous learning, but will have partial learning spread across several cells. This can be seen in repeated sequence demos, where the whole sequence is learned but it keeps bursting at progressively later steps through the cycle.

Proposal - I think it would be better to start on the same cell consistently. The first cell.

You may be right. I think this is what I was referring to as the need for "consolidation" across contexts: cells would need to be consolidated to the columns they predict before we judge whether they indicate similar contexts.

Setting to a consistent cell would solve this.

But it did occur to me that there might be an advantage in having different cells for the same context at different locations in the global sequence. In a way coding with a different cell each time gives us more information. It complicates things a little, but we don't lose anything. And, perhaps importantly, it gives us a means to code the strength of a transition when cells are merged. We could judge the strength of a transition by counting how many different cells linked the respective columns.

cogmission commented 8 years ago


I'm going to quote your thoughts and share them with NuPIC Community - this is true and a very insightful realization. Do you mind? This is the kind of stuff that I was talking about previously that shouldn't get lost and will inevitably get lost if it's not shared...

Cheers, David

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 25, 2015, at 4:08 AM, Felix Andrews wrote:

When beginning a sequence (or after a sequence reset/break), there is no distal input, so no basis for choosing a winner/learning cell in each column. Cells are then chosen at random.

That random selection is a problem because when the same sequence is presented several times (in isolation) they will begin on different cells; and will consequently not reinforce previous learning, but will have partial learning spread across several cells. This can be seen in repeated sequence demos, where the whole sequence is learned but it keeps bursting at progressively later steps through the cycle.

Proposal - I think it would be better to start on the same cell consistently. The first cell.

Perhaps more generally the choice of winner/learning cell (when there is no predictive signal) should not be completely random but should be a deterministic function of the set of previously-active cells. And it should be a robust function, so that similar activity consistently selects the same cells.

Proposal - Select cell number as (mod depth) of each distal input bit, and take the mode of that. Offset by the current column number (mod depth again), otherwise all cells would be synchronised and we lose combinatorial capacity (see #31).

Needs testing.

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cogmission commented 8 years ago

I'll wait for your response before sharing, just in case you have another plan in mind. But I am scared this kind of stuff will be lost or worse, others in the community will waste time duplicating your insights?

Cheers, David

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:21 AM, David Ray wrote:


I'm going to quote your thoughts and share them with NuPIC Community - this is true and a very insightful realization. Do you mind? This is the kind of stuff that I was talking about previously that shouldn't get lost and will inevitably get lost if it's not shared...

Cheers, David

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 25, 2015, at 4:08 AM, Felix Andrews wrote:

When beginning a sequence (or after a sequence reset/break), there is no distal input, so no basis for choosing a winner/learning cell in each column. Cells are then chosen at random.

That random selection is a problem because when the same sequence is presented several times (in isolation) they will begin on different cells; and will consequently not reinforce previous learning, but will have partial learning spread across several cells. This can be seen in repeated sequence demos, where the whole sequence is learned but it keeps bursting at progressively later steps through the cycle.

Proposal - I think it would be better to start on the same cell consistently. The first cell.

Perhaps more generally the choice of winner/learning cell (when there is no predictive signal) should not be completely random but should be a deterministic function of the set of previously-active cells. And it should be a robust function, so that similar activity consistently selects the same cells.

Proposal - Select cell number as (mod depth) of each distal input bit, and take the mode of that. Offset by the current column number (mod depth again), otherwise all cells would be synchronised and we lose combinatorial capacity (see #31 ).

Needs testing.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Here's an idea. Maybe some insight can be gained from the fact that a "reset" is an unnatural occurrence? The neocortex doesn't have "meta-knowledge" of the sequences its seeing, so there must be some distinguishing function at play to indicate a new sequence as opposed to one that is merely being continued? And maybe understanding that will yield some insight on the process of training cells for re-occurring sequences as opposed to new ones not previously seen?

Just a simple observation...

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:28 AM, cogmission (David Ray) <> wrote:

I'll wait for your response before sharing, just in case you have another plan in mind. But I am scared this kind of stuff will be lost or worse, others in the community will waste time duplicating your insights?

Cheers, David

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:21 AM, David Ray wrote:


I'm going to quote your thoughts and share them with NuPIC Community - this is true and a very insightful realization. Do you mind? This is the kind of stuff that I was talking about previously that shouldn't get lost and will inevitably get lost if it's not shared...

Cheers, David

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 25, 2015, at 4:08 AM, Felix Andrews wrote:

When beginning a sequence (or after a sequence reset/break), there is no distal input, so no basis for choosing a winner/learning cell in each column. Cells are then chosen at random.

That random selection is a problem because when the same sequence is presented several times (in isolation) they will begin on different cells; and will consequently not reinforce previous learning, but will have partial learning spread across several cells. This can be seen in repeated sequence demos, where the whole sequence is learned but it keeps bursting at progressively later steps through the cycle.

Proposal - I think it would be better to start on the same cell consistently. The first cell.

Perhaps more generally the choice of winner/learning cell (when there is no predictive signal) should not be completely random but should be a deterministic function of the set of previously-active cells. And it should be a robust function, so that similar activity consistently selects the same cells.

Proposal - Select cell number as (mod depth) of each distal input bit, and take the mode of that. Offset by the current column number (mod depth again), otherwise all cells would be synchronised and we lose combinatorial capacity (see #31

Needs testing.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

floybix commented 8 years ago

@cogmission I don't have a problem with you sharing this, although at this stage my statement of the problem and my proposals aren't really backed up with evidence.

Not sure I agree with you that resets are unnatural. I think that's what happens when you shift attention.

floybix commented 8 years ago

@cogmission ah yes I see what you mean. Even within a period of unbroken attention, one can distinguish parts, even out of context. That seems to be a higher-level property like temporal pooling. Whether appropriate cell selection is best thought of as a prerequisite, or a consequence, of temporal pooling: I'm not sure.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Ok. But I don't think you have to wait to present your "suspicions" or ideas to the community. There is obviously something to think about here. Even if you think this through as thoroughly as you want, there may still be something someone else can contribute, that maybe your understanding prevents you from seeing? I agree that it may not even be a disadvantage or represent a "problem" necessarily -or- maybe some of the conclusions you initially came to regarding the impact of choosing different cells for learning previous sequences may not be the "whole picture", but I guess I think it's good to share it anyway to get some others thinking about it?

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything - I just think the work you're doing is very important (you too Rob), and hesitation with sharing it due to concerns of correctness may not be to anyone's advantage?

Anyway, sorry for the distraction...

Cheers, David

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Felix Andrews wrote:

@cogmission I don't have a problem with you sharing this, although at this stage my statement of the problem and my proposals aren't really backed up with evidence.

Not sure I agree with you that resets are unnatural. I think that's what happens when you shift attention.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

mrcslws commented 8 years ago

Idea: do both. e.g. maybe select two cells.

One of them represents the possibility that this is the beginning of a new sequence. The other represents the possibility that it's a continuation of the current sequence.

It's similar to the Escher-like perspective switches that Rob talks about. Let both be true for a while, until one of them fizzles out.

A useful example ("use full exam pull") is disambiguation of sequences of syllables. At all points we need to try both possibilities: (1) the syllable is the start of a new sequence, or (2) the syllable is a continuation of the previous sequence.

fergalbyrne commented 8 years ago

We just asked Subutai on the Challenge Hangout. In NuPIC all cells in the initial active columns A become active, so prediction is passed to all second time step cells. Whichever feedforward input comes in next will use all A cells to learn from.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Fergal, I think it will select the best matching cell of those - to learn from:

Here's the poignant line in temporal_memory.burstColumns()

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Fergal Byrne wrote:

We just asked Subutai on the Challenge Hangout. In NuPIC all cells in the initial active columns A become active, so prediction is passed to all second time step cells. Whichever feedforward input comes in next will use all A cells to learn from.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

mrcslws commented 8 years ago

David, I think you're referring to the "learning" cells. Fergal, I think you're referring to the "learnable" cells. Both NuPIC and Comportex select the best match for the "learning" cell. But Comportex goes on to use that as the "learnable" cell in the next time step, whereas NuPIC treats all previously active cells as "learnable".

(I'm still forming my thoughts on this, just wanted to untangle that.)

mrcslws commented 8 years ago

In other words, what Fergal said makes sense.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Please explain the difference between "learn-(ing)" and "learn-(able)" as used in Comportex, because I don't think NuPIC has an allegory for that?

The learn(ing) cell in NuPIC is the Cell chosen either:

  1. from cells called "best matching" which have a "threshold" or greater number of connecting segments. In Felix's inquiry this would be the cell which portends the selection of the sequence being repeated (although we have reset).
  2. if no cell is above the aforementioned threshold, a random cell is then selected to learn on. But only then is a random cell selected.

The above mechanism avoids the situation that Felix is inquiring into.

Now, what a "learn(able)" cell is, I have no idea but how is that used in Comportex?

Cheers, David

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Marcus Lewis wrote:

In other words, what Fergal said makes sense.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Sorry, please substitute the word "Synapse" for "Segment" above where it says, "...greater number of connecting segments"

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:34 PM, cogmission (David Ray) <> wrote:

Please explain the difference between "learn-(ing)" and "learn-(able)" as used in Comportex, because I don't think NuPIC has an allegory for that?

The learn(ing) cell in NuPIC is the Cell chosen either:

  1. from cells called "best matching" which have a "threshold" or greater number of connecting segments. In Felix's inquiry this would be the cell which portends the selection of the sequence being repeated (although we have reset).
  2. if no cell is above the aforementioned threshold, a random cell is then selected to learn on. But only then is a random cell selected.

The above mechanism avoids the situation that Felix is inquiring into.

Now, what a "learn(able)" cell is, I have no idea but how is that used in Comportex?

Cheers, David

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Marcus Lewis wrote:

In other words, what Fergal said makes sense.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

fergalbyrne commented 8 years ago

Ok, that's a good distinction. In step 2, NuPIC treats all step 1 active bursting cells as potential precursors (learnable), and so builds the best predictive connection back to step 1 using all of them. This is the correct approach, since at time 1 we have no context - that's what reset() means. This will build a distribution of predictability from reset()-step 1-step 2 which depends on what has been seen.

So eg, a letter-reading HTM reading Wikipedia and seeing reset()-Q will predict U 95%, T 2% (the graphics toolkit), I 1% (Stephen Fry's show), and so on. By these percentages I mean that 95% of the predictive cells will be in U columns, 2% in T columns, etc. Upon getting U next, you burst all the predictive U cells (which beat their column cells) and carry on. The average next predicted letter is another distribution - I, O, A, E at the top, almost no U prediction, almost no consonant prediction.

I'm using reset()-Q as a pathological example to force home this point. Arguably, you could use reset()-T and get H, O, I, A, V... as your distribution. But you need to burst as NuPIC does to get this working - the next step acts as if all cells in the first column were active after the reset.

Does this make sense?

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Hi Fergal,

From what I reason, your first paragraph rings true for me, and is aligned with my previous explanation. I'm not sure about the second paragraph where you are talking about percentages of predicted capital letters (I was looking for the setup for using these letters in some example, are they on the github issue and not among the emails being mailed out)?

You guys might also want more detail, because the process I spelled out is a simplification of the actual process because there is some specificity in what cells get selected as the set from which learning cells become candidates.

If you are not interested in the hard-core details and only want to understand this at a higher conceptual level, then don't read below this line: :-P

If I were going to spell this out specifically, I would say that there is a set of cells which are from the feed-forward activated columns but weren't among the predicted cells in "t - 1". We'll call these the unpredictedActiveCells.

Then there is a set of cells which are the "activeCells (A1)" in "t - 1".

For each Cell (C1) in unpredictedActiveCells, a segment (S1) leading to a pre-synaptic cell (cell which connects to C1) which is also in the set of activeCells(A1) and whose permanence is above 0, a counter is incremented. If S1 has the most active Synapses it is chosen as the best matching Segment, and the unpredictedActiveCell becomes the "learning cell".

Best matching Segments then have their synapses adjusted up or down as part of the further learning if their synapse is part of the activeLearning synapse set.

That's the best pseudo code explanation I can muster, in case that's helpful to Felix, Rob, Marcus, Fergal or anyone else who would want a summary of implementation details in NuPIC...

Cheers, David

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Fergal Byrne wrote:

Ok, that's a good distinction. In step 2, NuPIC treats all step 1 active bursting cells as potential precursors (learnable), and so builds the best predictive connection back to step 1 using all of them. This is the correct approach, since at time 1 we have no context - that's what reset() means. This will build a distribution of predictability from reset()-step 1-step 2 which depends on what has been seen.

So eg, a letter-reading HTM reading Wikipedia and seeing reset()-Q will predict U 95%, T 2% (the graphics toolkit), I 1% (Stephen Fry's show), and so on. By these percentages I mean that 95% of the predictive cells will be in U columns, 2% in T columns, etc. Upon getting U next, you burst all the predictive U cells (which beat their column cells) and carry on. The average next predicted letter is another distribution - I, O, A, E at the top, almost no U prediction, almost no consonant prediction.

I'm using reset()-Q as a pathological example to force home this point. Arguably, you could use reset()-T and get H, O, I, A, V... as your distribution. But you need to burst as NuPIC does to get this working - the next step acts as if all cells in the first column were active after the reset.

Does this make sense?

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

fergalbyrne commented 8 years ago

Hi David, We're only talking about what happens after a reset(). There are no predictions following a reset(), that's what it's for.

The example I'm using is for letter-by-letter sequence learning. The letter Q is almost always followed by U, but can be followed by a small number of other letters due to acronyms etc.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Right. Then the "activeCells" (predictive in "t - 1") are empty and that part of Burst does nothing...

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Fergal Byrne wrote:

Hi David, We're only talking about what happens after a reset(). There are no predictions following a reset(), that's what it's for.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

floybix commented 8 years ago


In NuPIC all cells in the initial active columns A become active, so prediction is passed to all second time step cells. Whichever feedforward input comes in next will use all A cells to learn from.

After reading the NuPIC code, I think that (second sentence) is not entirely correct.

Both NuPIC and Comportex select the best match for the "learning" cell. But Comportex goes on to use that as the "learnable" cell in the next time step, whereas NuPIC treats all previously active cells as "learnable".

And this was a rephrasing of the same thing, so also not correct. (I contend that NuPIC and Comportex have the same basic treatment of learnable cells).

There are two parts to learning: growing new synapses, and reinforcing existing synapses. Reinforcement does apply to synapses from all bursting cells, assuming they already exist on an active -- sufficiently connected -- segment. However, growing new synapses in the first place only considers the winner cells; that is the part I was talking about.

NuPIC details /src/nupic/research/

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Hi Felix,

I guess the question is whether you are introducing a scenario that hasn't been accounted for? And if it is unhandled in one or both codebases? Subutai seems to think (if I may paraphrase his point), (and I agree) that a burst following a reset will not result in a random cell being selected to learn a sequence on unless there are no other cells which pass the learnable candidate requirements. This is because the NuPIC TemporalMemory always looks for a "bestMatchingCell" first, before falling back to the random selection of a "winner" cell.

Cheers, David

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Felix Andrews wrote:


In NuPIC all cells in the initial active columns A become active, so prediction is passed to all second time step cells. Whichever feedforward input comes in next will use all A cells to learn from.

After reading the NuPIC code, I think that (second sentence) is not entirely correct.

Both NuPIC and Comportex select the best match for the "learning" cell. But Comportex goes on to use that as the "learnable" cell in the next time step, whereas NuPIC treats all previously active cells as "learnable".

And this was a rephrasing of the same thing, so also not correct. (I contend that NuPIC and Comportex have the same basic treatment of learnable cells).

There are two parts to learning: growing new synapses, and reinforcing existing synapses. Reinforcement does apply to synapses from all bursting cells, assuming they already exist on an active -- sufficiently connected -- segment. However, growing new synapses in the first place only considers the winner cells; that is the part I was talking about.

NuPIC details /src/nupic/research/

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

floybix commented 8 years ago

@cogmission just the scenario I laid out in the original issue description. There can be no "bestMatchingCell" directly after a reset because there is no distal excitation. So the winner cells chosen in each column after a reset will be random (and in fact, biased away from any existing segments). And on the next step, new synapses grow only to those (random) winner cells.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Hi Felix,

Yep you're right...

The code is really hard to keep track of, but after combing through it a bunch of times, I finally see that you are right about what results in a "best matching cell" in NuPIC also, since the best match in NuPIC depends on the intersection between cells from active feed-forward columns from the SP, and previouslyActiveCells from previouslyPredictedColumns. After reset, there are no previouslyPredictedColumns (since they are emptied or their list is remade). Without the appearance in both the ff-actives and the prevPredicted, a "leastUsedCell" (with the fewest segments) is chosen. If there is more than one cell with the same minimum number of segments, a cell is chosen from those cells randomly.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:41 PM, Felix Andrews wrote:

@cogmission just the scenario I laid out in the original issue description. There can be no "bestMatchingCell" directly after a reset because there is no distal excitation. So the winner cells chosen in each column after a reset will be random (and in fact, biased away from any existing segments). And on the next step, new synapses grow only to those (random) winner cells.

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

floybix commented 8 years ago

I'm reminded of @mrcslws's "flippant suggestion" in his essay:

(If HTM supported distal connections from cells to columns, it might handle this better. You could imagine flipping it around, starting out connected to the entire column and then pruning. Flippant suggestion.)

i.e. instead of picking a single random winner as the representative to learn from, grow synapses to all active cells. Effectively treating all cells in bursting columns as "winners" (therefore learnable) in the case where there are no partial matches. If there are partial matches -- with segment activation above the learning threshold -- those would be the winners in a bursting column.

For bursting within a sequence, the eventual representative cell for some context would emerge on subsequent occurrences as the best matching cell, according to whichever ended up with the most active synapses (synapses are grown by random selection from candidate source cells). But it would keep more options open, I think.

In a novel sequence we'd be doing a lot of work: growing segments on all bursting cells. So it would be slower.

It's all quite confusing. Needs testing.

@mrcslws I also liked your idea about treating every step as possibly the beginning of a sequence. But there are probably several ways to go about that kind of recognition / re-evaluation / backtracking and I'm not convinced real-time cell choice is the right way.

rcrowder commented 8 years ago

I wonder if Alex @BoltzmannBrain is currently looking at this, in regard to Marcus's comment?

mrcslws commented 8 years ago

From the essay, the idea of "connections from cells to columns" would apply to bursting columns, as Felix mentions, but it would also apply to non-bursting columns. In the essay I held this up as a way of learning first-order sequences, but actually it's a way of learning sequences that start with the previous input. The sequences might be first-order, or they might be longer.

My comment above suggests something related but different:

Idea: do both. e.g. maybe select two cells.

One of them represents the possibility that this is the beginning of a new sequence. The other represents the possibility that it's a continuation of the current sequence.

This might only apply to bursting columns, or it might happen all the time. I liked my example:

A useful example ("use full exam pull") is disambiguation of sequences of syllables. At all points we need to try both possibilities: (1) the syllable is the start of a new sequence, or (2) the syllable is a continuation of the previous sequence.

These two ideas could converge into one. E.g. use the first cell in the column to represent the input being the beginning of a sequence. Or other ways I'm sure we could imagine. We'd need a coherent story for distal learning. Maybe we apply the above idea for growing new synapses, but the synapse reinforcement follows slightly different rules, favoring cells that contain context whenever possible.

I still consider these suggestions flippant. I'd like to distance myself from these untested ideas. :)

But I am a little excited by the idea that "re-evaluation / backtracking" is an illusion, that the alternate possibilities are actually being maintained in realtime and we just don't notice them until the others are nullified.

BoltzmannBrain commented 8 years ago

@rcrowder I'm just now catching up on this discussion; echoing David's suggestion, the nupic discuss listserve would be a much better forum. Are you asking if a possible mechanism would be to grow synapses to all cells in a column, and then later prune such that one remains as the "learning" cell? This does not seem like a biologically accurate approach to me.

mrcslws commented 8 years ago

For bursting columns that wouldn't be too radical. But yes, doing it for bursting and non-bursting columns was roughly the "flippant suggestion" from my essay. I'd never bring this up on the mailing list without testing it. Untested solutions are a dime a dozen.

Also, that idea was intentionally ugly, leaving room for it to resolve into a biologically-plausible equivalent. It was more about shining a light on the downside of high-order sequence memory.

Also, more context: on this thread I'm just a sideshow. :)

floybix commented 8 years ago

Essentially, the point is that it makes no sense to assign a random selection of cells after a reset because it can never be reproduced. It is a meaningless signal to learn. An example (I just ran) is the sequence of letters "hello hello hello hello hello" with resets between each word. If you do this with random cell selection (and with initial distal permanence below the connected threshold) then it never predicts the transition from "h" to "e".

I just looked at the old in NuPIC and that does have "start cells". In fact here it says:

# Start over on start cells if any of the following occur:
#  1.) A reset was just called
#  2.) We have been loo long out of sequence (the pamCounter has expired)
#  3.) We have reached maximum allowed sequence length.
floybix commented 8 years ago

@subutai you might want to consider a similar change to NuPIC's

cogmission commented 8 years ago

@subutai This is crucial. I agree whole heartedly. @rhyolight is you be listening? :-P

We must account for this:

The point that following a reset, and given the absence of prevPredictedCells; down through getBestMatchingCell > getBestMatchingSegment > getLeastUsedCell... we chose a random cell to represent the up and coming sequence. The problem is that it may just be a repeat of the one we just saw! So we will "teach" a new cell to have affinity to the "old" sequence. In fact (as Felix points out), the point of getLeastUsedCell is to bias us away from the tried and true, already learned sequence - by using a cell with the least amount of segments.

Felix we can't be sure @subutai is now listening to this can we?

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 2:51 AM, Felix Andrews wrote:

@subutai you might want to consider a similar change to NuPIC's

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

subutai commented 8 years ago

@cogmission Is this the same issue you and Fergal discussed at the hangout on Monday? It sounds like it. If so, I don't believe it is an issue in @floybix We could discuss this at the community meet up on the 13th? Please don't look at or - that implements a very different (hacky) algorithm (see Chetan's presentation from a couple of hackathons ago).

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Hi @subutai,

Yep, same one - but after combing the code, it in fact looks like an issue. We'd have to trace the code together for me to point it out, its not the easiest to see - took me a while...

Cheers, David

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Subutai Ahmad wrote:

@cogmission Is this the same issue you and Fergal discussed at the hangout on Monday? It sounds like it. If so, I don't believe it is an issue in @floybix We could discuss this at the community meet up on the 13th? Please don't look at or - that implements a very different (hacky) algorithm (see Chetan's presentation from a couple of hackathons ago).

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With kind regards,

David Ray Java Solutions Architect Sponsor of:

subutai commented 8 years ago

@cogmission It is best to do this on a whiteboard - very difficult to do in github comment fields. One other criterion is that we should be able to come up with simple test cases that demonstrate the failure using in NuPIC. Do such tests exist for this change? That would help me understand the need for core algorithm changes.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

@subutai I agree, It's a pain in the butt to type out minutiae painstakingly. :-P Also, @floybix can point this out too - since he's the one who uncovered this - though I don't know how comfortable he is in the Python world either?

I think a test for this can be easily written. We train a sequence and save the learning cell. Then we call reset, and then train the same sequence - we will see that the same learning cell is not selected by comparing both cells. Does that sound like a good plan/test @floybix ?

Now what the ramifications are of not training the same learning cell, is another point that @floybix is investigating which you @subutai would probably have the best handle on...?

I would write the test but I couldn't submit it because I'm scared to death to update my version of NuPIC (it's been 6 months), because all my work hinges on me having a running Python version that I can reference and getting Java and Python running side by side is no easy task (at least for me because I'm not as comfortable in the Python universe).

subutai commented 8 years ago

I think a test for this can be easily written. We train a sequence and save the learning cell. Then we call reset, and then train the same sequence - we will see that the same learning cell is not selected by comparing both cells.

That's not a sufficient test. We have to show that it is actually not performing well by some measure. Is it missing some predictions that it should otherwise make? Is it taking longer than it should? Is it making some other error?

cogmission commented 8 years ago

I think @floybix was the one making qualitative assessments. I simply verified that the condition existed for myself, and attempted to communicate that. Beyond that, I couldn't say whether it results in attenuated behavior or not - that's up to you? I just thought that there being a "theoretical" problem, (which I would assume the training of multiple learning cells for the same sequence - would be) - would mean you might want to be on alert to get around that algorithmically. I do think @floybix wants to avoid this? @floybix ?

floybix commented 8 years ago

@subutai A test is the sequence of letters "hello hello hello hello hello" with resets between each word. If you do this with random cell selection (and with initial distal permanence below the connected threshold) then it never predicts the transition from "h" to "e".

But yeah, we can talk about it at the meetup if you want.

subutai commented 8 years ago

@floybix I don't believe this is true. The routine bestMatchingSegment will pick the same winner cell each time in the "e" columns. This is true even if initial permanences are below the connected threshold. It won't ever get to the condition where it selects a random winner cell.

floybix commented 8 years ago

@subutai but the "h" cells are different every time (random, because of the reset), so this is a completely new SDR, it won't match any segments on "e" columns.

On Friday, 30 October 2015, Subutai Ahmad wrote:

@floybix I don't believe this is true. The routine bestMatchingSegment will pick the same winner cell each time in the "e" columns. This is true even if initial permanences are below the connected threshold. It won't ever get to the condition where it selects a random winner cell.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Felix Andrews / 安福立

floybix commented 8 years ago

@subutai sorry that was unclear. Yes you are right that it will pick the same winner cell each time in the "e" columns. Because all the "h" columns are bursting. But because the "h" winners are different each time, the synapses won't be reinforced, so it never gets above the connected threshold, thus, "e" is never predicted.

On 30 October 2015 at 08:43, Felix Andrews wrote:

@subutai but the "h" cells are different every time (random, because of the reset), so this is a completely new SDR, it won't match any segments on "e" columns.

On Friday, 30 October 2015, Subutai Ahmad wrote:

@floybix I don't believe this is true. The routine bestMatchingSegment will pick the same winner cell each time in the "e" columns. This is true even if initial permanences are below the connected threshold. It won't ever get to the condition where it selects a random winner cell.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Felix Andrews / 安福立

Felix Andrews / 安福立

robjfr commented 8 years ago

@floybix If I understand the discussion, it sounds like bursting should reset predicted cells, but not predicting cells.

robjfr commented 8 years ago

If predictions grow connections to the columns they predict, those connections should remain, even if the column bursts, should they not?

floybix commented 8 years ago

@robjfr No, you're not understanding; bursting doesn't cause a reset, rather a reset causes bursting.

This is all about when we impose a "reset" - a break to completely separate some new input from what came before. An edge case, really.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

@subutai @floybix

The segment from bestMatchingSegment for the "h" columns are always null because there are no prevActiveCells following a reset. This results in bestMatchingCell calling getLeastUsedCell which randomly picks from the ff-active cells the cell with the least segments (thus biasing away from any highly trained "h" cell).

Because of this:

if bestSegment is not None:

The compute cycle for the "e" columns has no learning segments. because a "bestSegment" was not returned from bestMatchingSegment in "t - 1" or during the "h" cycle.

Still working through the code from this point... will comment tomorrow...

robjfr commented 8 years ago

@floybix Ah, thanks. I was confusing "reset" with "bursting".

Perhaps the underlying problem is that a "reset" is not very biologically plausible in the first place (is it?)

If it is just a fix to simplify in the short term, I guess that gives wide scope to implement it however convenient, in the knowledge that eventually it will not matter because resets will not occur.

But I'm probably off target with the issues on this one. It may be posited as a mechanism for attention or other (with which I'd probably disagree.)

rhyolight commented 8 years ago

@robjfr said:

If it is just a fix to simplify in the short term, I guess that gives wide scope to implement it however convenient, in the knowledge that eventually it will not matter because resets will not occur.

Yes, this.

To everyone else, we're going to be together in a few weeks. This is certainly better placed on a whiteboard and we'll have lots of time there. I know Subutai has at least two talks to prepare for on top of his regular duties (one of those talks is for the HTM Challenge :wink:). Can we hold off on this conversation?

Also, @robjfr can you make it to the community meetup?

robjfr commented 8 years ago

Unlikely @rhyolight But thanks for the welcome.

subutai commented 8 years ago

But because the "h" winners are different each time, the synapses won't be reinforced, so it never gets above the connected threshold, thus, "e" is never predicted.

Ah I see. The logic is that permanence updates only use the previously "active" state. When you add new synapses you use the winner cells. So synapses will get reinforced and it will get above threshold. The downside is that it may also add a few extra synapses from random winner cells but it shouldn't do any harm.

floybix commented 8 years ago

Thanks. As Matt says, let's whiteboard it at the meetup.

cogmission commented 8 years ago

Now that I know I'm going to the meetup, I'm holding off on my comments too.