http-rs / tide

Fast and friendly HTTP server framework for async Rust
Apache License 2.0
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multipart support #852

Open 0xx400 opened 3 years ago

0xx400 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I see example link (Multipart Form) here are broken.

Is there any workaround?

There was a fix,

But it seems to be reverted.


yoshuawuyts commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for asking!

Unfortunately we still don't support multipart because we need to author a multipart parser, as we found that there were no implementations in the ecosystem which could provide the guarantees we needed from a parser.

You can track the progress of the issue here:

kindly commented 2 years ago

Just in case someone needs this, here is an option.

Use multer, which is a multipart parser:

multer= "2"

Copy this buffered stream implementaion:

use async_std::io::{self, Read};
use async_std::stream::Stream;
use async_std::task::{Context, Poll};

use std::pin::Pin;

pub struct BufferedBytesStream<T> {
    inner: T,

impl<T: Read + Unpin> Stream for BufferedBytesStream<T> {
    type Item = async_std::io::Result<Vec<u8>>;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        let mut buf = [0u8; 2048];

        let rd = Pin::new(&mut self.inner);

        match futures_core::ready!(rd.poll_read(cx, &mut buf)) {
            Ok(0) => Poll::Ready(None),
            Ok(n) => Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(buf[..n].to_vec()))),
            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => Poll::Pending,
            Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))),

Parse the request headers out of the tide Request to get out the multipart boundtry needed for parsing and use multer to parse the request. See multer docs:

use use multer::Multipart;

let multipart_boudry = "".to_string() 

if let Some(mime) = req.content_type() {
    let content_type = mime.essence().to_string();
    if content_type == "multipart/form-data" {
        if let Some(boundry) = mime.param("boundary") {
            multipart_boundry = boundry.to_string()

// use buffered stream on the request
let body_stream = BufferedBytesStream { inner: req };
let mut multipart = Multipart::new(body_stream, multipart_boundry.clone());

// download a file fromt the field "file" in the multipart request.

let download_file = "/some_path/";

while let Some(mut field) = multipart.next_field().await? {
    if != Some("file") {
    let mut output = File::create(&download_file).await?;

    while let Some(chunk) = field.chunk().await? {
kindly commented 2 years ago

I wonder if a BufferedByteStream could be added to asnyc-std like Bytes. With perhaps buffered_bytes on ReadExt for a different stream implementation on readers.

I initially used a wrapped Bytes stream for this but it was much slower as it polls for every byte. The above BufferedBytesStream is a tweaked version of this.

The streams lines and split on BufRead work (except for keeping the delimiters) but are an issue as a file could be on one line, therefore most of the request would be put in memory.

amatveiakin commented 1 year ago

In the meantime, would it make sense to update Request.body_form documentation to mention that the form must be in “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” format rather than “multipart/form-data”?

It's really easy to accidentally get a form in multipart format if sending data from JS, because FormData is always encoded as “multipart/form-data”. And tide error message is quite unhelpful, so it can take some time to debug.

yungcomputerchair commented 1 month ago

I just ran into this while porting my Flask app to Tide. I agree that the docs should really have some indication of this restriction as it would have saved me a lot of debugging.