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As an end user, I want a widget that displays the publication dates of volumes in my workset on a timeline #20

Open cwulfman opened 1 year ago

cwulfman commented 1 year ago

The dashboard wireframe shows a mirrored beeswarm visualization. This visualization uses dot placement along the x axis to show time and dot color and the number of dots to interpret two other categorical variable (unspecified in the wireframe). The wireframe includes a stock slider whose function is also unspecified.

The SoW simply specifies that Agile will produce a widget that displays a timeline of publication from publication dates indicated in the Extracted Features set (the “Timeline Widget”). Is the mirrored beeswarm simply a placeholder for a timeline widget, or should it have been specified in the SoW?

Assuming HTRC meant to specify the mirrored beeswarm visualization, then several questions need to be answered before it can be developed:

There are several D3 implementations of this visualization, including this one on Observable, and this one by Martin Heinz.

The Problem of pubPlace granularity

To use the color dimension to indicate pubPlace effectively, the pubPlaces need to have the same geopolitical type: continent, country, state, city, etc. The pubPlaces in the EF data are varied: some are countries (England); some are American states (New Jersey); some are cities (Washington, D.C.) Because the pubPlaces are linked data, it should be possible to write Resolvers that can establish what country a city or state is in; in theory, one might be able to look up the name of the publisher in an encyclopedia and make a guess about what city they were based in, but that is likely to be time-consuming and error-prone: not something to be done at runtime.


cwulfman commented 1 year ago

For now, assume the Observable beeswarm implementation (black & white); back end sends title and pubdate; front end javascript takes care of rest. Interactivity: toggle between years, decades

hctrgnzlz commented 1 year ago

From our March 28th Meeting:




jswatsch commented 1 year ago

HTRC reviewed Hector's notes from March 28 meeting and have no changes.