httprb / http

HTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) - a fast Ruby HTTP client with a chainable API, streaming support, and timeouts
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FrozenError on Ruby 3.0.0 #640

Closed TeroPihlaja closed 3 years ago

TeroPihlaja commented 3 years ago

http gem 3.3.0 running on Ruby 3.0.0 seems to be causing FrozenError: can't modify frozen String: "" exception in the following case:

.../gems/http-3.3.0/lib/http/response/body.rb:52:in `force_encoding'
.../gems/http-3.3.0/lib/http/response/body.rb:52:in `to_s'
.../gems/http-3.3.0/lib/http/response.rb:92:in `flush'

I was checking the reason for this error and it sseems to be caused by the following lines:

@contents   ="").force_encoding(@encoding)
@contents << chunk.force_encoding(@encoding)

Also same pattern repeats in master so I believe that is also affected (but did not test):

TeroPihlaja commented 3 years ago

Seems to already be fixed in 4.4.1. Closing issue.