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As an end user, I want to be able to use a widget to see the timeline of volume publication in my workset #16

Closed cwulfman closed 1 year ago

cwulfman commented 1 year ago

The wireframe shows varicolored pills above and below a thin black line will small hatch-marks labeled with dates. Below the line is a slider with a gray label ("Adjust years on map") and two controls, labeled MIN and MAX. It looks like this control was copy/pasted from the Map widget.

Presumably each pill is meant to represent a volume; the spacing between the hatch-marks suggests the granularity of the x-axis is a month.

This widget plots the date of publication for all the volumes in a workset on a timeline.

We contracted to produce the widgets iteratively. The first version of the widget will be static; subsequent versions will include controls of some sort (slliders, perhaps) to let the user change the display.

The wireframe dashboard includes a depiction of what the timeline widget might look like. We will need to work with the Janet and Jenny to understand more fully what this widget is supposed to convey:


[x] implement widget back-end

jswatsch commented 1 year ago

How is this different than issue #20 ?

cwulfman commented 1 year ago

It is an older draft of #20; I am closing it.