html-next / vertical-collection

Infinite Scroll and Occlusion at > 60FPS
MIT License
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Option to scroll to the item at n'th index without manually scrolling #316

Open mohanapreeya opened 4 years ago

mohanapreeya commented 4 years ago

I want to have a small div containing only the item names and scroll to that item on clicking its name. Is it possible to get the scrollTop of the item which is not even in the dom?

lolmaus commented 3 years ago

Yes, please.

I have invested time and effort into employing this addon to discover on a late stage that scrolling to a given item programmatically is not supported. :sob:

ember-collection has this feature, as well as grid support, but it lacks body scrolling support which is essential for mobile.

I need this feature to substitute for lack of Ctrl+F in-page search.

ybaldus commented 3 years ago

@lolmaus there is a pull request for this feature:

I merged the pull request to the actual 2.0.0 Works like a charm.

lolmaus commented 3 years ago

Dupicate of #162?

ybaldus commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think so.