http-party / http-server

a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
MIT License
13.42k stars 1.48k forks source link

Link not opening in Browser #871

Closed adarsh-pp closed 7 months ago

adarsh-pp commented 7 months ago


I have recently reinstalled RedHat OS 7.9 in our local server and started running the tool again (It was already working previously). I have reinstalled the conda environment which contains the nodejs. Then followed instructions from website to install the tool using npm. After installation I ran the command: http-server <path> -p <port> --username <name> --password <password> This gave me the following output:

Starting up http-server, serving /mnt/ngs/GATK4_GRCH38_Processing/http_server_files/

http-server version: 14.1.1

http-server settings: CORS: disabled Cache: 3600 seconds Connection Timeout: 120 seconds Directory Listings: visible AutoIndex: visible Serve GZIP Files: false Serve Brotli Files: false Default File Extension: none

Available on: http://serverhost:8080 Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

However, I am unable to get the output using the link from browser. What could be the possible reason?