http4s / blaze

Blazing fast NIO microframework and Http Parser
Apache License 2.0
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NPE under load #80

Open cquiroz opened 7 years ago

cquiroz commented 7 years ago

I did some stress testing using web sockets and I get a NullPointerException sometimes.

edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR]    at org.http4s.blaze.util.BufferTools$.go$3(BufferTools.scala:194)
edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR]    at org.http4s.blaze.util.BufferTools$.areDirectOrEmpty(BufferTools.scala:202)
edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR]    at$SocketChannelHead.performWrite(NIO1SocketServerGroup.scala:221)
edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR]    at
edu_gemini_seqexec_web_server[ERROR]    at

I'm testing this using http4s version 0.16.x and running several simultaneous clients using artillery

ChristopherDavenport commented 7 years ago

This seems likely considering error rates seen in the TechEmpower benchmarks for both Http4s and Blaze. Just had never been able to reproduce locally.

cquiroz commented 7 years ago

Maybe I can reproduce my test with a minimal example, let me try to get that done soon

bryce-anderson commented 7 years ago

I wonder if at high load write interests are leaking through even after a socket has been unregistered interest in the write operation. If so, would end up with a null.

cquiroz commented 7 years ago

I can reproduce it agains http4s' BlazeWebSocketExample running from sbt using artillery and the configuration file below with the command

artillery run wsstress.yml

Note that I see the NPE on the release-0.16.x branch but not on master


  target: "ws://localhost:8080/http4s/ws"
      duration: 120
      arrivalRate: 50
      rampTo: 100
    # Ignore SSL certificate errors
    # - useful in *development* with self-signed certs
    rejectUnauthorized: false
    engine: "ws"
        send: "hello"
        think: 1
        send: "world"