html5-ninja / Bootstrap-video-player-jQuery-plugin

A customizable HTML5 video player plugin for jQuery based on bootstrap UI , live demo available on
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Using two players, not working in Chrome #4

Open kmatheeswar opened 10 years ago

kmatheeswar commented 10 years ago

When i use two players, it is not working in Chrome

Here is the code i use

<div class="videoUiWrapper thumbnail">   <video width="370" height="214" id="demo1">     <source src="" type="video/mp4">   </video> </div>

<div class="videoUiWrapper thumbnail">   <video width="370" height="214" id="demo2">     <source src="" type="video/mp4">   </video> </div>

<script type="text/javascript" > $('#demo1').videoUI(); $('#demo2').videoUI(); </script>

html5-ninja commented 10 years ago

for Chrome you need .ogg format , Chrome no longer supports mp4

kmatheeswar commented 10 years ago

But the first video is running fine :) Facing problem only with the second video

html5-ninja commented 10 years ago

how about FireFox ?

kmatheeswar commented 10 years ago

FireFox is working fine! for both the mp4 players

kmatheeswar commented 10 years ago

Looks like Chrome cannot play multiple mp4 videos -

I guess you could do a graceful degradation, wherein if it is a chrome browser, and if two video tags are used, we could display a message, saying that this Video cannot be played. We could also select webm format for the second video tag, as given in the blog

html5-ninja commented 10 years ago

it's still easier to use multiple video format, ogg, mp4...etc :)