htm-community / comportex

Hierarchical Temporal Memory in Clojure
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Do bit-shifting in parents, not children. #4

Closed mrcslws closed 9 years ago

mrcslws commented 9 years ago

Remove awareness of siblings from regions / encoders. Rather than returning a set of final indices, return a lazy seq of unshifted indices, allowing the caller to shift as needed.

mrcslws commented 9 years ago


I see that the encoders specifically handle nil, returning an empty set. So I continued this, returning an empty sequence. I haven't investigated whether this is necessary (i.e. whether we could just use (when ...) and return nil otherwise).

mrcslws commented 9 years ago

My .emacs is set to remove trailing whitespace on save, hence the whitespace-only changes. Let me know if I should avoid that (e.g. if our editor configs will get into a fight)

floybix commented 9 years ago

Good work! It's clear you grok the code.