html5lib / html5lib-tests

Testsuite data for html5lib, including the de-facto standard HTML parsing tests.
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End tag causes two parse errors #117

Closed stevecheckoway closed 3 years ago

stevecheckoway commented 6 years ago

The </svg> is parsed in foreign context because

  1. The stack of open elements is not empty;
  2. The adjusted current node (annotation-xml element) is not in the HTML namespace;
  3. The adjusted current node is not a MathML text integration point;
  4. The adjusted current node is not a MathML text integration point (separate condition from 3);
  5. The adjusted current node is a MathML annotation-xml element but the token (</svg>) is not a start tag;
  6. The token is not a start tag (also the annotation-xml isn't an HTML integration point because it lacks a particular attribute);
  7. The token isn't a character token (also the annotation-xml isn't an HTML integration point).

Thus the "any other end tag" clause of "The rules for parsing tokens in foreign context" applies.

The current node's tag name (annotation-xml) is not the same as the tag name of the token (svg) so this is a parse error.

Since there's no svg element in the stack of open elements, the loop in step 3 through 6 of the "any other end tag" clause exits when the body element is reached. and the token is processed according to the current insertion mode, "in body."

The </svg> matches the "any other end tag" of "in body." Since the MathML annotation-xml element is not an HTML element but is special which is a second parse error.